From The Heart
1.My Journey and Tara
Tara has revealed to me many aspects of herself and many teachings to me over the last twelve years or so. My connection to the scared hill in the heartland of Meath has been a constant companion during that time. That connection has in turn sparked a renewed Grá for the land of my birth, a connection that I and possibly many of my generation did not / do not appreciate.
I returned to Ireland in 2000 after living, working & playing in London for twelve years. We started a search for a place to live and were drawn to Navan where we eventually settled. At the time I did not realize that we were moving to a county so steeped in history & mystery with Tara, Loughcrew/Sliabh na Callighe, Hill of Tlachtga on our doorstep.
I can’t recall my first visit to the Hill of Tara, which seems strange as my first sight of Newgrange is still very vivid in my memory to this day. I still remember arriving at the old visitor centre with my family, I was probably about 9 or 10 at the time, the centre was just closing, and I stood on the wall near the old toilet block looking over the hedge at the giant cairn at Bru na Boinne (Newgrange). I was awe struck. I can’t recall if I ever visited Tara as a child, all I know is that I feel that she always was and is part of me.
I feel that my growth & journey as a Lightworker has been intertwined with my connection to Tara. The journey that was sparked by many incidents, two come to mind. Firstly a friend having his “knees rubbed” as he called it (getting knees rubbed was actually a Reiki treatment). This started my interest in energy healing. Secondly, just before returning to Ireland I completed a unit on ecological building which was part of a wider Agenda 21 course. The course made me realize that there was another way of living, seeding an interest in permaculture, divining, free flow forms to name a few.
My Journey and Tara
I returned to Ireland with a thirst to find a new way life, a new path & to connect with the sacred. The connection to the sacred began with connecting with Tara. While all our experiences in our lives make us who we are and bring us to certain points & teachings on our journey through this life. The challenge is to realize & appreciate these teachings, to learn and expand ourselves with them. This twelve year section of my life journey has been an enriching experience, because at times I have actually managed to realize the lessons to learn. However most of the time we only realize the lesson after the fact and hopefully we don’t keep making the same mistakes again & again before we appreciate the lessons being presented to us. The journey is not a linear but one here at this time.
Tara has become an anchor for me on this journey. From the time I started to visit Tara I felt something deep inside that I could not explain. This feeling expanded once I started to attend the Full Moon ceremony’s on the hill. This helped me to connect to the moon cycle of the year rather that following the mundane twelve month calendar. I started to notice the different energies within me & around me from Moon to Moon. This manifested itself in various ways, the most notable being when visiting the Fairy Tree* on Tara. For me the energy around the tree shifts during the moon cycle, for example around the new moon I feel she is not as open & welcoming as say just after the full moon. The energy field around her expands and contracts with the seasons as well. Now at Beltine her energy field is big & vibrant. Soon she will be in flower and will be a glowing beacon of Light on the hill.
Standing on the hill is an interesting experience as you are exposed to the elements and as the saying goes you get to “experience four seasons in one night”. Hence the advice, dress in layers. But standing out in the elements you begin to notice the change in seasons and appreciate that which is around you. I marked the change of seasons by following the Eightfold Celtic calendar. As we are now at Beltine, the next Full Moon will be held with the Sun still in the sky. Summer has come.
I feel something start to build within on the morning of a full moon ceremony, a feeling of anticipation. The whole day it sits there building within me. The moment I set foot through the gate onto the Hill, that feeling of anticipation is gone and it is replaced with a feeling of coming home.
We have had many discussions standing on the Hill after ceremony, one of the questions that pop up on a regular basis is why do we do ceremony. I do ceremony because I can, but I do it primarily for myself. It is an added bonus when I am standing in circle with friends & strangers alike. We all participate in that ceremony creating a ball of Light and sending it out to the hearts of all who are open and willing to receive it.
To End I will share an experience I had on Tara with some friends towards the end of February 2012 -
I was doing some work with a group in Navan, to end the day we decided to visit on of the wells on Tara. It was a nice visit; we all took our time & connected with the energy of the well, the water & underground streams. As we were finishing up I had an urge to go up on the hill, at the same time another member said he was going up on the hill & did anyone want to join him. In the end five of us decide to go head up the hill.
As we walked through the gate, we felt the need to stop and ask for permission to enter. As we proceeded onto the gravel path I felt something shift inside, I felt tightness in my solar plexus. The temperature seemed to drop (even for Tara it became cold) and a mist gathered around us on the hill. We walked directly towards the Banqueting Hall (the ceremonial entrance to Tara). It felt as though the ancestors were gathering & lining up along the banqueting hall. As we walked along the side of the banqueting Hall we could feel the energy of a Great Dragon, someone said they felt as we were walking along the Dragons back.
We were drawn to the Rath of the Synods. As we stood on one of the small mounds, engulfed in a chest high mist, I felt that the spirits of our ancestors were coming out of the earth, out of the very essence of the Tara, ready to stand with us, be with us and share their knowledge.
I felt an energy move through me, as though I was going through some form of initiation, the filaments of my energy field, my aura, my whole being stretched & pulled, being reorganised & rearranged. I felt a Dragon come up through me; a fire was ignited in my heart. As one of the group gave a monologue of what they felt/saw, in my mind’s eye I saw Dragons flying out of the west, their fiery breath, cleansing the land before them. I have a sense of rebirth & renewal from the Dragon’s Breath.
And then it was gone, we walked back down to the Car park in silence. At the gate we took a moment & gave thanks to Tara and our ancestors.
One of the women was moved to tears when sharing her experience the following day. She said the experience was so beautiful and if felt so real.
*Traditionally in Ireland, Fairy Trees are hawthorns. There are many hawthorns on the Hill of Tara and many of them that people consider to be Fairy Trees. For me the Fairy tree is a lone Hawthorn located on the Western slopes of Tara.
Red John McCormac, Ard Druí, Beltine 2012
Red John hosts the full moon ceremonies on Tara (free and open to all)
Tara has become an anchor for me on this journey. From the time I started to visit Tara I felt something deep inside that I could not explain. This feeling expanded once I started to attend the Full Moon ceremony’s on the hill. This helped me to connect to the moon cycle of the year rather that following the mundane twelve month calendar. I started to notice the different energies within me & around me from Moon to Moon. This manifested itself in various ways, the most notable being when visiting the Fairy Tree* on Tara. For me the energy around the tree shifts during the moon cycle, for example around the new moon I feel she is not as open & welcoming as say just after the full moon. The energy field around her expands and contracts with the seasons as well. Now at Beltine her energy field is big & vibrant. Soon she will be in flower and will be a glowing beacon of Light on the hill.
Standing on the hill is an interesting experience as you are exposed to the elements and as the saying goes you get to “experience four seasons in one night”. Hence the advice, dress in layers. But standing out in the elements you begin to notice the change in seasons and appreciate that which is around you. I marked the change of seasons by following the Eightfold Celtic calendar. As we are now at Beltine, the next Full Moon will be held with the Sun still in the sky. Summer has come.
I feel something start to build within on the morning of a full moon ceremony, a feeling of anticipation. The whole day it sits there building within me. The moment I set foot through the gate onto the Hill, that feeling of anticipation is gone and it is replaced with a feeling of coming home.
We have had many discussions standing on the Hill after ceremony, one of the questions that pop up on a regular basis is why do we do ceremony. I do ceremony because I can, but I do it primarily for myself. It is an added bonus when I am standing in circle with friends & strangers alike. We all participate in that ceremony creating a ball of Light and sending it out to the hearts of all who are open and willing to receive it.
To End I will share an experience I had on Tara with some friends towards the end of February 2012 -
I was doing some work with a group in Navan, to end the day we decided to visit on of the wells on Tara. It was a nice visit; we all took our time & connected with the energy of the well, the water & underground streams. As we were finishing up I had an urge to go up on the hill, at the same time another member said he was going up on the hill & did anyone want to join him. In the end five of us decide to go head up the hill.
As we walked through the gate, we felt the need to stop and ask for permission to enter. As we proceeded onto the gravel path I felt something shift inside, I felt tightness in my solar plexus. The temperature seemed to drop (even for Tara it became cold) and a mist gathered around us on the hill. We walked directly towards the Banqueting Hall (the ceremonial entrance to Tara). It felt as though the ancestors were gathering & lining up along the banqueting hall. As we walked along the side of the banqueting Hall we could feel the energy of a Great Dragon, someone said they felt as we were walking along the Dragons back.
We were drawn to the Rath of the Synods. As we stood on one of the small mounds, engulfed in a chest high mist, I felt that the spirits of our ancestors were coming out of the earth, out of the very essence of the Tara, ready to stand with us, be with us and share their knowledge.
I felt an energy move through me, as though I was going through some form of initiation, the filaments of my energy field, my aura, my whole being stretched & pulled, being reorganised & rearranged. I felt a Dragon come up through me; a fire was ignited in my heart. As one of the group gave a monologue of what they felt/saw, in my mind’s eye I saw Dragons flying out of the west, their fiery breath, cleansing the land before them. I have a sense of rebirth & renewal from the Dragon’s Breath.
And then it was gone, we walked back down to the Car park in silence. At the gate we took a moment & gave thanks to Tara and our ancestors.
One of the women was moved to tears when sharing her experience the following day. She said the experience was so beautiful and if felt so real.
*Traditionally in Ireland, Fairy Trees are hawthorns. There are many hawthorns on the Hill of Tara and many of them that people consider to be Fairy Trees. For me the Fairy tree is a lone Hawthorn located on the Western slopes of Tara.
Red John McCormac, Ard Druí, Beltine 2012
Red John hosts the full moon ceremonies on Tara (free and open to all)
I recently read that our aura/energy bodies extend 27 feet in each direction. When you begin to think about this, you begin to realise that we are connecting with all aspects of this reality on an energetic level 24/7. Most people are not aware of this connection, as they may not be open to it for many reasons such as lack of knowledge, fear, or just happy to stay in their own bubble. I find that this energy body connection is particularly heightened at certain times i.e. during ceremony. During ceremony likeminded people gather for many reasons, it may be to hold space, to honour something or someone, to hold the light, or just to be. Sometimes this connection becomes very strong which can result in a physical connection.
At our Full Moon Ceremony on Tara in June 2012 we were joined by two men. One of the men seemed familiar to me, but I could not place him. As we idly chatted while people gathered for our ceremony, the man said his name was Carl and that he was from Austria, he mentioned he had stood with us on the Hill about a year previous. But I still could not place him.
We started the ceremony. As is the usual case we go around the group in a clockwise direction giving each person the opportunity to say their name and a few words if they feel so inclined. When it came to Carl’s turn, he said his name and put his hand in his pocket and took out a stone, he said he had got it at the full moon ceremony he had attend in June 2011. He placed the stone in the centre of the circle; with a “Sin é” (‘that’s it’ in Irish). As he placed the stone on the ground the memory of that night and ceremony came flooding back to me.
As the group completed the circle, I turned to Carl and told him that as he placed the stone on the ground I had remembered him and his last trip to Tara. I asked if I could share his story of the stone, to which he nodded.
At our Full Moon Ceremony on Tara in June 2012 we were joined by two men. One of the men seemed familiar to me, but I could not place him. As we idly chatted while people gathered for our ceremony, the man said his name was Carl and that he was from Austria, he mentioned he had stood with us on the Hill about a year previous. But I still could not place him.
We started the ceremony. As is the usual case we go around the group in a clockwise direction giving each person the opportunity to say their name and a few words if they feel so inclined. When it came to Carl’s turn, he said his name and put his hand in his pocket and took out a stone, he said he had got it at the full moon ceremony he had attend in June 2011. He placed the stone in the centre of the circle; with a “Sin é” (‘that’s it’ in Irish). As he placed the stone on the ground the memory of that night and ceremony came flooding back to me.
As the group completed the circle, I turned to Carl and told him that as he placed the stone on the ground I had remembered him and his last trip to Tara. I asked if I could share his story of the stone, to which he nodded.
In the car park on Tara prior to the Full Moon Ceremony on June 2011 I met a young lady called Jess. I have known Jess for a number of years and have stood in ceremony with her on occasion. She told me she had just returned from a holiday in Lanzarote, a Spanish island of volcanic origin situated in the Atlantic Ocean approximately 125 km off the coast of Africa. She told me about her holiday and what a fantastic trip it had been. She then showed me a stone she had got on the island; it was a beautiful volcanic stone a little bit bigger than the size of a fist. Jess had got the stone at the el-golfo-green-lake she told me that there were several stones, on a table, laid out with a donation box, and you could take a stone and leave one or two Euro. She had been drawn to and had chosen this stone. On examining it, I saw it was an open rock, so part of it might be still on Lanzarote or may have travelled to another part of the world. Jess told me she felt she had a strong connection to this volcanic stone & that her intention was to keep it forever.
In the car park on Tara prior to the Full Moon Ceremony on June 2011 I met a young lady called Jess. I have known Jess for a number of years and have stood in ceremony with her on occasion. She told me she had just returned from a holiday in Lanzarote, a Spanish island of volcanic origin situated in the Atlantic Ocean approximately 125 km off the coast of Africa. She told me about her holiday and what a fantastic trip it had been. She then showed me a stone she had got on the island; it was a beautiful volcanic stone a little bit bigger than the size of a fist. Jess had got the stone at the el-golfo-green-lake she told me that there were several stones, on a table, laid out with a donation box, and you could take a stone and leave one or two Euro. She had been drawn to and had chosen this stone. On examining it, I saw it was an open rock, so part of it might be still on Lanzarote or may have travelled to another part of the world. Jess told me she felt she had a strong connection to this volcanic stone & that her intention was to keep it forever.
Lave Rock
At the time we were using stones as a focus to our full moon ceremony. These stones were then deposited at the Ancestral Memorial Cairn at Collierstown. People from the four corners of this world have visited Tara and have brought stones to these ceremonies and their energy and intentions are now resting with their stones on the Ancestral Memorial Cairn.
As normal we gathered, as it was a good night by Irish summer standards and there was a larger than normal group on the Hill for ceremony. Following a short dedication we went around the circle and each person introduced themselves, some saying just their name and where they were from, while others talked about the joy of being able to visit Tara and stand in ceremony. Carl was one of the last people to speak; he told us he was from Austria and had visited Ireland many times, he also talked about his love for Tara. He took a stone out of his pocket and added it to the other stones in the centre of our circle. He told us that he had carried it from his homeland and it had a special significance to him.
We held our ceremony which had a strong feeling of oneness. We finished by throwing our ball of light out to the universe with the intention of sending it to the hearts of those who are one to and wish to receive the light. We grounded any excess energy and broke into idle chit-chat.
As people started to make their way down to the car park Jess came to say goodbye. As she came over to me she said I just gave my Lanzorte stone away. She said that she had got talking to Carl, and during the conversation had a strong urge to give him her stone. I joked saying is that the stone you were never going to giveaway and keep forever. “Yup” she replied. She followed a gut feeling, which ended with her swapping stones with Carl.
And now a year later Carl and this stone had returned to Tara. I asked Carl if he wished to add anything to the story, he didn’t. However after the ceremony Carl shared with me, that this stone had become very special to him, he was using it as the focus for his Full Moon Ceremony, and that it made his connection to Tara even stronger and more special due to the journey the stone made to find him. He also shared with me some of his personal experiences that have enriched his life since he received the stone.
The following day I emailed Jess to relay the story to her. She replied saying “Would you believe I still have the stone he gave me in exchange?”
Connections come in many forms sometimes expected, usually unexpected. Cherish each connection, feed it and allow it to grow. Then let it see where it takes you and be open to the teaching that follows.
Red John McCormack, Ard Druí, Lughnasa 2012
At the time we were using stones as a focus to our full moon ceremony. These stones were then deposited at the Ancestral Memorial Cairn at Collierstown. People from the four corners of this world have visited Tara and have brought stones to these ceremonies and their energy and intentions are now resting with their stones on the Ancestral Memorial Cairn.
As normal we gathered, as it was a good night by Irish summer standards and there was a larger than normal group on the Hill for ceremony. Following a short dedication we went around the circle and each person introduced themselves, some saying just their name and where they were from, while others talked about the joy of being able to visit Tara and stand in ceremony. Carl was one of the last people to speak; he told us he was from Austria and had visited Ireland many times, he also talked about his love for Tara. He took a stone out of his pocket and added it to the other stones in the centre of our circle. He told us that he had carried it from his homeland and it had a special significance to him.
We held our ceremony which had a strong feeling of oneness. We finished by throwing our ball of light out to the universe with the intention of sending it to the hearts of those who are one to and wish to receive the light. We grounded any excess energy and broke into idle chit-chat.
As people started to make their way down to the car park Jess came to say goodbye. As she came over to me she said I just gave my Lanzorte stone away. She said that she had got talking to Carl, and during the conversation had a strong urge to give him her stone. I joked saying is that the stone you were never going to giveaway and keep forever. “Yup” she replied. She followed a gut feeling, which ended with her swapping stones with Carl.
