The Druí of Celtic Druid Temple will celebrate the Full Moon this Thursday the 17th of October at 8pm. These ceremonies are free and open to all, you just need to email the facilitator before hand. We’ll be celebrating Celtic New Year aka Samhain on the 1st of November this year, full info and lots more in this month's newsletter here.
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There are Four Royal Stars that set the timing for Imbolg, Beltine, Lughnasa agus Samhain. This is not interpolation, it is not 4 commercial bank holy days, not aligned with an alien church calendar either - these four sacred festivals align with a Star+Sun+Moon setting. For Samhain the Royal Star is commonly known as Antares in Scorpio - we do not have Scorpions in Ireland - the shape of the constellation looks very like a Salmon... The Four Royal Stars are shown in RED. We do not have existing old Irish names available to us but we know where the four stars are and what they symbolize and Con has identified the characteristics with which these four stars can be seen as sacred animals in the Realm of Sky. It becomes easier to understand when you see the comparative size chart below - Antares (flick of the tail) is a HUGE star. When the Sun and Dark Moon are aligned at 3-7* below the western horizon and the star Antares is 1-3* above the same horizon Antares becomes visible in the twilight for a short period, then it disappears under the horizon. It is how our Ancestors determined Samhain.
February 2025