Our newsletter has just been sent by email to our members and friends. In this moonth's newsletter we highlight that the Summer Solstice and the Full Moon are happening on the same day this year! And that our plans for our Full Moon ceremonies on Tara and Vienna have changed this moonth. You can read the full newsletter at this link.
This years Summer Solstice is on Friday the 21st of June but its a special one as it is accompanied by the Full Moon rising as far South as it can. The diagram below shows this Major Full Moon Standstill. It might all look and sound very complicated but try to understand it this way - when the Sun shines into Newgrange at winter time it is because the Sun is at its most southerly rising point on the eastern horizon, well on this Summer Solstice the Full Moon will rise even further South than the rising Sun can ever reach. A unique event creating a 19 year cycle of the Sun and Moon. This completes the MOON'S STANDSTILL CYCLE that we honoured on Tara on the Solstice Full Moon of 2005. A huge gathering joined us and worked with us in a ceremony to honour the Fullness of the Moon on the shortest night.
Bear in mind that our ancestors honored the cycle of the Sun and Moon and Stars and that this 19 year cycle would have been very well known to them, the ancestors would have honored this special event and we will too. There's a change to the usual plans for our Full Moon ceremonies on Tara and in Vienna, please email Ard Druí Red John or Ard Druí Karl to request an invitation. Here at the Celtic Druid Temple we have a members and friends only high noon gathering at Temple Crom and our usual 8pm gathering to honour the cycles of the Full Moon, please contact us by email if you wish to join us. |
January 2025