And now a year later Carl and this stone had returned to Tara. I asked Carl if he wished to add anything to the story, he didn’t. However after the ceremony Carl shared with me, that this stone had become very special to him, he was using it as the focus for his Full Moon Ceremony, and that it made his connection to Tara even stronger and more special due to the journey the stone made to find him. He also shared with me some of his personal experiences that have enriched his life since he received the stone.
The following day I emailed Jess to relay the story to her. She replied saying “Would you believe I still have the stone he gave me in exchange?”
Connections come in many forms sometimes expected, usually unexpected. Cherish each connection, feed it and allow it to grow. Then let it see where it takes you and be open to the teaching that follows.
Red John McCormack, Ard Druí, Lughnasa 2012
3.The inherent darkness of Syncretic philosophy
Before the essay – a few notes to get things set right - 1 This essay is written with a declared purpose to preserve, protect and nurture our unique Gaelic Culture and Celtic Heritage from dilution or blurring. More on this at Ord na Druí at 2 Syncretism – is the attempted reconciliation or union or combining of different and often contradictory beliefs of blatantly different and opposing principles, practices, or parties, as in philosophy or religion. 3 Philosophy - is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with reality, existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, language, spirituality and religion etc. 4 Inherent darkness - has a built-in smothering and or diluting of the Light of Truth by its nature, design and hidden agenda and intention. 5 Alternative spirituality / religion – are two different things: spirituality is about higher self awareness being expressed as a way of living; religion is organized ritual usually with a hierarchy who seek to operate as your intermediaries with the God / Goddess / Source. So please read this essay with these notes in mind)
The inherent darkness in Syncretic Philosophy
Syncretic Philosophy is common today in most paths, practices and ‘new age’ ways of thinking. The first recorded use of the word ‘syncretism’ dates to 1840 and it’s not a word most people hear or use very often. It is not a concept from ‘Celtic’ awareness traditions. Instead it’s a modern notion that is being persistently pushed on to the English speaking alternative spirituality / religion world as ‘right-thinking’. To a great extent it’s now expressed in core beliefs of most non-mainstream religions etc.
The effects of this Syncretic Philosophy agenda are spectacularly successful with the huge numbers who unknowingly accept and support its concepts. It creates darkness and dilution and blurring of reality by clever abuse of the written word. This is best explained by a few analogies – little stories I often use to help people and students to gain extra perspectives so they can make their own informed choices instead of having to swallow the syncretic philosophy in the words of spin doctors…
I like my Whiskey straight. Now, I don’t drink much Whiskey but I do occasionally enjoy a sup of natural whiskey – also known in Ireland as Poteen. My favorite is local Poteen made with Honey and not sugar. There are a few reasons why I prefer local Honey Poteen –there’s no government tax paid on it, the person I get it from is the person who makes it so its quality assured, it’s not mixed or blended with other liquids. Now if I’m in company and I’m offered a blended whiskey I’ll always say no. If I’m at a pub or hotel and I ask for a ‘brand’ whiskey I’ll never use water or ice made from water that our corrupt government have poisoned with chlorine or fluoride. Now at the same time I don’t get upset if others pay tax on whiskey, or if they blend it, or if they put frozen fluoride cubes into it – that’s their choice. But if students were to do such things in my company I’d feel obliged to share the above in the hope of empowering them to make informed choices regarding quality of the water of life aka uisce beatha. My suggestion is to drink only the highest quality available while ignoring blends and additives etc…
I don’t drink much tea. Comfrey tea sometimes and occasional chamomile but I often share the story of my friend’s dad and the arrival of the first tea bags. He was elderly and thought of as a bit senile but the old man knew the difference between right and wrong. One day after the first box of tea bags replaced the loose tea the following incident happened. The old man was astonished that the ‘normal’ tea was gone and in its place there were little bags of tea. He got a scissors and cut one open and poured its contents onto the table. He spoke of this later as ‘Dust’. He couldn’t believe it – he opened all the teabags and emptied them all into a heap. “Dust from the factory floor” was his measure. When his wife and son returned home he told them that they were being robbed. He said words like – “ah sure, its not tea is it? It’s what’s on the floor that could not be sold as tea so they scrape it up and have to put the left over dust into little bags so they could sell it to fools”… Yet it’s marketed as being extra good because its blended, has small particles so it releases more flavor, has a very fine (high tech) mesh bag to allow flavor through and so on – in fact it simply allows higher profits as the raw tea can be purchased cheaper and from many countries and then mixed to achieve the best profit margins… Marketing and Syncretism go hand in hand to the bank with your money… You can grow or make tea from herbs in your garden or from the wild (carefully selecting) so you don’t have to settle for dust from the floor!
At a recent outdoors gathering I saw an aluminum cooking set up being used to fry rashers and eggs. I was concerned for the health of the cook who had been sick recently and because the cook was seeking to study with me so I told the story of my daughter going deaf at an early age. She had had great school reports every time and then her report standards suddenly fell very low. Her mother told me that she wasn’t listening to anything that’s said to her. I tried a few tricks – I asked my daughter to look at my eyes when I’m speaking. She said I can’t hear you when I look at your eyes. I asked another question with my hand over my mouth. There was no reply. She had taught herself to lip read to compensate for her hearing loss, what a clever young Lady! I asked her to get something over there and I pointed to the corner of the room. This caused her to turn her back to me. While she had her back turned I said ‘do you want a fiver?’ No reply. Then I knew there was a serious hearing problem. I took her to the doctor. “Glue ear” he said after one minute with a cold detached authority attitude that ignored my little girl’s feelings. “What’s that” I asked. He replied “2 years on the waiting list or Ir£2000” (for the operation). Yeah, but what is it? Again I was ignored. He did not make eye contact or smile and show any concern.
I took my daughter to the local Acupuncture and Vega clinic. After only a few moments testing Phil kindly smiled at my little girl and asked me if she had an egg each day, if it was cooked in an aluminum pot, if the pot was pitted… Aluminum poisoning was her conclusion; it was causing wax to block the vestibular system (ear, nose and throat canal). Ir£50 (nearly 20 years ago) worth of Chinese seeds cured the deafness in less than two weeks and the pitted aluminum pot was dumped. The conventional doctor quack wanted to drill a hole and insert a drain off tap in my daughter’s ear but he had no intention or ability to stop the problem… My girl got her hearing back and with it her improved school reports – now she’s very smart and quick witted. After my sharing of this story - the man cooking the rashers and eggs said he does not use his aluminum stove and pan very much but no one at the gathering wanted any of the food he was cooking… He then said he’d sell it but I encouraged him to recycle it instead of selling cheaply to another who would then self poison….
It was a cheap buy but it was made of toxic materials. Frying is toxic too in what it does to the food and when this is done in aluminum it is double toxic and then when the food itself is most likely chemically produced so there are 3 levels of toxicity being prepared. This all sits on the idea that if it’s cheap to buy or make from scrap, if it’s based on a survival technique and its ‘different’ is ‘cool’ but – the basis for these understandings is corrupted by marketing concepts and so they sell lots of these toxic traps to the unwary. This is a classic example of syncretic blending of profitable marketing concepts.
Trees are wonderful terra-formers that make air, move water and generate fertility in the land. They live in the Three Realms with their leaves in the Sky, their trunk on the Land and their roots in the water table / Sea. The syncretic philosophy of commercial agriculture and silvaculture (tree growing) would deny Nature pride of expression and replace the beauty of individual tree species with an abomination designed by scientists and accountants. The tree that syncretic philosophy would give you would be grafted onto a rootstock. Branches would be attached to the main trunk with staples or gaff / duct tape. The leaves would have a moninsanity pesticide injected into them; the fruits would be harvested out of season and ripened with gas…. The seeds would not re-grow new trees so the cycles of Nature could now be profitably patented / exploited… This is already happening and is being marketed as great but we can choose Organic fruit and gorilla plant tree seeds everywhere you can… Even without any land you can grow a tree in a pot and tend it for the first few years and then give it to someone who also cares for Nature and has land.
Tv’ism – telly mind – robotic programming – big brother indoctrination and so on, these are the ideas that come up when watching the television is the topic for discussion. It is incredible to review the development and misuse of tv since its early black and white days. The bit I find most fascinating is that people pay to own one, pay to have a license to own one and then pay to get the channels, while at the same time they willingly lose their freedom into the BOX. George Orwell was right – his exposé of the tv controlled world is currently happening on a grand scale. In the scramble to keep the slave population entranced the tv program producers must come up with even more incredible / outrageous concepts. It’s all about ‘ratings’ which increases advertising revenue. People identify with the ‘characters’ and their needs so the ads are styled to profitably exploit this. The news is even more controlling – there are huge efforts to hide commercial exploitation of natural resources and to down play damage to the environment and at the same time to support new and exciting adventures in to profit… Truth is kept low on the agenda and if public awareness is high enough some tv truth will be allowed but always with a spin or a following story to twist the facts… There are many very clever marketing engineers / wordsmiths today who promote syncretism at many levels as if it’s the best idea instead of the Natural Order of things. Publishers encourage such absurdities, universities and industries fund research reports whose conclusions are determined by profitability long before the research has even begun. There is little or no regulation, quality control or censorship of the myriad of syncretic lies that flow unimpeded out of the media machine…. But, then again, I don’t have a tv, seldom listen to radio and only get the local free paper to start fires with so I miss out on the disinformation programming…. Because the ‘lie’ is repeated so often it is made to appear true and acceptable but it is still a lie. Dumping your tv is a great first step to reduce indoctrination of syncretic fake reality.
A senior Mason from South America asked to study the Celtic Path with me. I asked why. He listed his incredible credentials and having some knowledge of his tradition I quickly realized that he was too far down his Path to change and walk a Celtic Path. A few emails later I became aware that he simply wanted to continue his lifelong study and in so doing he just wanted to add a ‘Celtic Badge’ to his extensive study. A friend of his was very aware of the work we do here on the Celtic Way.
I had to strongly and politely advise him that the Celtic Path is not an add-on or merely philosophical but that instead it was and is a way of living. He did not get this at first, but I explained that almost all Paths can go to the same place if walked with a spiritual awareness and that he was too far down his path to suddenly begin again. He would because of his many years of Cabala study automatically filter all I could share through his existing Cabbala framework. He began to comprehend my reasoning and I encouraged him to teach a path to the Light – I’ve not heard from him since. The Cabala is strong and detailed and when used in good heart can be a connection to the Primordial Tradition but it cannot ‘add’ a Celtic Badge to it because the two paths are in themselves quite different. But the syncretic approach would mix two different traditions because it’s a pick and choose type of selective awareness that keeps you in your comfort zone reducing the enjoyment of true growth from challenge and adventure. Be sure about where you are and where you want to be before you step out on your Path – that’s the best way to actually get there!
The Celtic Path and the Buddhist Path and the First Nation’s Path are all different in many ways but they all share a core similarity. I learned this while hosting ceremony on Tara at the Fullness of the Moon. An American Indian Elder who joined us in ceremony when I asked him if he’d like to contribute politely said ‘No, you have said and done everything that I and my people would do’. All that was left to him was to smoke his pipe and to shake his rattle. A Shaolin Buddhist Sifu who had joined us at ceremony asked if he could interrupt us to say that he really felt he was with his spiritual brothers’ cause what we were saying and doing was the same as his practice. The similarity here is the link to the Primordial Tradition. All Paths can lead here but I seriously doubt that the confusion of a syncretic path has the potential to lead anywhere because all it does is to generate dilution, confusion and darkness – this in turn requires leaders or sheepherders.
I met a group of Jewish Druids once…. on Tara… They were ‘druid’ all week and Jewish on Saturdays… I could only smile as such notions. I’ve also heard of Christian Druids… It was all so Monty Python that was simply too incredible to say anything about it to them! I’ve never met any Jewish Muslims and I doubt that I ever will but how come so many people are willing to tag themselves with titles or names that are in total contradiction? Let me start by saying that the life lived by the man that catholick history records as Jesus Christ is a separate thing to the catholick church that was created in 325ad at Nicea by the Pagan Emperor of Rome. The catholick church had and has its agenda of destroying as many Pagan temples and practices as it can get away with. We have many stories of St Patrick killing Druí. Many churches are built directly on ancient temples.
Tara is a great modern example where Opus Dei has its E10m hq 'Lismullin' in the middle of Tara’s sacred valley. They caused the route of the forced M3 toll road to move away from the graves of the black friars / Dominicans that’s beside their hq and in so doing they caused the discovery and destruction of a huge woodhenge with the skeletal remains of a high status Pagan female with her dog and horse to also be disappeared.
Such a treasure from our glorious Celtic Heritage should have caused the M3 toll road to be stopped from going through the sacred valley of the Royal City of Pagan Tara. Instead – it caused police re-enforcements, political blindness, church silence, media avoidance and the ancestor remains were placed into plastic bags and are now in storage in a warehouse in Drogheda. So what did the Christian Pagans do? Or what did the Catholick Druids do? Or what did the Jewish Druids do? Nothing, why? Because servants of the church do not question or accuse or challenge, instead they seek comfort where they can and quietly hope to get a seat near their unmerciful God. How can a Catholick or a Christian also be a Pagan or a Druid? How come they don’t see that this is a total contradiction? ‘Give up yer auld sins’ and then step into the Light of freedom would be my suggestion.
At a Druid Conference in Scotland many years ago where I presented a paper I was asked to be a part of the closing ceremony. I avoided this politely by saying No and walking away very quickly. It was led by an interfaith minister of a large English ‘druid’ order. To my amazement he did a Wiccan / Masonic ceremony that he presented as Druidic. He called in 4 dragon slayers to guard the quarters / watchtowers. Yeah, this is true – he called on St George, St Michael, St Andrew and on St Patrick to protect his circle. Outside his circle (he had assistants) were the ‘druid audience’ looking in. He had created the standard exclusion zone for invocation / evocation and no one seemed to notice that he had called forth the 4 main heroes of the church who sought to destroy the Celtic Druid Dragon…. I was quietly outraged for a few minutes, and then I was relieved that I had avoided any involvement in this syncretic confusion / blurring / disinformation. Druid tradition is Celtic, it is not Wiccan or Masonic, it is not credible / possible to present as Druidic if one is invoking the 4 main dragonslayers to protect your science and art of causing change in conformity with your will now is it? He got away with it for the most part.
For me however – I say the philosophy behind his order – to mix and match and add sugar and sweetness and to dilute and blur and to corrupt truth to a hidden agenda of control… Such practices don’t give increased access to the Light or to Nature because they begin from a basis of disconnection instead of affirming and developing connection by example.
Tolerance – we are encouraged to have tolerance in today’s politically corrupt correctness. Why should we express tolerance for and to those who are consciously or unconsciously involved in destroying our Celtic culture and heritage? Where’s the tolerance they show? Should we just keep quiet or should we seek and nurture the native traditions and indigenous practices of this island? These stories can go on and on but I’d suggest that the idea of the ‘best life choices’ is to go for best quality and for purity, basic truths and healthy options and to apply this to your path as well. If it’s a syncretic path of ‘tea dust’ in an aluminum pot or a blended whiskey with fluoride cubes that ok as your choice but for me on my Celtic Path I choose differently. I’ll close this essay by suggesting that we can enjoy purity and truth without ever incorporating confused notions. We can say the emperor has no clothes on even if everyone else says ‘what a lovely suit’. We can turn the tv off and we can even get rid of it. We can reject darkness and dilution and blurring of reality by clever abuse of the written word. You can prefer Honey Poteen over blended taxed whiskeys. It’s ok to say ‘No’ to tea made from “Dust from the factory floor”. You can ignore the scientist who says it does not matter what food you eat because he or she will always eat well. The low cost of an aluminum frying pan should be your warning that it’s not for the wealthy and that it will poison you. Trees held together by man made technology are not viable except as ‘patents’ (profitable tax dodge) for their owners so avoid eating the sterile fruits that they are forced to grow. Try to avoid persons who present as tall dwarfs, skinny fattys, jewish druids, christian pagans, catholick druids, masonic druids, wiccan druids because they are suffering from chronic syncretism. They chose it and that’s ok for them but I’d suggest that if you are truly seeking the Celtic Path then I recommend that you don’t give them too much of your valuable time. Instead seek out those with a desire for true clarity of connection and add your energy, clarity and awareness to the growing Celtic Revival.
Con Connor, Ard Druí, Lughnasa 2012
4. Raising a Standing Stone
The Temple Builder Level 3 workshop does not usually include the erection of standing stone. So it came as a great surprise to find myself helping to erect a standing stone on the last day of the weekend workshop. As we went about preparing to raise this stone, I kept thinking to myself what a buzz and what energy our ancestor’s must have felt as they built the great monuments such as Newgrange.
