At the start of the longest night of the year the setting Sun aligns up with a four stone row as it sits into a 'saddle' or dip in the holy mountain as seen from the ancient complex at Annagh-Kildangan in Co Mayo. The complex of monuments at Annagh Kildangan is now only just above the waterline but in its day it was a Druí monastery on the north side of Croagh Crom / the Reek and it was dry because it was high above the high tide. The complex was serviced by sea lanes and shore tracks, has a 4 standing stone alignment, a stone circle and is enclosed by a raised bank - its on the Clew Bay trail for tourists, never been excavated and access is easy.
Pics from our Full Moon Ceremony I went for a lovely walk in our young forest today. Here are some pics...........
We're looking for willing and enthusiastic helpers from September 17th -21st. If your looking for some fresh air, clean living, organic food and good honest outdoor work then this volunteer call maybe for you. We have a huge amount of space here and rely heavily on volunteers to help us maintain the Temple, the herb garden, the medieval fort, the list goes on. We are so lucky and privileged to live here. Spending some time here may help you gain a holistic understanding and connection to the land, sea and sky through sharing the Celtic Druid appreciation of Nature. You'll get an introduction to permaculture principals, experience off grid electricity generation, natural reed bed sewage treatment systems, forest gardening principals and techniques.
More details here Would you like to hear a story? This is a story that came to me one day whilst standing in the rain enjoying the drops falling on my face. I went into a sort of trance and started whispering words that turned into a story that was told through me from start to finish. It's a sad story, it's a very sad story, it's also a long story, are you sure you want to hear it? It's about Gods from along time ago and how they became Dragons. The good part is, even though it's a sad story there is still a chance for it to change, if you want it to. Here's my story:
The magic is not outside of you to be called at will. It is inside, deep inside you where the true God lies. You see reflections of this in nature, in the sacred pools, the mountains, the clouds, the sea. You reflect the beauty and peace of nature. Nature reflects you.
Grá Niamh |
September 2024