The Temple Builder Level 3 workshop does not usually include the erection of standing stone. So it came as a great surprise to find myself helping to erect a standing stone on the last day of the weekend workshop. As we went about preparing to raise this stone, I kept thinking to myself what a buzz and what energy our ancestor’s must have felt as they built the great monuments such as Newgrange.

On the previous night we had been practicing our map divining using pendulums. Myself & Andy (the other participant) had mapped some underground streams on the Druidschool lands in Roscommon. We compared maps as we finished up for the night commenting on the similarities we had with regards to the location on the streams on each of our maps.
The next morning after warming up our physic reflexes, we set about tracking the underground stream on the land using our brass diving rods. This tracking led us through three fields, working up from the lower “Urn Field” slowly up the hill towards the Torc. As we walked up the hill toward the Torc we criss-crossed the underground stream, as we neared the Torc, I picked up another underground stream. At the foot of the Torc we took turns in walking up & down checking the position of the underground streams, of which we discovered that there were three. We followed these streams to where they met.
We took some time at the meeting point of these streams. We measured the intensity of energy of this vortex. We used our colour wheels to check the quality of energy of vortex. After measuring & checking the central point of this vortex it was marked with a stick.
Con said that this was a good position for a standing stone, and mused over where he might get a stone. I mentioned that I had noticed a stone a little bit down the hill. We went down to have a look, a decision was made to erect this stone and within ten minutes we had cleared the soil off the stone, moved it up where we intended to erect it and Andy began to dig a hole.
The next morning after warming up our physic reflexes, we set about tracking the underground stream on the land using our brass diving rods. This tracking led us through three fields, working up from the lower “Urn Field” slowly up the hill towards the Torc. As we walked up the hill toward the Torc we criss-crossed the underground stream, as we neared the Torc, I picked up another underground stream. At the foot of the Torc we took turns in walking up & down checking the position of the underground streams, of which we discovered that there were three. We followed these streams to where they met.
We took some time at the meeting point of these streams. We measured the intensity of energy of this vortex. We used our colour wheels to check the quality of energy of vortex. After measuring & checking the central point of this vortex it was marked with a stick.
Con said that this was a good position for a standing stone, and mused over where he might get a stone. I mentioned that I had noticed a stone a little bit down the hill. We went down to have a look, a decision was made to erect this stone and within ten minutes we had cleared the soil off the stone, moved it up where we intended to erect it and Andy began to dig a hole.

Wood was gathered to build a fire in the hole. This is was to bake the earth & to draw up the magnetic field. We also gathered quartz crystals and antlers to put in the hole beneath the stone before raising it.

A fire was built and lit. We gathered around the fire holding space and contemplating on the task ahead. As the fire died down and the embers charcoaled, we watched and waited for the right moment to proceed with the rest of our task. The time had come - the stone was moved beside the hole. Then quartz stone, bone and antler were added to the embers in the hole. We stood in silence for a moment before pushing the stone into the hole & standing it upright.
As the stone was held in place the socket was filled it and then compacted in around the stone, and the sod was replaced.
As the stone was held in place the socket was filled it and then compacted in around the stone, and the sod was replaced.

We stood around the stone in circle, each person in turn taking their time to give a blessing to this sacred stone.
As we turned and headed back up to the house, I turned back to look at the work we had done and I still felt a buzz of energy within me which I knew I would carry for days to come.
Red John McCormack, Ard Druí
Lughnasa 2012
As we turned and headed back up to the house, I turned back to look at the work we had done and I still felt a buzz of energy within me which I knew I would carry for days to come.
Red John McCormack, Ard Druí
Lughnasa 2012
5. Singing in the Rain
Water is much more than the chemical H20, it is the foundation and connector of all life on this planet. Water is the main ingredient in our bodies. It is the most common substance on Earth, it covers more than 70% of the surface. It is in the oceans, in the land we walk on and it is in the air we breathe. Our bodies are 70% water and our brains 90%.
“We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one” Jacques Cousteau
Water has a structure of 2 hydrogen atoms and one oxygen, the angle between the two hydrogen atoms is approximately 105 degrees. These are shifting and changing constantly, they can stretch and allow other substances to be dissolved or contained within it such as beneficial trace minerals. Water is a living substance and so cannot be fully explained by science. Just like our bodies science can tell us how many bones we have, how the different systems within us work-but simply explaining the ingredients does not give a full picture of who we are as living, breathing, conscious loving beings. It’s the same with water if we look to only use science as a tool to explore water we are limiting ourselves and our possible understandings.
The structure of water can be influenced or changed in many different ways. Viktor Schauberger, landscape healer and visionary inventor of environmentally-friendly technologies teaches us that all life forms in nature respond to each other by means of resonance.
Vicktor Schauberger aka Water Wizard
Water is much more than the chemical H20, it is the foundation and connector of all life on this planet. Water is the main ingredient in our bodies. It is the most common substance on Earth, it covers more than 70% of the surface. It is in the oceans, in the land we walk on and it is in the air we breathe. Our bodies are 70% water and our brains 90%.
“We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one” Jacques Cousteau
Water has a structure of 2 hydrogen atoms and one oxygen, the angle between the two hydrogen atoms is approximately 105 degrees. These are shifting and changing constantly, they can stretch and allow other substances to be dissolved or contained within it such as beneficial trace minerals. Water is a living substance and so cannot be fully explained by science. Just like our bodies science can tell us how many bones we have, how the different systems within us work-but simply explaining the ingredients does not give a full picture of who we are as living, breathing, conscious loving beings. It’s the same with water if we look to only use science as a tool to explore water we are limiting ourselves and our possible understandings.
The structure of water can be influenced or changed in many different ways. Viktor Schauberger, landscape healer and visionary inventor of environmentally-friendly technologies teaches us that all life forms in nature respond to each other by means of resonance.
Vicktor Schauberger aka Water Wizard
All matter has sub atomic particles in perpetual motion. The speed of this motion determines its vibratory rate, when you take this into consideration as well as the type and size of object or life form you can work out its vibrational frequency.
Vibrational frequency is what we call energy or light. Shauberger says that resonance is the quality of energetic interactions or compatibility.
We are energetically responding to our environment through resonance all the time. The quality of our own energy is therefore affected by everything we eat, drink and interact with, including places, people and objects. How many times have you walked into a room or a collection of people, where you’ve felt the collective mood-you’ve walked into a wall of tiredness, maybe everyone is sitting around complaining and you can feel the negativity in the air-it can take you down, your own energy can dip if you ‘get sucked in’. This is resonance in a harmful expression. On the other side of the coin have you known a person who can change the ‘mood’ of a room simply through their presence, maybe with a helpful word or joke they can lift the energy of the people in the room? This is resonance at work.
The pattern or structure of water can be altered through focused resonance. We as conscious Druids on a path of Light understand that water is the foundation for life and that it is continually flowing around, under and through us. We try to remain conscious of our own vibrational frequency. We exercise energetically so that we resonate harmoniously with our environment. We understand that our thoughts, our feelings our words and actions all add to our overall energy.
If we function at a high quality frequency then we can resonate in a beneficial way with our environment. If we take this focus and look at water then a practical exercise to remain conscious of this awareness is to collect your own spring water, if you cannot access a spring regularly then perhaps you could go on a pilgrimage to connect with high quality water. You could also research Viktor Schauberger and learn the techniques of energising water.
If you drink high quality water, it resonates with the water inside you (70% of the main body, 90% of your brain), helping to restructure your molecules to be healthy and strong, in turn you can resonate beneficially to other water (70% of this planet). When I collect water from our local spring, it’s already vibrating at a healthy rate, I sing and chant words of love and gratitude to the water. I am honouring and respecting the water, I am also consciously raising my own vibration rate themed with love and gratitude. When I pour a glass of water for myself or a guest I know that it is of the highest quality and that it holds love and gratitude within its structure and so the cycle continues.
Another first step in gaining your own understanding of water is to get to know water. Instead of looking out at the rain, put a rain jacket on and go outside. Where does the water collect outside the place you live and/or work, where does it go, what channels does it take, what does it pick up on the way?
Research your own drinking water. Follow its journey from source to your glass. Where does your home’s waste water go? Remember everything you flush down the toilet and spill down the sink becomes part of the cycle. What other water is around you? Are there streams or rivers nearby? What’s going on there-a lot can be understood by watching water go by in a stream. If you’re very lucky you might have access to a cave system where you could see water underground. If you have children this can be a great exploratory exercise, helping children understand water, to find the joy and healing that can come about by playing and exploring in and around water is essential for our future existence on this planet.
Ultimately the advice is to get to know the water around and inside you and experience the connection! To understand water is to love water, to love water is to protect it. Water is a fully integrated part of us, it is the link substance that creates and connects us with each other and with nature-this is not a concept, or a theory, this is real. When people say ‘we are all one’ without consciousness they have no real understanding of the basic fact that we are all water! When someone says I can feel the energy of this place- it’s their water tuning in (resonating) with the water of that place. Remember water is in the land we walk on, it’s in rocks, it’s in the air we breathe, it’s above us, below us and around us. Become conscious, wake up, embrace life, go outside and sing in the rain!
“To understand water is to understand the cosmos, the marvels of nature, and life itself” Masaru Emoto
Ard Druí Niamh Connor
Winter 2012
See also
Vibrational frequency is what we call energy or light. Shauberger says that resonance is the quality of energetic interactions or compatibility.
We are energetically responding to our environment through resonance all the time. The quality of our own energy is therefore affected by everything we eat, drink and interact with, including places, people and objects. How many times have you walked into a room or a collection of people, where you’ve felt the collective mood-you’ve walked into a wall of tiredness, maybe everyone is sitting around complaining and you can feel the negativity in the air-it can take you down, your own energy can dip if you ‘get sucked in’. This is resonance in a harmful expression. On the other side of the coin have you known a person who can change the ‘mood’ of a room simply through their presence, maybe with a helpful word or joke they can lift the energy of the people in the room? This is resonance at work.
The pattern or structure of water can be altered through focused resonance. We as conscious Druids on a path of Light understand that water is the foundation for life and that it is continually flowing around, under and through us. We try to remain conscious of our own vibrational frequency. We exercise energetically so that we resonate harmoniously with our environment. We understand that our thoughts, our feelings our words and actions all add to our overall energy.
If we function at a high quality frequency then we can resonate in a beneficial way with our environment. If we take this focus and look at water then a practical exercise to remain conscious of this awareness is to collect your own spring water, if you cannot access a spring regularly then perhaps you could go on a pilgrimage to connect with high quality water. You could also research Viktor Schauberger and learn the techniques of energising water.
If you drink high quality water, it resonates with the water inside you (70% of the main body, 90% of your brain), helping to restructure your molecules to be healthy and strong, in turn you can resonate beneficially to other water (70% of this planet). When I collect water from our local spring, it’s already vibrating at a healthy rate, I sing and chant words of love and gratitude to the water. I am honouring and respecting the water, I am also consciously raising my own vibration rate themed with love and gratitude. When I pour a glass of water for myself or a guest I know that it is of the highest quality and that it holds love and gratitude within its structure and so the cycle continues.
Another first step in gaining your own understanding of water is to get to know water. Instead of looking out at the rain, put a rain jacket on and go outside. Where does the water collect outside the place you live and/or work, where does it go, what channels does it take, what does it pick up on the way?
Research your own drinking water. Follow its journey from source to your glass. Where does your home’s waste water go? Remember everything you flush down the toilet and spill down the sink becomes part of the cycle. What other water is around you? Are there streams or rivers nearby? What’s going on there-a lot can be understood by watching water go by in a stream. If you’re very lucky you might have access to a cave system where you could see water underground. If you have children this can be a great exploratory exercise, helping children understand water, to find the joy and healing that can come about by playing and exploring in and around water is essential for our future existence on this planet.
Ultimately the advice is to get to know the water around and inside you and experience the connection! To understand water is to love water, to love water is to protect it. Water is a fully integrated part of us, it is the link substance that creates and connects us with each other and with nature-this is not a concept, or a theory, this is real. When people say ‘we are all one’ without consciousness they have no real understanding of the basic fact that we are all water! When someone says I can feel the energy of this place- it’s their water tuning in (resonating) with the water of that place. Remember water is in the land we walk on, it’s in rocks, it’s in the air we breathe, it’s above us, below us and around us. Become conscious, wake up, embrace life, go outside and sing in the rain!
“To understand water is to understand the cosmos, the marvels of nature, and life itself” Masaru Emoto
Ard Druí Niamh Connor
Winter 2012
See also
6. Walking Your Talk
Here at Druidschool we specialise at guiding people on their paths of personal transformation. We do this through a distinct framework of understandings. We call this framework the Path of the Celtic Druid or Slí an Druí in Irish.
“Modern Celtic Druidism is a path to knowing yourself, to know where you came from, to connect with and activate your incarnational potential, to discover the secrets of the universe, to understand Love, to be happily at One with the Source.” (Spirit Focus words by Con Connor)
This is essay is about walking your talk, how to practically lead a spiritual life.
There are many misconceptions in the world today as to what a Druid is and was. Propaganda of the past has muddied the waters of clarity. Today people debate over points that were written down hundreds of years ago by people who were not Druids. They argue over definitions, they make assumptions and pronouncements based on flimsy historical secondary evidence.
I work from an understanding that all cultures in the past had certain people who lived a spiritually focused life and who guided the members of their community on their spiritual path. Ireland had people like this and somewhere along the line the word Druid has got attached to them.
Today, we humans are still a spiritual people even though our communities no longer resemble those of the past. We live our lives very differently from our ancestors; we have different shelters, food, clothing and ways of living together. How we express ourselves spiritually has changed over time too. To be a Modern Celtic Druid you don’t need to be descendant from an unbroken magical lineage, you don’t have to study a syllabus of poems and songs for 20 years, you certainly should not be aiming towards being a priest-you’re soul goal is to live life to your fullest potential and live in harmony with the land, sea, sky and all that’s in it.
To be 100% alive in the 21st century we need to wake up, look around us and understand the world today.
Ard Druí Niamh - Sky salute on Tara
Here at Druidschool we specialise at guiding people on their paths of personal transformation. We do this through a distinct framework of understandings. We call this framework the Path of the Celtic Druid or Slí an Druí in Irish.
“Modern Celtic Druidism is a path to knowing yourself, to know where you came from, to connect with and activate your incarnational potential, to discover the secrets of the universe, to understand Love, to be happily at One with the Source.” (Spirit Focus words by Con Connor)
This is essay is about walking your talk, how to practically lead a spiritual life.
There are many misconceptions in the world today as to what a Druid is and was. Propaganda of the past has muddied the waters of clarity. Today people debate over points that were written down hundreds of years ago by people who were not Druids. They argue over definitions, they make assumptions and pronouncements based on flimsy historical secondary evidence.
I work from an understanding that all cultures in the past had certain people who lived a spiritually focused life and who guided the members of their community on their spiritual path. Ireland had people like this and somewhere along the line the word Druid has got attached to them.
Today, we humans are still a spiritual people even though our communities no longer resemble those of the past. We live our lives very differently from our ancestors; we have different shelters, food, clothing and ways of living together. How we express ourselves spiritually has changed over time too. To be a Modern Celtic Druid you don’t need to be descendant from an unbroken magical lineage, you don’t have to study a syllabus of poems and songs for 20 years, you certainly should not be aiming towards being a priest-you’re soul goal is to live life to your fullest potential and live in harmony with the land, sea, sky and all that’s in it.
To be 100% alive in the 21st century we need to wake up, look around us and understand the world today.
Ard Druí Niamh - Sky salute on Tara
Spirituality is not a fantasy or a place for escape, buying a few crystals or lighting a candle when you remember it’s a festival day is not a spiritual practice. Walking the path is a continual process, you don’t do a three year course get the certificate and then you’re done, it’s a lifelong practice of choice and personal responsibility. It’s tough, it’s hard and full of challenges and reality checks, it’s a self disciplined path of transformation.
If you are going to claim the label of Druid or magical light worker of this land, sea and sky then do so with a lot of serious thought. When you get over the thinking part you have to get to the living part, the feeling, the experiencing, and the learning (and by this I don’t mean book learning). So many people today seem to believe that to be a Druid you must know all the old myths, know all the list of Gods and Goddesses and they get stuck there in book learning, trying to find the right list, trying to put the pantheon together and decide which one to worship.
A Celtic Druid on a spiritual path of transformation does not worship, they honour. They do not seek to ‘pray’ to a higher being to fix their world; they connect with their higher selves and sort out their own crap.
Many people think Druids are all about the trees, so they read about trees, learn of various different tree calendars, they google, they youtube, they write poetry and songs about trees. The true magic of the Druid is to get to know a tree, this must be done physically. Using technological resources can help us to get to know ‘about’ trees, facts and figures etc but you have to go outside and learn through experience what a tree is, what it needs, how it expresses itself and how we can connect with it. Druids are all about the oak and the mistletoe or so they say..... mistletoe is not native to Ireland and doesn’t grow well here, it’s not central to anything Irish let alone a core belief of a spiritual path, the oak is mighty and wonderful but what about the hazel? Just because it was written down hundreds of years ago does not mean it was accurate or relevant for today. Would you watch CNN news to find out the truth of how people are living in Iraq today? If you’re going to walk a Druid path you must learn to be critical and analytical and seek the truth of everything including yourself, in fact it can only start with yourself. What are your personal morals and ethics that you live by do you practice these in the physical world?
We live in harmony with the land. This is so much easier to say than to actually do. What does it mean to live in harmony with the land? You first have to get to know the land. You can’t do this in front of a screen or a book you have to spend a lot of time outside listening, watching, smelling, feeling and tasting. Going for a walk plugged in to music (even if it’s Bach!) is not getting to know the land - that’s just exercising. You wouldn’t get to know someone just by reading about them you have to spend time interacting with that person to get a sense of who they are. It’s the same with nature, you can know a lot ‘about’ nature but are you interacting with nature?
We are environmentally conscious.... another easier said than done statement. The list is exhausting....pharmaceuticals, diesel, petrol, oil, plastic, pesticides, insecticides, gm food........ Unless our whole system changes it is impossible to live in a world without some of these, some you can eliminate from your life immediately others are more difficult, but the key is to become aware of them and to start looking for alternatives. If you’re living the life of a Druid then you must teach or lead by example and you have to start with yourself and your immediate surroundings.
We are all connected.....then why would you try to hurt somebody else, lots of ‘new age’ spiritual people are into crystals, few seem to be aware of the path the crystal travels and how it gets made. Often the crystal was blasted out of its parent rock (not a good start energetically) and then in some places in the world the crystals are harvested and processed through child labour. A Celtic Druid on a true spiritual path will go on their own pilgrimage to find a sacred rock, they will not buy it in a shop.
There are some common threads between people on spiritual paths, they believe in a connection to a higher source, they seek to live in harmony with the land, they recognise and honour the cycles of time and the cycles of living, death and rebirth. They are aware of energy and seek to understand the flow. The point that I’m trying to make with this essay is that too often people just say these statements of belief but don’t put them into practice.
Some people like to agree with these statements but they see them as abstract and unattainable. Often people file the whole concept of spirituality into their fantasy world. They imagine they will get superpowers if they become a Druid, they’ll be able to see in to the future, talk to animals, commune with the spirit world, the fairies, the elementals. Those skills and abilities do exist but to be able to talk with a spirit elemental I reckon you need to be completely calm, in tune, and have dedicated yourself to practicing the skill for a very long time. I don’t think you can do it on a weekend workshop or on a Friday night with your friends in the forest instead of going to the pub.
A spiritual practice is really a practical one that is evidenced in how you live your life, from the choices you make about what you clothe your body in, to where you source your food to how you interact with other people and society.
Some tips and questions for you:
Be awe inspired by nature-spend time outside, look up, down and around you at all seasons, at night and during the day.
Get the physical basics of living right; - assess your water, food, clothing, fuel and shelter. Make what changes you can, but push yourself, be ruthless don’t allow your ego to cloud your discernment.
Look after your physical health and your mental health; understand the intrinsic link between the two. Look at your self-talk, your thought patterns; - what do you need to discard what do you need more of?
A Celtic Druid on a spiritual path can see through propaganda and falsities, a good way to start this process is to give up the TV, newspaper and this and suddenly you’ve opened up a whole new space for learning that was previously clogged with propaganda and marketing.
Asses how you interact with the immediate people in your life;- what strengths have you got, where are your challenges? Do you interact in an aggressive, passive or assertive manner? Does this need to change?
Look at how you interact with society;- you are a human, a social being, a Celtic Druid on a spiritual path may have times of retreat but they need to interact with and ultimately serve humanity and you can’t do this unless you have a deep understanding and ‘know’ people.
What are your spiritual beliefs? How do you live your life by them?
This is what we teach at Druidschool, we offer to help you figure out your talk by sharing our Celtic Druid framework of understanding with you. We take a complete holistic approach from the spring water we collect and the organic local vegetables, to the teachings on the three realms and how these are mirrored in your own physical body. We give practical suggestions on how to connect to the three realms.
Spirituality is a series of personal and lifestyle choices; it is a way of life not a badge to wear or a certificate to hang on the wall. The Celtic Druid Path has shared understandings and a framework to work within but the process is unique to you, it is a living practice of personal transformation that is truly grounded in modern reality.
Ard Druí Niamh Connor
Winter 2012
See also
If you are going to claim the label of Druid or magical light worker of this land, sea and sky then do so with a lot of serious thought. When you get over the thinking part you have to get to the living part, the feeling, the experiencing, and the learning (and by this I don’t mean book learning). So many people today seem to believe that to be a Druid you must know all the old myths, know all the list of Gods and Goddesses and they get stuck there in book learning, trying to find the right list, trying to put the pantheon together and decide which one to worship.
A Celtic Druid on a spiritual path of transformation does not worship, they honour. They do not seek to ‘pray’ to a higher being to fix their world; they connect with their higher selves and sort out their own crap.
Many people think Druids are all about the trees, so they read about trees, learn of various different tree calendars, they google, they youtube, they write poetry and songs about trees. The true magic of the Druid is to get to know a tree, this must be done physically. Using technological resources can help us to get to know ‘about’ trees, facts and figures etc but you have to go outside and learn through experience what a tree is, what it needs, how it expresses itself and how we can connect with it. Druids are all about the oak and the mistletoe or so they say..... mistletoe is not native to Ireland and doesn’t grow well here, it’s not central to anything Irish let alone a core belief of a spiritual path, the oak is mighty and wonderful but what about the hazel? Just because it was written down hundreds of years ago does not mean it was accurate or relevant for today. Would you watch CNN news to find out the truth of how people are living in Iraq today? If you’re going to walk a Druid path you must learn to be critical and analytical and seek the truth of everything including yourself, in fact it can only start with yourself. What are your personal morals and ethics that you live by do you practice these in the physical world?
We live in harmony with the land. This is so much easier to say than to actually do. What does it mean to live in harmony with the land? You first have to get to know the land. You can’t do this in front of a screen or a book you have to spend a lot of time outside listening, watching, smelling, feeling and tasting. Going for a walk plugged in to music (even if it’s Bach!) is not getting to know the land - that’s just exercising. You wouldn’t get to know someone just by reading about them you have to spend time interacting with that person to get a sense of who they are. It’s the same with nature, you can know a lot ‘about’ nature but are you interacting with nature?
We are environmentally conscious.... another easier said than done statement. The list is exhausting....pharmaceuticals, diesel, petrol, oil, plastic, pesticides, insecticides, gm food........ Unless our whole system changes it is impossible to live in a world without some of these, some you can eliminate from your life immediately others are more difficult, but the key is to become aware of them and to start looking for alternatives. If you’re living the life of a Druid then you must teach or lead by example and you have to start with yourself and your immediate surroundings.
We are all connected.....then why would you try to hurt somebody else, lots of ‘new age’ spiritual people are into crystals, few seem to be aware of the path the crystal travels and how it gets made. Often the crystal was blasted out of its parent rock (not a good start energetically) and then in some places in the world the crystals are harvested and processed through child labour. A Celtic Druid on a true spiritual path will go on their own pilgrimage to find a sacred rock, they will not buy it in a shop.
There are some common threads between people on spiritual paths, they believe in a connection to a higher source, they seek to live in harmony with the land, they recognise and honour the cycles of time and the cycles of living, death and rebirth. They are aware of energy and seek to understand the flow. The point that I’m trying to make with this essay is that too often people just say these statements of belief but don’t put them into practice.
Some people like to agree with these statements but they see them as abstract and unattainable. Often people file the whole concept of spirituality into their fantasy world. They imagine they will get superpowers if they become a Druid, they’ll be able to see in to the future, talk to animals, commune with the spirit world, the fairies, the elementals. Those skills and abilities do exist but to be able to talk with a spirit elemental I reckon you need to be completely calm, in tune, and have dedicated yourself to practicing the skill for a very long time. I don’t think you can do it on a weekend workshop or on a Friday night with your friends in the forest instead of going to the pub.
A spiritual practice is really a practical one that is evidenced in how you live your life, from the choices you make about what you clothe your body in, to where you source your food to how you interact with other people and society.
Some tips and questions for you:
Be awe inspired by nature-spend time outside, look up, down and around you at all seasons, at night and during the day.
Get the physical basics of living right; - assess your water, food, clothing, fuel and shelter. Make what changes you can, but push yourself, be ruthless don’t allow your ego to cloud your discernment.
Look after your physical health and your mental health; understand the intrinsic link between the two. Look at your self-talk, your thought patterns; - what do you need to discard what do you need more of?
A Celtic Druid on a spiritual path can see through propaganda and falsities, a good way to start this process is to give up the TV, newspaper and this and suddenly you’ve opened up a whole new space for learning that was previously clogged with propaganda and marketing.
Asses how you interact with the immediate people in your life;- what strengths have you got, where are your challenges? Do you interact in an aggressive, passive or assertive manner? Does this need to change?
Look at how you interact with society;- you are a human, a social being, a Celtic Druid on a spiritual path may have times of retreat but they need to interact with and ultimately serve humanity and you can’t do this unless you have a deep understanding and ‘know’ people.
What are your spiritual beliefs? How do you live your life by them?
This is what we teach at Druidschool, we offer to help you figure out your talk by sharing our Celtic Druid framework of understanding with you. We take a complete holistic approach from the spring water we collect and the organic local vegetables, to the teachings on the three realms and how these are mirrored in your own physical body. We give practical suggestions on how to connect to the three realms.
Spirituality is a series of personal and lifestyle choices; it is a way of life not a badge to wear or a certificate to hang on the wall. The Celtic Druid Path has shared understandings and a framework to work within but the process is unique to you, it is a living practice of personal transformation that is truly grounded in modern reality.
Ard Druí Niamh Connor
Winter 2012
See also
7. Listening To That Little Voice
Have you ever done something which you couldn’t explain? Follow a hunch, a gut feeling or a little voice in the back of your head that whispers to you to do something random or maybe even a little bizarre. Here are two stories where I surrendered to that hunch, that little voice and was gifted with unforeseen rewards.
Sometime in the summer of 2012 Druidschool Ireland made a post on Facebook, that post included a photograph. In the photograph there was a piece of quartz crystal, a pine cone & a seashell. The symbols are our representations of the three realms and the three cauldrons. For more information see
Have you ever done something which you couldn’t explain? Follow a hunch, a gut feeling or a little voice in the back of your head that whispers to you to do something random or maybe even a little bizarre. Here are two stories where I surrendered to that hunch, that little voice and was gifted with unforeseen rewards.
Sometime in the summer of 2012 Druidschool Ireland made a post on Facebook, that post included a photograph. In the photograph there was a piece of quartz crystal, a pine cone & a seashell. The symbols are our representations of the three realms and the three cauldrons. For more information see
Now while I am aware of these symbols and had seen & connected with them many times before, this photo really stuck in my mind. For days afterwards I kept thinking of the picture & the symbols that were in it.
As the full moon ceremony was approaching I had an urge to gather the symbols & bring them with me to the ceremony. As I prepared to leave for the Hill of Tara on the night of the full moon, I placed the symbols in the bag with the wood for the sacred fire. I still wasn’t sure what I would do with the symbols during the ceremony but felt a strong need to take them with me. I thought to myself, 'maybe I would lay them beside the fire during the ceremony', but I wasn’t sure.
As the full moon ceremony was approaching I had an urge to gather the symbols & bring them with me to the ceremony. As I prepared to leave for the Hill of Tara on the night of the full moon, I placed the symbols in the bag with the wood for the sacred fire. I still wasn’t sure what I would do with the symbols during the ceremony but felt a strong need to take them with me. I thought to myself, 'maybe I would lay them beside the fire during the ceremony', but I wasn’t sure.
I set the fire as people gathered & started the ceremony. As usual at the beginning of each ceremony we go round the circle, giving people the opportunity introduce themselves & maybe say a few words, if they wish too. As the last person, a young lady, started to speak, saying her name, and how she had a strong connection to Tara and had spent many days & nights on the Hill. She told of her difficult decision to leave Ireland & Tara and to immigrate to Australia. She said while she looked forward to the adventure she felt sad to be leaving Tara & Ireland. As she spoke I remembered the quartz crystal, a pine cone & a seashell, the symbols of the three realms. They were still in the bag; I had forgotten to take them out of it. As the lady spoke I knew why I had brought the symbols with me, they were to be a gift for her.
At end of the ceremony I took the lady aside & I gave the quartz crystal, a pine cone & a seashell, explaining what they were & how I had come to bring them with me to Tara. I told her they could act as her connection to Tara & the Full moon ceremonies we hold on the hill, while she was in Australia.
At Imblog about three years ago I attended an Honouring Ceremony for Con. As I left the house, I had the urge to pick three leaves off the bay tree that grows in a tub outside my front door. I thought nothing of it & placed the leaves in my pocket.
We gathered at the mound of the hostages on the Hill of Tara. The Honouring Ceremony followed the Imblog ceremony. As we stood in the circle, each person took a turn, gave a blessing, told a story each honouring Con for the work he had done on Tara over the years.
I was thinking what to say, but nothing was coming to me. I then remembered the three bay leaves and how the Q’ero Indians in the Andes blow a blessing into a K’intu.
K'intu leaf fan
At end of the ceremony I took the lady aside & I gave the quartz crystal, a pine cone & a seashell, explaining what they were & how I had come to bring them with me to Tara. I told her they could act as her connection to Tara & the Full moon ceremonies we hold on the hill, while she was in Australia.
At Imblog about three years ago I attended an Honouring Ceremony for Con. As I left the house, I had the urge to pick three leaves off the bay tree that grows in a tub outside my front door. I thought nothing of it & placed the leaves in my pocket.
We gathered at the mound of the hostages on the Hill of Tara. The Honouring Ceremony followed the Imblog ceremony. As we stood in the circle, each person took a turn, gave a blessing, told a story each honouring Con for the work he had done on Tara over the years.
I was thinking what to say, but nothing was coming to me. I then remembered the three bay leaves and how the Q’ero Indians in the Andes blow a blessing into a K’intu.
K'intu leaf fan
I explained the concept of the K’intu; I blew my blessing into the three bay leaves, and passed it onto the next person in the circle. As the people in the circle used their breath to blow their blessings into those three bays leaves they also added their vibration to the K’intu. Once the K’intu had completed the circle, they were handed to Con.
What was it that told me to bring those symbols with me to Tara? Was it just a coincidence? It could have been but I don’t necessary believe it was just a coincidence. I believe I had a moment of clarity, where I heard a little voice inside of me whisper and giving me guidance. Some would say it was connection to a higher aspect of myself.
We all have the little voice in the back of minds. It is whispering there all the time, however most of the time it is whispering so quietly you cannot or do want to hear it. It’s that gut feeling that we have in our stomachs, those hunches we often discount. This is our Intuition, which we are taught not to value as children because we cannot logically defend the reasoning.
Our intuition is there all the time we just need to tune in and listen. Easier said than done in this society full of distractions. It cannot be forced; it has to come naturally, as it is an unconscious experience.
I noticed over the years that my moments of clarity when I fully heed what that little voice is trying to tell me is after time spent in nature and/or before during & after ceremony.
So find a way to try to connect with that little voice, get out in Nature (Nature does not lie), try & find that inner stillness. Try to quieten the mind & listen to that higher aspect of yourself.
And maybe “By learning to contact, listen to, and act on our intuition, we can directly connect to the higher power of the universe and allow it to become our guiding force.” Shakti Gawain
Note 1. Despachos: an offering comprised of a variety of natural items, called recados, arranged on white paper, prayed over and infused with Sami (Light Energy), and then folded into a bundle to be burned or buried. Although there are approximately 250 different kinds of despachos, the two most commonly made are to honour Pachamama (Mother Earth) or the Apus (Lord of the mountains)
Ard Druí Red John Mccormack, Imbolg 2013
What was it that told me to bring those symbols with me to Tara? Was it just a coincidence? It could have been but I don’t necessary believe it was just a coincidence. I believe I had a moment of clarity, where I heard a little voice inside of me whisper and giving me guidance. Some would say it was connection to a higher aspect of myself.
We all have the little voice in the back of minds. It is whispering there all the time, however most of the time it is whispering so quietly you cannot or do want to hear it. It’s that gut feeling that we have in our stomachs, those hunches we often discount. This is our Intuition, which we are taught not to value as children because we cannot logically defend the reasoning.
Our intuition is there all the time we just need to tune in and listen. Easier said than done in this society full of distractions. It cannot be forced; it has to come naturally, as it is an unconscious experience.
I noticed over the years that my moments of clarity when I fully heed what that little voice is trying to tell me is after time spent in nature and/or before during & after ceremony.
So find a way to try to connect with that little voice, get out in Nature (Nature does not lie), try & find that inner stillness. Try to quieten the mind & listen to that higher aspect of yourself.
And maybe “By learning to contact, listen to, and act on our intuition, we can directly connect to the higher power of the universe and allow it to become our guiding force.” Shakti Gawain
Note 1. Despachos: an offering comprised of a variety of natural items, called recados, arranged on white paper, prayed over and infused with Sami (Light Energy), and then folded into a bundle to be burned or buried. Although there are approximately 250 different kinds of despachos, the two most commonly made are to honour Pachamama (Mother Earth) or the Apus (Lord of the mountains)
Ard Druí Red John Mccormack, Imbolg 2013
8. Druid legends of catastrophe
The Druids of ancient times had no illusions about the stability of our planet or about the other planets in our solar system. They had inherited knowledge of earlier catastrophic happenings, and this led them to believe that the earth would be destroyed by fire and water. But they always preached that the universe and the souls of those living in it are indestructible. In the legendary voyage of Snedgus and McRiagla there is an island with two lakes, one of fire and the other one of water.
In the Mythological cycle we are told that the world will end when the sun and moon will be mixed together. The Sorcerer Mathgen promised to cast the mountains of Ireland on the Fomoire, and that the lakes and islands of Ireland would be hidden from the Fomoire, and that the Druid Figol would cause three showers of fire to fall upon the faces of the enemy and that Dagda, Lug and Ogma spent seven years making weapons and preparing for battle in the heavens.In the Cattle Raid of Cooley the transmitted memories of terrestrial catastrophes were left unmodified by the monk chroniclers, when Sualtaim, who was Cuchulains father, was told about his son fighting against the odds and when he heard the noise of the battle, he called out:"This is from afar. Is it the sky that cracks or the sea that ebbs or the earth that splits or is it the distress of my son against the Foray of Cuailgne".
When he got to his son Cuchulain told him to go to the Ulstermen and tell them to protect their cattle. When Sualtaim reached Emain he told the Ulstermen and their King Conor..."Men are slain, women are carried off, cattle are driven away, O Ulstermen"
King Conor replied "A little too loud is that cry, for the sky is above us, the earth beneath us, and the sea all around us, but unless the sky with its showers of stars fall upon the surface of the earth or unless the ground burst open in an earthquake, or unless the fish abounding blue bordered sea come over the surface of the earth, I shall bring back every cow to its byre and enclosure, every woman to her own abode and dwelling, after victory in battle and combat and conquest". What I always find interesting is the thought that he would retrieve the cattle first, and the women second.
When Queen Meave had got the Brown Bull of Cooley and was on her way home, she sent MacRoth, her chief messenger to check if the Ulstermen were following them over the plains of Meath. When MacRoth returned to Queen Meave he reported the following..."Not long was he there when he heard a noise and a tumult and a clamour. It seemed to him almost as if the sky had fallen onto the surface of the earth, or as if the fish abounding blue bordered sea had swept across the face of the world, or as if the earth had split in an earthquake, or as if the trees of the forest had all fallen into each others forks and bifurcations and branches. However the wild beasts were hunted across the plain in such numbers that the surface of the plain of Meath was not visible beneath them". This occurred over 100 years before the birth of Christ. The story was transmitted orally (like so many others) in the strict Celtic Bardic Tradition before being written down by unknown monks.
Ptolemy's biography of Alexander the Great tells us about a meeting of a Celtic Prince with Alexander on the lower Danube in 335 BC. Alexander was only 21 years of age and was publicly establishing the river as the northern boundary of Greece. Alexander called for the allegiance of all the peoples south of the Danube. We have one story about a Celtic Prince who came to see Alexander. Only two sentences have survived on record. Alexander put the following question -"Tell me O Prince, what is it that you and your people fear most?"The reply holds race memories of cataclysms and shows the courage of the Celtic race. The Celtic Prince replies...."Only that the heavens might fall on our heads".
In the legendary account of the Destruction of Da Dergas Hostel, which is in Glenasmole, we have an account of the death of Conaire King of Ireland, whose rule was good and reign peaceful. He was returning from a visit to Munster where he had settled a quarrel between two foster brothers of his and he stayed over at Da Dergas hostel. This hostel was always open with food and lodging free to those upon the Kings business. Conaire was given a welcome and Da Derga himself prepared the feast. During the feast an earthquake shook the building "So that the weapons fell from their racks" . King Conaire cried out aloud -"I do not know what it is unless it be that the earth has been rent, or that the Leviathan encircling the earth is striking with its tail to overturn the world, or the boat of the sons of Donn Desa that has come to land".
Now the Leviation was a comet, which in ancient times was known as a fiery dragon. Norse legend tells of three comets, a serpent, a wolf, and a dog. In the book of Job this Leviathan is referred to as the apostate dragon. Con Connor reckons to have found the site of Da Dergas Hostel. Using dowsing rods on the potential site, which was narrowed down after much research, we actually came across the crack left by the earthquake all those years ago. It is about six to eight feet wide, travels about north - south for hundreds of steps, and the now grassed over crack is clearly visible as a linear depression. Further south is a well-known standing stone alignment, which we believe to be annotating the earth fracture. The highest point has a bullaun stone, which is a huge boulder lying on its side with a 16 inch wide depression or bowl carved into it. Part of the story of the Destruction of Da Dergas hostel tells us that the hostel was visible from the sea, and this means that the sea was also visible from the Hostel. Standing beside the bullaun stone there is an incredible panoramic view to Tara and Newgrange but also to the sea at Howth. One of the four Royal roads to Tara came from Da Dergas Hostel in Glenasmole, and it seems perfectly appropriate that Tara could be seen from the Hostel. Glenasmole has long been thought of as the Valley of the Thrushes, but a friend Thomas Maher, an Irish scholar, has brought us a proper translation as the 'glen of the burnt out ruins'. From this site you can also see the cairns on Tallaght and Saggart hills. We have gone to this site on a divining day and the dowsing effects over this crack are quite powerful.
Our ancestors respected the external forces and factors that affected their lives. To them the earth did not shake by chance. Their challenge was to discover what caused these dreadful happenings, and to do this they watched the heavens. In the Senchus Mor, we learn that seven divisions of the firmament above the earth were recognized, consisting of the moon, mercury, venus, the sun, mars, jupiter and saturn. About the stars they believed "as a shell is about an egg, the firmament is about the earth. They believed that the twelve constellations represented the year and that the sun runs through one each month. They believed that the earth was enclosed by a solid sky, outside of which were the Gods. The sun, moon, the planets and the stars were associated with these Gods. Celtic belief is that horses draw the chariot of the sun across the sky into the other world, to rest and then return in the morning. Comets were seen as the armies of the Gods. Today's popular hobby of astrology has its origins in this memory, and from this the factual science of astronomy was born. But predictions from observations in the heavens were not confined to just our ancient ancestors.....
"For behold the day cometh that shall burn as an oven....." Malachi,c.iv,v.1."And there appeared another wonder in heaven: and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his head. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth." Book of Revelation, c.xii, 3and 4."..... lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood...and the stars of heaven fell upon the earth ...and ...people hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains... Book of Revelation, c. vi.
Not far south of Glenasmole is the Scalp, a mountain I have yet to climb. The steep west side is covered with thousands of great granite boulders which do not just sit on this mountain but are in fact embedded into it. P.A. O Suiochan in his book 'Ireland, A journey into lost time', sees this as mute but remarkable evidence of a massive cataclysm. Bray head is similar. Now this is the east side of Ireland, and the stones are embedded on the west side of the mountains, only the blue bordered sea could do such an incredible feat. Seven thousand years ago, a warm stable climate predominated and blue skies were the norm in this beautiful land. Professor Murphy of the Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies tells us that the seas around the south and west of Ireland were virtually storm-less. We also know that the rise in sea level was completed by about 5,500 years ago. This is also about the time that Newgrange was abandoned. Whatever disaster caused this, we have no Irish records, but we do have the Mayan Prophecies.
The 'Mayan' third age lasted from 7,000 BC to 3100 BC. They left the forest and rebuilt their world. They were farmers and ate tzinlocoacoc that is similar to almond paste as distinct to the wild fruits of the previous age. This was the age of fire. The Mayan Prophecies tells us that the third age ended about 3,100 BC or (5,100 years ago) when excessive UV was hitting the earth, consequently threatening human survival. The survivors of the third age then moved to the high plateau at Teothuacan. The third age ended when an increase in solar radiation led to a loss of fertility in people. The Irish Quartz age (our final passage cairn building age) ended about 5,000 or 5,500 years ago. When we study with this as a filter we can see the various effects of UV in different zones. The Mayan Prophecies by Maurice Cotteral and Adrian Gilbert shows the UV burn zone as 20 degrees north and south of the equator. Ireland is at 50 degrees north of the equator, over thirty degrees above the burn zone. The effect at Ireland's latitude was dense cloud cover, permanent rain, flooding, and deluge. The transpiration cycle, the cycle of rain and rainmaking, tells us of an equal and opposite reaction with the sun on the sea making hot 'steam' and then the cold and heavy clouds falling as rain only to start all over again. When the burn zone was hot, there were very wet conditions elsewhere. This is when Ireland's bogs began to expand and grow at an alarming rate, and at this time the ancient Irish lived and farmed and had their temples on top of mountains. It just got too wet. Permanent rain! Imagine it! When we examine the known dwellings of that time we quickly see that they were laid out compactly but not lived in all day by a family as today.
The people of the Irish Quartz Age were an outdoor race meaning that their huts were for sleeping and their world was nature. This cloud cover would act as a quality UV filter. It would also prevent proper harvests and procreation. The ability to construct so many huge stone temples was and is today dependent on abundance. With permanent rain this abundance began to fail, and solar engineering magic and weather modifying just could not stop the change. The men, women and children of the Irish Quartz Age emigrated. They went to Europe and then to Egypt, and came back to Ireland as the Celtic Civilization. When they returned they never went back to live on top of the mountains, but instead settled on the mountain slopes and the hilltops There was a major volcanic eruption at Thera (Santorini) beside the island of Crete in the Mediterranean sea, which was the capitol of the Minoan Empire. This eruption was a major break in the earths surface, bigger that Krakatoa and St. Helens. The movement of the earth's surface was cataclysmic and it happened over only a few days or weeks. Once it was over, it is believed that it just closed up again. It is conceivable that the force of that eruption could actually punch a hole through our atmosphere, possibly allowing the cosmic cold to enter our atmosphere, or maybe the dust and debris thrown into our upper atmosphere created weather conditions that blocked the suns rays from entering the zone 30 to 50 degrees north of the equator. The Minoan culture had links with Ireland before and after Thera erupted. The bull cult, the art, the dress style, the laws and so on, are all very Irish. It is possible that the Minoans had emigrated from Ireland about 5,500 years ago, bringing with them the wisdom of the ancient Irish stone age. But they came home and this we have on record.
In the Irish book of Invasions there is a poem which has no name, but we have the name of its author, Roigne Rosgadach, son of Ugoine Mor, whose other son Mal, was then the monarch of Ireland. It is an account of the travels of a Celtic tribe or clan named the Gathelians, and it tells of their departure from Scythia to Egypt and from there to Spain and then from Spain to Ireland. The story goes that Mal requested from Roigne detailed information on the origins of his people and as always this was given in verse.
O worthy son of Ugoine dust know who invaded Eirin
In remarkable journeyings the Gael reached Scythia
Then departed to Shinar from thence to Egypt
In the reign of Pharoe Cincheris who drowned with his hosts
In the waters of the Rea Sea.
Prospering there, Nuil married Scota daughter of the Pharoe
Who bore our great ancestor from whom the Gael are named
Named also Scoti his mothers’ name.
Later a war was fought between the clans of Nuil and Neonbail
Their Decendants.
Refloir son of Neman was slain by Gollam who fled to Egypt
In the reign of Pharoe Nectenibus decendant of Scota.
They journeyed through Africa.
Of their descent Fenius Farsaid was eminent.
Their descendants reached Spain.
Ilith begat strong children Donn, Aireach, Aimergin,Eber, Ir and Copla, Ereamon and Aranan, Eight Descendants of Gollam begat by noble Milidh
Whose name they took Mir Milidh
Their childrens children from Spain to Erin sailed
And took possession of he land dividing it among twelve chiefs
The truth of this is found in our historical records. This is the story of the coming of the Milesians to Ireland, and it clearly tells us of continual emigration for survival. This 'emigrate to survive plan' was true on the other side of the Atlantic as well, as the Hopi Creation myth tells us -
"Now the people began their migrations. Each group became a clan, some of them followed certain signs, some followed stars. They left their writing on the rocks, and every so often they stopped and built villages. But they never stayed long before moving on once more. Their guides were the sun, the moon, the stars, and their maize. If they reached places where the maize failed to grow, they knew that they had come too far and they turned back"
Our armchair romantic perspective lets us fantasize about the wanderlust of our ancestors, when in fact the reality was failing harvests, failing birth rates, and their inherited memories of natures abundance, i.e. when the Gods smiled upon us. In the last two thousand years we have tried to dominate nature and to the profit of a minority we have succeeded, but there are huge famines happen all the time and the majority of the world seems to be in panic for our future survival. We can blame the marketing overlords who create unreal desires, or the church, which does not cater to our modern spiritual needs, or the corrupt politicians who squander our limited resources, but until we ourselves take full responsibility for our own futures - we will always be in confusion.
Our ancestors took full responsibility for their futures and they physically moved on, today it seems that we must take full responsibility for our future and mentally move on.
Much has been written about Newgrange, mostly highly academic, sometimes completely ridiculous, but it all stems from the fascination that everybody who visits the place automatically gets. The first written records of Newgrange are in the earliest Irish prose stories, the Mythological Cycle. Written in medieval times by the monks, they are in fact much older. They are about the Tuatha De Danann, the earliest known native Irish Gods. They are disguised as a supernatural race of wizards and magicians. They descended from the sky in a metal ship in the northwest and inhabited Ireland long before the Bronze Age. They are "The Lords of Light" that live in the great mound at Newgrange. The ancient name for Newgrange is Bru Na Boinne, and in the translation of this name is the first major clue to the wonders of their magic. Na Boinne means the river Boyne of the White Cow goddess, and Bru means an otherworld palace or festive hall, existing in an eternal timeless realm of the supernatural and not as a place of human habitation. This is the land of the Gods, a place of continual party where no one ever dies. It is written that the Bru had three fruit trees that were always in fruit, and an inexhaustible cauldron from which no company went away unsatisfied. Today we would call this the land of milk and honey. The first to live at this Bru was Elcmar, who was married to Boand, the divinised personification of the river Boyne. Not much is known about Elcmar, but the Boyne has magical and mystical attributes. The source of the Boyne is described as the well of Segais, an Otherworld Well regarded as being the origin of all wisdom and occult knowledge. This well is surrounded by hazel trees whose nuts drop into its water, forming na bolcca immaiss or bubbles of mystic inspiration. Either once a year, or once in every seven years, these pass into the river Boyne. The next occupant of the Bru is Dagda. We know lots about Dagda, the good god. He is the all powerful and omniscient and most prominent of the ancient native Irish gods. Also known as Ruad Ro-fhessa, the Lord of Great Knowledge. He is a sky god, and a god of the sun. Dagda lives in the Bru and has carnal union with Boand by using his mastery over time. Elcmar is sent on an errand for one day, which really becomes a period of nine months.
During this time Oengus is conceived and born. He is called Mac ind Oc, meaning the youthful one by his mother who says: Young is the son who was begotten at the break of day and born betwixt it and evening. Oengus is regarded as a personification of the day, and he is born on the start of the shortest day at Newgrange. Newgrange is also known as Bru Mac ind Oc, or the Bru of Oengus. Now the story of his birth moves on to adulthood when he requests a Bru of his own. Dagda says, "I have none for thee", Oengus replies" Thou let me be granted a day and a night in thine own dwelling ". When Dagda informs him "thou hast consumed thy time", Oengus says, "It is clear that night and day are the whole world, and it is that which has been given to me". From then on it is Oengus who dwells in the mound at the bend in the Boyne. A major poem about the Brú and Oengus by George Russel has Aengus himself talk about the past days of glory at the Brú while also implying its present state as a catastrophe. A Dream of Angus Oge, George Russel 1897
"As he spoke, he paused before a great mound grown over with trees, and around it silver clear in the moonlight were immense stones piled, the remains of an original circle, and there was a dark low narrow entrance leading within- He took Con by the hand and in an instant they were standing in a lofty, cross shaped cave, built roughly of huge stones. "This was my place. In days past many a one plucked here the purple flower of magic and the fruit of the tree of life . . ."And even as he spoke, a light began to glow and to pervade the cave, and to obliterate the stone walls and the antique hieroglyphics engraven thereon, and to melt the earthen floor into itself like a fiery sun suddenly uprisen within the world, and there was everywhere a wandering ecstasy of sound; light and sound were one; light had a voice... "I am Aengus, men call me young. I am the sunlight in the heart, the moonlight in the mind; I am the light at the end of every dream... I will make you immortal; for my palace opens into the Gardens of the Sun".
In the Fenian cycle, the latest tradition in literature, Oengus reappears when Finn Mc Coole describes the mound as the house of Oengus, which cannot be burned or destroyed as long as Oengus is alive. The famous love story of Diarmaid and Graine also connect to the Bru when Diarmaid is dying, partly because of Finn McCoole, and Finn says, "Let us leave this tulach for fear that Oengus and the Tuatha De Danann may catch us". Finn then brings Diarmaid to Newgrange in order to "put aerial life into him so that he will talk to me every day".
This story has many of the magical components of the Egyptian story of Isis bringing Osiris back to life in the great pyramid. Many other similar links between the Egyptian magical tales and the older Irish magical tales exist which suggests that the magical and astronomical skills of the Egyptians had their origin in Ireland. The very curious tale of the high King, Conn, and the Ri Raith (Royal Fortress) at Tara entitled "The magical stone of Tara" states; -
One evening Conn of the hundred battles repaired at sunrise to the Ri Raith at Tara, accompanied by his three Druids, Mael, Bloc and Bluicne, and his three poets, Ethain, Cord and Cesare; for he was accustomed every day to repair to this place with the same company, for the purpose of watching the stars, that no hostile aerial beings should descend upon Ireland unknown to him. While standing in the usual place one morning, Conn happened to tread on a stone, and immediately the stone shrieked under his feet so as to be heard all over Tara and throughout all East Meath. Conn then asked the Druids why the stone had shrieked, what its name was and what it said. Fifty three days later they answered; - Fal is the name of the stone, and it comes from the Island of Fal.
This is the Lia Fal, the stone of destiny, which was brought to Ireland by the Tuatha De Dannan, and a stone with this name is still within the Royal Fortress at Tara, although it is no longer beside the passage cairn, it is only 400 yards from its original site (there is a story that the real Lia Fail is now in Scone, Scotland but was once under the coronation seat at Westminster). Here we have a King making astronomical observations, and declaring his interest in "hostile aerial beings" at a temple that was at that time thousands of years old. The cairn at Tara is even today brilliantly illuminated at the time of two important Celtic festivals; Samhain in early November and Imbolc in early February.
Today's Irish Druids can have no illusions about the stability of our planet, or about the other planets in our solar system. We have the old Druids knowledge of actual impending catastrophic happenings - that the earth would be destroyed by fire and water. We have modern ecological and environmental awareness of the global weather patterns collapsing. The fire of the internal combustion engine has consumed nearly all the fossil oxygen in our atmosphere. Commercial deforestation has destroyed the air and water cycles in ways that will take many thousands of years to self-repair. These modern looming catastrophes are denied by the governments of the money lenders but even the dogs in the street know its bad and that it's getting worse. But today's Celtic Druids know that the Universe and the souls of those living in it are indestructible - so we live in the here and now - just as our ancestors did.
Ard Druí Con Connor, Imbolg 2013
The Druids of ancient times had no illusions about the stability of our planet or about the other planets in our solar system. They had inherited knowledge of earlier catastrophic happenings, and this led them to believe that the earth would be destroyed by fire and water. But they always preached that the universe and the souls of those living in it are indestructible. In the legendary voyage of Snedgus and McRiagla there is an island with two lakes, one of fire and the other one of water.
In the Mythological cycle we are told that the world will end when the sun and moon will be mixed together. The Sorcerer Mathgen promised to cast the mountains of Ireland on the Fomoire, and that the lakes and islands of Ireland would be hidden from the Fomoire, and that the Druid Figol would cause three showers of fire to fall upon the faces of the enemy and that Dagda, Lug and Ogma spent seven years making weapons and preparing for battle in the heavens.In the Cattle Raid of Cooley the transmitted memories of terrestrial catastrophes were left unmodified by the monk chroniclers, when Sualtaim, who was Cuchulains father, was told about his son fighting against the odds and when he heard the noise of the battle, he called out:"This is from afar. Is it the sky that cracks or the sea that ebbs or the earth that splits or is it the distress of my son against the Foray of Cuailgne".
When he got to his son Cuchulain told him to go to the Ulstermen and tell them to protect their cattle. When Sualtaim reached Emain he told the Ulstermen and their King Conor..."Men are slain, women are carried off, cattle are driven away, O Ulstermen"
King Conor replied "A little too loud is that cry, for the sky is above us, the earth beneath us, and the sea all around us, but unless the sky with its showers of stars fall upon the surface of the earth or unless the ground burst open in an earthquake, or unless the fish abounding blue bordered sea come over the surface of the earth, I shall bring back every cow to its byre and enclosure, every woman to her own abode and dwelling, after victory in battle and combat and conquest". What I always find interesting is the thought that he would retrieve the cattle first, and the women second.
When Queen Meave had got the Brown Bull of Cooley and was on her way home, she sent MacRoth, her chief messenger to check if the Ulstermen were following them over the plains of Meath. When MacRoth returned to Queen Meave he reported the following..."Not long was he there when he heard a noise and a tumult and a clamour. It seemed to him almost as if the sky had fallen onto the surface of the earth, or as if the fish abounding blue bordered sea had swept across the face of the world, or as if the earth had split in an earthquake, or as if the trees of the forest had all fallen into each others forks and bifurcations and branches. However the wild beasts were hunted across the plain in such numbers that the surface of the plain of Meath was not visible beneath them". This occurred over 100 years before the birth of Christ. The story was transmitted orally (like so many others) in the strict Celtic Bardic Tradition before being written down by unknown monks.
Ptolemy's biography of Alexander the Great tells us about a meeting of a Celtic Prince with Alexander on the lower Danube in 335 BC. Alexander was only 21 years of age and was publicly establishing the river as the northern boundary of Greece. Alexander called for the allegiance of all the peoples south of the Danube. We have one story about a Celtic Prince who came to see Alexander. Only two sentences have survived on record. Alexander put the following question -"Tell me O Prince, what is it that you and your people fear most?"The reply holds race memories of cataclysms and shows the courage of the Celtic race. The Celtic Prince replies...."Only that the heavens might fall on our heads".
In the legendary account of the Destruction of Da Dergas Hostel, which is in Glenasmole, we have an account of the death of Conaire King of Ireland, whose rule was good and reign peaceful. He was returning from a visit to Munster where he had settled a quarrel between two foster brothers of his and he stayed over at Da Dergas hostel. This hostel was always open with food and lodging free to those upon the Kings business. Conaire was given a welcome and Da Derga himself prepared the feast. During the feast an earthquake shook the building "So that the weapons fell from their racks" . King Conaire cried out aloud -"I do not know what it is unless it be that the earth has been rent, or that the Leviathan encircling the earth is striking with its tail to overturn the world, or the boat of the sons of Donn Desa that has come to land".
Now the Leviation was a comet, which in ancient times was known as a fiery dragon. Norse legend tells of three comets, a serpent, a wolf, and a dog. In the book of Job this Leviathan is referred to as the apostate dragon. Con Connor reckons to have found the site of Da Dergas Hostel. Using dowsing rods on the potential site, which was narrowed down after much research, we actually came across the crack left by the earthquake all those years ago. It is about six to eight feet wide, travels about north - south for hundreds of steps, and the now grassed over crack is clearly visible as a linear depression. Further south is a well-known standing stone alignment, which we believe to be annotating the earth fracture. The highest point has a bullaun stone, which is a huge boulder lying on its side with a 16 inch wide depression or bowl carved into it. Part of the story of the Destruction of Da Dergas hostel tells us that the hostel was visible from the sea, and this means that the sea was also visible from the Hostel. Standing beside the bullaun stone there is an incredible panoramic view to Tara and Newgrange but also to the sea at Howth. One of the four Royal roads to Tara came from Da Dergas Hostel in Glenasmole, and it seems perfectly appropriate that Tara could be seen from the Hostel. Glenasmole has long been thought of as the Valley of the Thrushes, but a friend Thomas Maher, an Irish scholar, has brought us a proper translation as the 'glen of the burnt out ruins'. From this site you can also see the cairns on Tallaght and Saggart hills. We have gone to this site on a divining day and the dowsing effects over this crack are quite powerful.
Our ancestors respected the external forces and factors that affected their lives. To them the earth did not shake by chance. Their challenge was to discover what caused these dreadful happenings, and to do this they watched the heavens. In the Senchus Mor, we learn that seven divisions of the firmament above the earth were recognized, consisting of the moon, mercury, venus, the sun, mars, jupiter and saturn. About the stars they believed "as a shell is about an egg, the firmament is about the earth. They believed that the twelve constellations represented the year and that the sun runs through one each month. They believed that the earth was enclosed by a solid sky, outside of which were the Gods. The sun, moon, the planets and the stars were associated with these Gods. Celtic belief is that horses draw the chariot of the sun across the sky into the other world, to rest and then return in the morning. Comets were seen as the armies of the Gods. Today's popular hobby of astrology has its origins in this memory, and from this the factual science of astronomy was born. But predictions from observations in the heavens were not confined to just our ancient ancestors.....
"For behold the day cometh that shall burn as an oven....." Malachi,c.iv,v.1."And there appeared another wonder in heaven: and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his head. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth." Book of Revelation, c.xii, 3and 4."..... lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood...and the stars of heaven fell upon the earth ...and ...people hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains... Book of Revelation, c. vi.
Not far south of Glenasmole is the Scalp, a mountain I have yet to climb. The steep west side is covered with thousands of great granite boulders which do not just sit on this mountain but are in fact embedded into it. P.A. O Suiochan in his book 'Ireland, A journey into lost time', sees this as mute but remarkable evidence of a massive cataclysm. Bray head is similar. Now this is the east side of Ireland, and the stones are embedded on the west side of the mountains, only the blue bordered sea could do such an incredible feat. Seven thousand years ago, a warm stable climate predominated and blue skies were the norm in this beautiful land. Professor Murphy of the Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies tells us that the seas around the south and west of Ireland were virtually storm-less. We also know that the rise in sea level was completed by about 5,500 years ago. This is also about the time that Newgrange was abandoned. Whatever disaster caused this, we have no Irish records, but we do have the Mayan Prophecies.
The 'Mayan' third age lasted from 7,000 BC to 3100 BC. They left the forest and rebuilt their world. They were farmers and ate tzinlocoacoc that is similar to almond paste as distinct to the wild fruits of the previous age. This was the age of fire. The Mayan Prophecies tells us that the third age ended about 3,100 BC or (5,100 years ago) when excessive UV was hitting the earth, consequently threatening human survival. The survivors of the third age then moved to the high plateau at Teothuacan. The third age ended when an increase in solar radiation led to a loss of fertility in people. The Irish Quartz age (our final passage cairn building age) ended about 5,000 or 5,500 years ago. When we study with this as a filter we can see the various effects of UV in different zones. The Mayan Prophecies by Maurice Cotteral and Adrian Gilbert shows the UV burn zone as 20 degrees north and south of the equator. Ireland is at 50 degrees north of the equator, over thirty degrees above the burn zone. The effect at Ireland's latitude was dense cloud cover, permanent rain, flooding, and deluge. The transpiration cycle, the cycle of rain and rainmaking, tells us of an equal and opposite reaction with the sun on the sea making hot 'steam' and then the cold and heavy clouds falling as rain only to start all over again. When the burn zone was hot, there were very wet conditions elsewhere. This is when Ireland's bogs began to expand and grow at an alarming rate, and at this time the ancient Irish lived and farmed and had their temples on top of mountains. It just got too wet. Permanent rain! Imagine it! When we examine the known dwellings of that time we quickly see that they were laid out compactly but not lived in all day by a family as today.
The people of the Irish Quartz Age were an outdoor race meaning that their huts were for sleeping and their world was nature. This cloud cover would act as a quality UV filter. It would also prevent proper harvests and procreation. The ability to construct so many huge stone temples was and is today dependent on abundance. With permanent rain this abundance began to fail, and solar engineering magic and weather modifying just could not stop the change. The men, women and children of the Irish Quartz Age emigrated. They went to Europe and then to Egypt, and came back to Ireland as the Celtic Civilization. When they returned they never went back to live on top of the mountains, but instead settled on the mountain slopes and the hilltops There was a major volcanic eruption at Thera (Santorini) beside the island of Crete in the Mediterranean sea, which was the capitol of the Minoan Empire. This eruption was a major break in the earths surface, bigger that Krakatoa and St. Helens. The movement of the earth's surface was cataclysmic and it happened over only a few days or weeks. Once it was over, it is believed that it just closed up again. It is conceivable that the force of that eruption could actually punch a hole through our atmosphere, possibly allowing the cosmic cold to enter our atmosphere, or maybe the dust and debris thrown into our upper atmosphere created weather conditions that blocked the suns rays from entering the zone 30 to 50 degrees north of the equator. The Minoan culture had links with Ireland before and after Thera erupted. The bull cult, the art, the dress style, the laws and so on, are all very Irish. It is possible that the Minoans had emigrated from Ireland about 5,500 years ago, bringing with them the wisdom of the ancient Irish stone age. But they came home and this we have on record.
In the Irish book of Invasions there is a poem which has no name, but we have the name of its author, Roigne Rosgadach, son of Ugoine Mor, whose other son Mal, was then the monarch of Ireland. It is an account of the travels of a Celtic tribe or clan named the Gathelians, and it tells of their departure from Scythia to Egypt and from there to Spain and then from Spain to Ireland. The story goes that Mal requested from Roigne detailed information on the origins of his people and as always this was given in verse.
O worthy son of Ugoine dust know who invaded Eirin
In remarkable journeyings the Gael reached Scythia
Then departed to Shinar from thence to Egypt
In the reign of Pharoe Cincheris who drowned with his hosts
In the waters of the Rea Sea.
Prospering there, Nuil married Scota daughter of the Pharoe
Who bore our great ancestor from whom the Gael are named
Named also Scoti his mothers’ name.
Later a war was fought between the clans of Nuil and Neonbail
Their Decendants.
Refloir son of Neman was slain by Gollam who fled to Egypt
In the reign of Pharoe Nectenibus decendant of Scota.
They journeyed through Africa.
Of their descent Fenius Farsaid was eminent.
Their descendants reached Spain.
Ilith begat strong children Donn, Aireach, Aimergin,Eber, Ir and Copla, Ereamon and Aranan, Eight Descendants of Gollam begat by noble Milidh
Whose name they took Mir Milidh
Their childrens children from Spain to Erin sailed
And took possession of he land dividing it among twelve chiefs
The truth of this is found in our historical records. This is the story of the coming of the Milesians to Ireland, and it clearly tells us of continual emigration for survival. This 'emigrate to survive plan' was true on the other side of the Atlantic as well, as the Hopi Creation myth tells us -
"Now the people began their migrations. Each group became a clan, some of them followed certain signs, some followed stars. They left their writing on the rocks, and every so often they stopped and built villages. But they never stayed long before moving on once more. Their guides were the sun, the moon, the stars, and their maize. If they reached places where the maize failed to grow, they knew that they had come too far and they turned back"
Our armchair romantic perspective lets us fantasize about the wanderlust of our ancestors, when in fact the reality was failing harvests, failing birth rates, and their inherited memories of natures abundance, i.e. when the Gods smiled upon us. In the last two thousand years we have tried to dominate nature and to the profit of a minority we have succeeded, but there are huge famines happen all the time and the majority of the world seems to be in panic for our future survival. We can blame the marketing overlords who create unreal desires, or the church, which does not cater to our modern spiritual needs, or the corrupt politicians who squander our limited resources, but until we ourselves take full responsibility for our own futures - we will always be in confusion.
Our ancestors took full responsibility for their futures and they physically moved on, today it seems that we must take full responsibility for our future and mentally move on.
Much has been written about Newgrange, mostly highly academic, sometimes completely ridiculous, but it all stems from the fascination that everybody who visits the place automatically gets. The first written records of Newgrange are in the earliest Irish prose stories, the Mythological Cycle. Written in medieval times by the monks, they are in fact much older. They are about the Tuatha De Danann, the earliest known native Irish Gods. They are disguised as a supernatural race of wizards and magicians. They descended from the sky in a metal ship in the northwest and inhabited Ireland long before the Bronze Age. They are "The Lords of Light" that live in the great mound at Newgrange. The ancient name for Newgrange is Bru Na Boinne, and in the translation of this name is the first major clue to the wonders of their magic. Na Boinne means the river Boyne of the White Cow goddess, and Bru means an otherworld palace or festive hall, existing in an eternal timeless realm of the supernatural and not as a place of human habitation. This is the land of the Gods, a place of continual party where no one ever dies. It is written that the Bru had three fruit trees that were always in fruit, and an inexhaustible cauldron from which no company went away unsatisfied. Today we would call this the land of milk and honey. The first to live at this Bru was Elcmar, who was married to Boand, the divinised personification of the river Boyne. Not much is known about Elcmar, but the Boyne has magical and mystical attributes. The source of the Boyne is described as the well of Segais, an Otherworld Well regarded as being the origin of all wisdom and occult knowledge. This well is surrounded by hazel trees whose nuts drop into its water, forming na bolcca immaiss or bubbles of mystic inspiration. Either once a year, or once in every seven years, these pass into the river Boyne. The next occupant of the Bru is Dagda. We know lots about Dagda, the good god. He is the all powerful and omniscient and most prominent of the ancient native Irish gods. Also known as Ruad Ro-fhessa, the Lord of Great Knowledge. He is a sky god, and a god of the sun. Dagda lives in the Bru and has carnal union with Boand by using his mastery over time. Elcmar is sent on an errand for one day, which really becomes a period of nine months.
During this time Oengus is conceived and born. He is called Mac ind Oc, meaning the youthful one by his mother who says: Young is the son who was begotten at the break of day and born betwixt it and evening. Oengus is regarded as a personification of the day, and he is born on the start of the shortest day at Newgrange. Newgrange is also known as Bru Mac ind Oc, or the Bru of Oengus. Now the story of his birth moves on to adulthood when he requests a Bru of his own. Dagda says, "I have none for thee", Oengus replies" Thou let me be granted a day and a night in thine own dwelling ". When Dagda informs him "thou hast consumed thy time", Oengus says, "It is clear that night and day are the whole world, and it is that which has been given to me". From then on it is Oengus who dwells in the mound at the bend in the Boyne. A major poem about the Brú and Oengus by George Russel has Aengus himself talk about the past days of glory at the Brú while also implying its present state as a catastrophe. A Dream of Angus Oge, George Russel 1897
"As he spoke, he paused before a great mound grown over with trees, and around it silver clear in the moonlight were immense stones piled, the remains of an original circle, and there was a dark low narrow entrance leading within- He took Con by the hand and in an instant they were standing in a lofty, cross shaped cave, built roughly of huge stones. "This was my place. In days past many a one plucked here the purple flower of magic and the fruit of the tree of life . . ."And even as he spoke, a light began to glow and to pervade the cave, and to obliterate the stone walls and the antique hieroglyphics engraven thereon, and to melt the earthen floor into itself like a fiery sun suddenly uprisen within the world, and there was everywhere a wandering ecstasy of sound; light and sound were one; light had a voice... "I am Aengus, men call me young. I am the sunlight in the heart, the moonlight in the mind; I am the light at the end of every dream... I will make you immortal; for my palace opens into the Gardens of the Sun".
In the Fenian cycle, the latest tradition in literature, Oengus reappears when Finn Mc Coole describes the mound as the house of Oengus, which cannot be burned or destroyed as long as Oengus is alive. The famous love story of Diarmaid and Graine also connect to the Bru when Diarmaid is dying, partly because of Finn McCoole, and Finn says, "Let us leave this tulach for fear that Oengus and the Tuatha De Danann may catch us". Finn then brings Diarmaid to Newgrange in order to "put aerial life into him so that he will talk to me every day".
This story has many of the magical components of the Egyptian story of Isis bringing Osiris back to life in the great pyramid. Many other similar links between the Egyptian magical tales and the older Irish magical tales exist which suggests that the magical and astronomical skills of the Egyptians had their origin in Ireland. The very curious tale of the high King, Conn, and the Ri Raith (Royal Fortress) at Tara entitled "The magical stone of Tara" states; -
One evening Conn of the hundred battles repaired at sunrise to the Ri Raith at Tara, accompanied by his three Druids, Mael, Bloc and Bluicne, and his three poets, Ethain, Cord and Cesare; for he was accustomed every day to repair to this place with the same company, for the purpose of watching the stars, that no hostile aerial beings should descend upon Ireland unknown to him. While standing in the usual place one morning, Conn happened to tread on a stone, and immediately the stone shrieked under his feet so as to be heard all over Tara and throughout all East Meath. Conn then asked the Druids why the stone had shrieked, what its name was and what it said. Fifty three days later they answered; - Fal is the name of the stone, and it comes from the Island of Fal.
This is the Lia Fal, the stone of destiny, which was brought to Ireland by the Tuatha De Dannan, and a stone with this name is still within the Royal Fortress at Tara, although it is no longer beside the passage cairn, it is only 400 yards from its original site (there is a story that the real Lia Fail is now in Scone, Scotland but was once under the coronation seat at Westminster). Here we have a King making astronomical observations, and declaring his interest in "hostile aerial beings" at a temple that was at that time thousands of years old. The cairn at Tara is even today brilliantly illuminated at the time of two important Celtic festivals; Samhain in early November and Imbolc in early February.
Today's Irish Druids can have no illusions about the stability of our planet, or about the other planets in our solar system. We have the old Druids knowledge of actual impending catastrophic happenings - that the earth would be destroyed by fire and water. We have modern ecological and environmental awareness of the global weather patterns collapsing. The fire of the internal combustion engine has consumed nearly all the fossil oxygen in our atmosphere. Commercial deforestation has destroyed the air and water cycles in ways that will take many thousands of years to self-repair. These modern looming catastrophes are denied by the governments of the money lenders but even the dogs in the street know its bad and that it's getting worse. But today's Celtic Druids know that the Universe and the souls of those living in it are indestructible - so we live in the here and now - just as our ancestors did.
Ard Druí Con Connor, Imbolg 2013
9. Against Tobacco in Spiritual Ceremony
Once upon a time, tobacco was sacred and highly respected; it grew wild and was a powerful ally. When an English sailor brought some to the royal table I reckon it was psychotropic, high strength, pure and unadulterated. It was not the shadow laced with poison that we have commercially available now. Today this herb is abused and controlled by the masons. They add up to six hundred chemicals to the ready rolled and to the hand rolling tobacco. These chemicals act directly on the fear node at the base of the brain. The effect is a hollow emptiness that hungers for more illusion. This is extremely profitable. Commercial activity causes untold millions of trees to be burnt to dry the raw tobacco because sun-drying wild herb is not profitable. Tobacco cannot properly be called a herb in this condition.
Today in Ireland a licence is required to grow tobacco, which means (when analysed) that we cannot get sustainable supplies of unadulterated tobacco. It is not just that the plant has been abused, but in the etheric realm it is the spirit or deva that is tortured by conscious humans and this is entirely for his or her own selfish gain. The power and love of this ally has retreated from spiritual interaction with humans. Tobacco never grew wild in Ireland anyway and it cannot be seen as sustainable in Eire if it does not grow wild here. We must feel the strength of this truth.
Transplanting foreign traditions into an abused culture does not seem right. The catholic church has denied our native Celtic culture its full expression for nigh on 1500 years and many Irish people who still go to church do so only out of fear. The English have violently tried to suppress our connection to Nature and Spirit for 900 years and we still have Irish people living today who can recall when Ireland was under the yoke of British Rule. Both the church and the British royalty tried to control us by imposing alien traditions and political domination upon us. Let us forgive but never forget these historical realities. This was aggression and it was always doomed to failure. It just took a long time but once again we are free and now we must take responsibility for our part in the submission just as we must also honour those who fought and died for our freedom.
Today we are beginning shine brightly again. We must go into our own cultural shadow and reclaim our Celtic birthright. We as a race have yet to recall fully the awareness of what it is to be completely free. It is because of our deep genetic desire to connect with Spirit through Sacred Ceremony we must all make a concerted and deliberate effort not to become Indians (eastern or western) but instead we must recreate anew our love rituals for our Mother Earth and Father Sky. We must also respect Nature and all existing true spiritual traditions as individual and special. The Grandfathers of the First Nation’s People are for us refered to as our Ancestors.
The land has a memory, as do the rocks, the stones and the crystals. We are Irish and pre-Celtic at our genetic roots and in this genetic memory we have a powerful ancestral connection to the Spirit of the "Shining Ones" that is much deeper than any archaeological reckoning. This is the People of the Goddess Danu and the God Dagda. We must be aware that in the full analysis, there is no past or future but in truth all exists right now. We have been blessed by many visits from Native Americans who have asked us not to try to replicate their culture. They have reminded us that no one ever really dies; it is only the body wears out.
All possibilities exist at the same point in time. What our friends called Grandfathers are in our land known as Ancestors and thousands of their Sacred Temples are to be found throughout Ireland. These temples are ours and it is here that we can meet with our Ancestors. Let us ask our own indigenous herbalists which herb desires to be used today by us in our Sacred Ceremonies and listen carefully to what is being shared. Woodbine is a native power herb - it also grows wild in Ireland and would help people to return to a stronger connection to Nature. We should not be trying to go back in time or pretending to be foreigners but to re-establish a better now. Here and now.
Sin e, anseo anois (that’s it, here and now)
Once upon a time, tobacco was sacred and highly respected; it grew wild and was a powerful ally. When an English sailor brought some to the royal table I reckon it was psychotropic, high strength, pure and unadulterated. It was not the shadow laced with poison that we have commercially available now. Today this herb is abused and controlled by the masons. They add up to six hundred chemicals to the ready rolled and to the hand rolling tobacco. These chemicals act directly on the fear node at the base of the brain. The effect is a hollow emptiness that hungers for more illusion. This is extremely profitable. Commercial activity causes untold millions of trees to be burnt to dry the raw tobacco because sun-drying wild herb is not profitable. Tobacco cannot properly be called a herb in this condition.
Today in Ireland a licence is required to grow tobacco, which means (when analysed) that we cannot get sustainable supplies of unadulterated tobacco. It is not just that the plant has been abused, but in the etheric realm it is the spirit or deva that is tortured by conscious humans and this is entirely for his or her own selfish gain. The power and love of this ally has retreated from spiritual interaction with humans. Tobacco never grew wild in Ireland anyway and it cannot be seen as sustainable in Eire if it does not grow wild here. We must feel the strength of this truth.
Transplanting foreign traditions into an abused culture does not seem right. The catholic church has denied our native Celtic culture its full expression for nigh on 1500 years and many Irish people who still go to church do so only out of fear. The English have violently tried to suppress our connection to Nature and Spirit for 900 years and we still have Irish people living today who can recall when Ireland was under the yoke of British Rule. Both the church and the British royalty tried to control us by imposing alien traditions and political domination upon us. Let us forgive but never forget these historical realities. This was aggression and it was always doomed to failure. It just took a long time but once again we are free and now we must take responsibility for our part in the submission just as we must also honour those who fought and died for our freedom.
Today we are beginning shine brightly again. We must go into our own cultural shadow and reclaim our Celtic birthright. We as a race have yet to recall fully the awareness of what it is to be completely free. It is because of our deep genetic desire to connect with Spirit through Sacred Ceremony we must all make a concerted and deliberate effort not to become Indians (eastern or western) but instead we must recreate anew our love rituals for our Mother Earth and Father Sky. We must also respect Nature and all existing true spiritual traditions as individual and special. The Grandfathers of the First Nation’s People are for us refered to as our Ancestors.
The land has a memory, as do the rocks, the stones and the crystals. We are Irish and pre-Celtic at our genetic roots and in this genetic memory we have a powerful ancestral connection to the Spirit of the "Shining Ones" that is much deeper than any archaeological reckoning. This is the People of the Goddess Danu and the God Dagda. We must be aware that in the full analysis, there is no past or future but in truth all exists right now. We have been blessed by many visits from Native Americans who have asked us not to try to replicate their culture. They have reminded us that no one ever really dies; it is only the body wears out.
All possibilities exist at the same point in time. What our friends called Grandfathers are in our land known as Ancestors and thousands of their Sacred Temples are to be found throughout Ireland. These temples are ours and it is here that we can meet with our Ancestors. Let us ask our own indigenous herbalists which herb desires to be used today by us in our Sacred Ceremonies and listen carefully to what is being shared. Woodbine is a native power herb - it also grows wild in Ireland and would help people to return to a stronger connection to Nature. We should not be trying to go back in time or pretending to be foreigners but to re-establish a better now. Here and now.
Sin e, anseo anois (that’s it, here and now)
10. Divining Da Dergas Hostel
The Dodder is no little stream, it is the most powerful and dangerous river in Ireland. This is because of its catchment area which is a long high granite valley which has little absorption capacity and thereby immediate run-off creating huge torrents of powerful energy washing all and sundry away. In the past, unwitting gentlemen landowners have built splendid gardens on the banks of the Dodder only to have them washed away in minutes following a heavy thunderstorm.
It would not be possible to confuse the magnificent Dodder with a stream with only three trout. Today, the Dodder is tamed because of the construction of a second lake. This was built in the late 1800's. Two lakes allow the many spring waters that rise within the valley to be saved for drinking water while one of these lakes is mainly used to capture the rain fall. The rain water lake is "flushed" to allow new rain to be captured and then released under control. In the valley of Glenasmole there is a smooth round hill known as Piperstown hill, it is on the east side of the valley, at about 1,000 feet. It is the only hill in the valley and while the surrounding peaks are named in Irish, it has a modern English name. I would suggest this hill as the location for Da Derga's Hostel. It is uninhabited with a lovely view of the lakes, it is unfenced common ground used mainly by sheep. This beautiful hill is only ten minutes from the Square in Tallaght and to date I have never met anyone walking over it. I find it really hard to understand why previous researchers did not use all the information / clues that were available to them, because when I used them I found this site for a royal hostel with little effort.
The site has many features that would make it a prime location during our Bronze Age. It is readily defendable. It can see a fire at Tara. It commands the valley in which it lays. On the northern approach there is a huge Z shape that can be seen from miles away that may have been the chariot way. It has its own spring well. It also has the remains of possible ramparts of a enclosed large compound. It should always be remembered when studying the old 1833 maps that they were made by the British sappers. They recorded all sacred enclosures and ringforts as forts because they have defensive potential. They were making the maps (which were the worlds first and are incredible) to facilitate the handing over of large tracts of land to British Officers returning from overseas campaigns in lieu of full wages. They were not overly concerned with high ground because of its relative low value and their concern with our ancient monuments was simply one of landmarks.
In an old legendary account of the Destruction of Da Dergas Hostel we have an account of the death of Conaire, King of Ireland, whose rule was good and reign peaceful. He was returning from a visit to Munster where he had settled a quarrel between two foster brothers of his and he stayed over at Da Dergas hostel. This hostel was always open with food and lodgings free to those upon the Kings business. These hostels belonged to the high king’s office and were to be found only on the royal roads of which there were five.
These five royal roads all went to Tara where there are many easily accessible temples today including four holy wells. As you leave Piperstown Hill in Glenasmole heading northwest towards Tara you enter a townland that is called Bohernabreena. When we break this word into its parts we get;- Boher - na - Breena. Bohar does not mean road as is commonly assumed today, it means a "cowpath" or more literally a high walled narrow path in which a cow cannot turn around. Ireland's wealth was in cattle even in the Bronze Age. Na means "of the" and Breena means "hostel". Reconstructing the townland name of Boharnabreena we see it as - "the high walled narrow cowpath in which a cow cannot turn around belonging to the hostel".
The roads were called slí or slighe which was a chariot way and it was an offense to block a slí as I am sure it was an offense to break the wall of a bohar. The King was given a welcome and the feast was prepared by Da Derga himself. During the feast an earthquake shook the building "So that the weapons fell from their racks". King Conaire cried out aloud ...
"I do not know what it is, unless it be that the earth has been rent, or that the Leviathan encircling the earth is striking with its tail to overturn the world, or the boat of the sons of Donn Desa that has come to land".
Now a Leviation is a comet, which in ancient times was known as a fiery dragon. Norse legends tell us of three comets, a serpent, a wolf, and a dog, and in the book of Job, this Leviathan is referred to as the apostate dragon. It might be possible to cross reference the comet with the earthquake and thereby date Conaires death date exactly.
It was by the swords of the sons of Donn Desa that our Conaire died. Using divining rods on the potential site, which was after much research, I came across the crack left by that earthquake all those years ago. It is about six to eight feet wide, travels about north - south for hundreds / thousands of steps, and the now grassed over crack is clearly visible as a linear depression. Further south is a well known standing stone alignment, the remains of seven cairns, and maybe five stone circles, which I believe to be annotating this same earth fracture. Not far north is a Cist grave.
The highest point of the hill has a Bullaun stone, which is a huge boulder lying on its side with a 16 inch wide bowl carved into it. Standing beside the Bullaun stone there is a panoramic view to Tara and to Newgrange and to the sea at Howth. Part of the old story of the Destruction of Da Dergas hostel tells us that the hostel was visible from the sea, and this means that the sea was visible from the Hostel. This is the only place in the valley from which you can see the sea. Not only can you see the sea, you can see Howth and this means that the Sons of Donn Desa could have seen the huge fire declaring Conaires presence at the hostel. One of the five royal roads to Tara came from Da Dergas Hostel in Glenasmole, and it is perfectly appropriate that Tara could be seen from the Hostel. Glenasmole has long been thought of as the Valley of the Thrushes, but a friend, Thomas Maher, an Irish scholar, has brought us a proper translation as "the glen of the burnt out ruins".
From this site you can also see the cairns on Tallaght and Saggart hills. After Conaires death the wooden hostel was burned as was the tradition. There would only be postholes as an indicator of its existence. These are hidden under the blanket bog that covers the hill. In the 1960's a bog fire on a section of this hill burned for many days and revealed the remains of seven stone cairns. These seven cairns are in a line that I believe is also the line of the earthquake fracture. What makes them important is the fact that thousands of flint shards or flakes were found indicating industrial activity from the earliest phase of Ireland's occupation. Flint did not go out of fashion until metal knives became easily and cheaply available so they may have been still in production even during Conaires time. I have taken many students to this hill on our Divining Days and the divining effects over this earthquake crack are quite powerful.
This quiet little hill has survived re-occupation since the earthquake as if the locals held a memory of the fateful day. Members of the JRSAI have looked for this hostel for over a hundred years, many papers suggesting locations have been published, but none have been validated.
The Dodder is no little stream, it is the most powerful and dangerous river in Ireland. This is because of its catchment area which is a long high granite valley which has little absorption capacity and thereby immediate run-off creating huge torrents of powerful energy washing all and sundry away. In the past, unwitting gentlemen landowners have built splendid gardens on the banks of the Dodder only to have them washed away in minutes following a heavy thunderstorm.
It would not be possible to confuse the magnificent Dodder with a stream with only three trout. Today, the Dodder is tamed because of the construction of a second lake. This was built in the late 1800's. Two lakes allow the many spring waters that rise within the valley to be saved for drinking water while one of these lakes is mainly used to capture the rain fall. The rain water lake is "flushed" to allow new rain to be captured and then released under control. In the valley of Glenasmole there is a smooth round hill known as Piperstown hill, it is on the east side of the valley, at about 1,000 feet. It is the only hill in the valley and while the surrounding peaks are named in Irish, it has a modern English name. I would suggest this hill as the location for Da Derga's Hostel. It is uninhabited with a lovely view of the lakes, it is unfenced common ground used mainly by sheep. This beautiful hill is only ten minutes from the Square in Tallaght and to date I have never met anyone walking over it. I find it really hard to understand why previous researchers did not use all the information / clues that were available to them, because when I used them I found this site for a royal hostel with little effort.
The site has many features that would make it a prime location during our Bronze Age. It is readily defendable. It can see a fire at Tara. It commands the valley in which it lays. On the northern approach there is a huge Z shape that can be seen from miles away that may have been the chariot way. It has its own spring well. It also has the remains of possible ramparts of a enclosed large compound. It should always be remembered when studying the old 1833 maps that they were made by the British sappers. They recorded all sacred enclosures and ringforts as forts because they have defensive potential. They were making the maps (which were the worlds first and are incredible) to facilitate the handing over of large tracts of land to British Officers returning from overseas campaigns in lieu of full wages. They were not overly concerned with high ground because of its relative low value and their concern with our ancient monuments was simply one of landmarks.
In an old legendary account of the Destruction of Da Dergas Hostel we have an account of the death of Conaire, King of Ireland, whose rule was good and reign peaceful. He was returning from a visit to Munster where he had settled a quarrel between two foster brothers of his and he stayed over at Da Dergas hostel. This hostel was always open with food and lodgings free to those upon the Kings business. These hostels belonged to the high king’s office and were to be found only on the royal roads of which there were five.
These five royal roads all went to Tara where there are many easily accessible temples today including four holy wells. As you leave Piperstown Hill in Glenasmole heading northwest towards Tara you enter a townland that is called Bohernabreena. When we break this word into its parts we get;- Boher - na - Breena. Bohar does not mean road as is commonly assumed today, it means a "cowpath" or more literally a high walled narrow path in which a cow cannot turn around. Ireland's wealth was in cattle even in the Bronze Age. Na means "of the" and Breena means "hostel". Reconstructing the townland name of Boharnabreena we see it as - "the high walled narrow cowpath in which a cow cannot turn around belonging to the hostel".
The roads were called slí or slighe which was a chariot way and it was an offense to block a slí as I am sure it was an offense to break the wall of a bohar. The King was given a welcome and the feast was prepared by Da Derga himself. During the feast an earthquake shook the building "So that the weapons fell from their racks". King Conaire cried out aloud ...
"I do not know what it is, unless it be that the earth has been rent, or that the Leviathan encircling the earth is striking with its tail to overturn the world, or the boat of the sons of Donn Desa that has come to land".
Now a Leviation is a comet, which in ancient times was known as a fiery dragon. Norse legends tell us of three comets, a serpent, a wolf, and a dog, and in the book of Job, this Leviathan is referred to as the apostate dragon. It might be possible to cross reference the comet with the earthquake and thereby date Conaires death date exactly.
It was by the swords of the sons of Donn Desa that our Conaire died. Using divining rods on the potential site, which was after much research, I came across the crack left by that earthquake all those years ago. It is about six to eight feet wide, travels about north - south for hundreds / thousands of steps, and the now grassed over crack is clearly visible as a linear depression. Further south is a well known standing stone alignment, the remains of seven cairns, and maybe five stone circles, which I believe to be annotating this same earth fracture. Not far north is a Cist grave.
The highest point of the hill has a Bullaun stone, which is a huge boulder lying on its side with a 16 inch wide bowl carved into it. Standing beside the Bullaun stone there is a panoramic view to Tara and to Newgrange and to the sea at Howth. Part of the old story of the Destruction of Da Dergas hostel tells us that the hostel was visible from the sea, and this means that the sea was visible from the Hostel. This is the only place in the valley from which you can see the sea. Not only can you see the sea, you can see Howth and this means that the Sons of Donn Desa could have seen the huge fire declaring Conaires presence at the hostel. One of the five royal roads to Tara came from Da Dergas Hostel in Glenasmole, and it is perfectly appropriate that Tara could be seen from the Hostel. Glenasmole has long been thought of as the Valley of the Thrushes, but a friend, Thomas Maher, an Irish scholar, has brought us a proper translation as "the glen of the burnt out ruins".
From this site you can also see the cairns on Tallaght and Saggart hills. After Conaires death the wooden hostel was burned as was the tradition. There would only be postholes as an indicator of its existence. These are hidden under the blanket bog that covers the hill. In the 1960's a bog fire on a section of this hill burned for many days and revealed the remains of seven stone cairns. These seven cairns are in a line that I believe is also the line of the earthquake fracture. What makes them important is the fact that thousands of flint shards or flakes were found indicating industrial activity from the earliest phase of Ireland's occupation. Flint did not go out of fashion until metal knives became easily and cheaply available so they may have been still in production even during Conaires time. I have taken many students to this hill on our Divining Days and the divining effects over this earthquake crack are quite powerful.
This quiet little hill has survived re-occupation since the earthquake as if the locals held a memory of the fateful day. Members of the JRSAI have looked for this hostel for over a hundred years, many papers suggesting locations have been published, but none have been validated.
11. Fertility Rights
Sometimes the Goddess brings special things into your life in ways that reaffirm your path as a true and holy way. This happens more and more for me in my life as a teaching Celtic Druid but it happened for me in a very beautiful and special way on my recent May fortnight in Cornwall.
A friend asked me to remove and replace bathrooms and showers etc from his brother’s house in Mousehole, Cornwall in the sunny southwest of England. My friend’s brother intended to sell his house and to move to Co Wicklow and he was going over with a brother in law to do the painting and all my expenses would be paid. I was happy to help, on reasonable wages and would have a couple of days to site see with food and lodgings provided. I should mention that I am a qualified (retired) craftsman plumber, had been reading "The Sun and the Serpent" (a book on the St. Michael leyline), knew of the Lanyon Quoit dolmen and the Merry Maidens stone circle etc, that I am a Diviner with focused interest in the ancient wisdom tradition and born in the village of Somerset near Glastonbury in the County of Somerset. I have been to Glastonbury many times and I have also lectured on Living Water at the Red Spring but this was the first chance ever to visit Cornwall. Two years ago I had gone to Taunton (real cider country) to divine a proposed layout for a new Vita Fons water factory. Each of these visits had brought me closer to the most southerly point of the UK.
I was smiling. I could not say how many days it would take to do the work without seeing the house, so a return ticket for 14 days was obtained. The flight over to Bristol was OK but the airport is high on a hill and often shrouded in fog or covered in clouds. After circling three times we went to Manchester where we also circled as there was an air jam of diverted planes. Having landed and had the usual fun with UK customs with my bag of plumbing hand tools (read as possible house breaking) I got a coach to Bristol. The train from Bristol to Penzance took 5 hours and the entire journey took 14 hours from my bed in my own house to my bed for the next few days in Mousehole. The flight back to Dublin took only 40 minutes!
I was well entertained and fed and watered by my host and hostess and got down to work. Eight days solid finished the plumbing. The two big dogs, the dust and my remaining asthma had mixed and even though we were on the coast with only 400 yards to the sea shore, I could not smell the sea breeze. You know the iodine smell-taste you get - well, I expected to get a similar sensation to Dingle as it juts out into the Gulf Stream but I got no sea smells - even at the sea shore. This was to change over the next few days.
On the eight night of my stay a heated discussion (after beer) facilitated my early departure at two o'clock in the morning. I packed tools and kit and left the house having intention to watch the sunrise on May 2nd over St Michaels Mount in Penzance Bay. A ten-minute walk had me sitting in the Penlee Lifeboat Disaster Memorial Garden, which is on a 60 foot high cliff beside the new Lifeboat Station. I have watched many sunrises in many locations so I had the wit to bring tissue and bottled water and to dress in layers. One tee shirt around the head reduced my body’s heat loss and I sat peacefully looking south and east over a world famous bay.
This was the morning when the Solar God aligned with the energies of the St. Michael and Mary line at 29-degrees North of East. Half a blood red Moon rose hugely in the sky between Helston and Lizard on the other side of the bay and I began to grin as I recalled briefly the heat in the discussions earlier. Then as the Moon rose through the refraction of our atmosphere it evolved from red to orange to yellow and then to white. As an Astrologer versed in star lore I knew the position of the Sun in relation to the shadow on the Moon and was damn sure I had a great seat to watch the May Day Sunrise. A white gold pulsing Solar disc arrived after glowing the sky into purples and reds - the colours no cameras can catch and climbed warming the Earth and all who live with her, me especially.
A powerful experience, but it was only the beginning of this adventure that I am calling the "Fertility Rights". I had a ticket home on the 9th of May, which gave me 6 days walkabout. The next day, I hired a car, a small car to me because it was a Gold Fiat Scicento, whereas at the time I drove a long wheelbase Transit mini-bus. It was perfect, 'Goldie' easy to park, light on unleaded and because I had been reading the OS map for the area and "the Sun and the Serpent", I needed a small car as I was intending to park in non designated places. No Parking and No Turning signs are everywhere.
I got to the Merry Maidens after driving past only once. This is a sweet circle of stones that was decorated with flowers that had now wilted a bit, but beautiful, as each stone still had its own offering in place. I got to see Carn le Boel at the coast where the salt laden wind whipped up giant vortices for the seagulls to spirally surf. This clifftop ceremonial enclosure is where the St Michael and St Mary Earth Energy lines join and disappear into the ground as they ride the Gulf Stream on their annual honeymoon heading towards the Amazon. It is just south of Lands End theme park. Here my sinus cleared as I roared with the wind in release. I got to the Alsia Holy Well and did some clearing of weeds and rubble. This lovely well is the first location recorded by Hamish Miller and Nigel Broadhurst that the St. Mary line visits. I spent half a day here.
The Blind Fiddler standing stone is eleven foot high standing stone on the St Mary line and as big as the two upright standing stone markers for the St Michael line just north and east of the Merry Maidens. These three stones all hold powerful energy. The long wild-hedged path to Boscawen Un stone circle has a well trodden path. The 1929 revival of the Druid Tradition in the UK happened here and having been there as a conscious spirit I can report that the energies are integrated and harmonised peacefully.
I went to the Madron Well twice, because I could. It is signed as a Celtic Church and Holy Well and very popular. Many, many rag offerings for healing were hanging from more than one tree at the wellhead. Some rags were synthetic and they won’t rot properly, so the cure will be delayed or not supported by the simple sympathetic magic. Inside the church is a lozenge water shape with spring water constantly being supplied for baptising. To fill a bottle from the incoming spout I removed my shoe and sock and placed my right foot into the water onto the round rock that seemed to have been nicely placed.
Just up and right beside the road is the huge Lanyon Quoit dolmen. In the middle of nowhere, it is also very popular as it is one-minute walk into a field. My mission was the Men an Tol site, less than one mile away, but the weather turned. My rainy day standby plan was to go to the Eden Project at St Austell. This is site of the world’s largest greenhouses, which are geodesic conservatories, providing the conditions of Humid Tropics and Warn Temperate regions in dual biomes. This is big, a recycled quarry that is being called the 8th wonder of the world by its own promotional literature. It is 'far out', really huge and even the traffic on a midweek rainy day in May suffered a one and a half hour jam. It was like a zoo for Plants to my mind and I would speak of it as 'incredible but sterile' but even so - I got to see the allys/plants that are called Ahyawaska and Datura. Very busy and designed as wheelchair accessible this is a really impressive set up. But, it is a zoo. (small case z intended)
I got to the Men an Tol site with high, small puffy white clouds and a rich blue dome in partnership with a brilliant Sun and took my shoes and socks off. What a site. From here looking NE you see the same mine head building with its smoke stack as you see from the Lanyon Quoit dolmen when looking NW. Looking south you can see most of Cornwall and even the sea. The site centres on the holed stone and its two pillars. What we have is a pair of upright pillar stones about ten feet apart and an upright donut stone in the middle. The hole is curved inward to the south and it is big enough for most people to climb through. I had asked at other sites to be involved with others in some Ceremony even though I am happy on my own and can and do give thanks and acknowledgement at all ceremonial locations, I had expressed a wish to the Goddess to be with others in Ceremony. Boy, was I surprised at what happened at this place of power!
A German couple sat with their backs to the south standing stone reading a book when I walked up. I walked about ten steps to the north of the north stone and just sat down. Then couple #1 pack and leave. I walk around and touch and tune in with each of the stones whilst barefoot feeling the grounds vibrations through my feet and with a gentle wind blowing my long hair I raised my face up to the Sum and grinned feeling strong connection to Source. From this perspective I felt and then saw couple #2 on their way up the nearby track. I knew I had about three minutes before they would arrive and decided to use the time divining the energies with my pendulum. I recalled that the pendulum had confused UK customs with its bullet shape. I gave them some space and they left after five minutes. This time I climbed through the hole. I am glad I do yoga and I used all my muscles as I made my way through the 20 inch diameter hole.
Then after fifteen minutes I saw that there was another couple on their way. After creating space for the couple #3 to take their photos, they had visited and left within five minutes. When I returned I took many pictures from different angles in a kind of a hurry as I knew things were changing. I got about twenty minutes on my own at the temple dedicated to the fertility of union. I reclined on a spongy short grass mossy bank about ten steps form the middle, barefoot and bare-chested being caressed by the moist energies of the Mother and Daughter while Father Sun warmed my skin that was being tickled by the gentle Son of the Mother, the Wind. Minutes felt like hours, I even developed concern about sunburn.
I sat up to see six women had arrived to within ten steps of the temple centre as I had and I took notice of the elderly Lady Leader. Easily seventy she moved with gentle grace and held her group closely at the edge of the inner ring of power that she and I had recognised. When they settled I reclined again. After three minutes I felt a shift and sat up to see the group of six women joining hands around the holed donut stone. Then I realised that one of the Ladies was wearing only a towel and a tee shirt, this was moments before she removed the towel, then the tee shirt. She climbed gracefully while naked through the holed granite stone with help from her friends. She had gone North to South as the countersunk shape of the hole showed and then she stood and turned around with her palms joined and looked North quietly giving thanks. After a few moments she casually dressed and joined the circle again.
A second tall blonde German Lady undressed and also gracefully went through the Fertility Right with support from her friends. I am sitting quietly ten steps north of this incredibly beautiful ceremony when a third Lady climbed through the stone hole, this time fully dressed but with help from her friends. She, like the previous two Ladies turned north with palms joined in front of her heart and quietly gave thanks.
I realised that I was privileged by this group expressing their highest needs in such a powerful way in my presence but I also knew that it was time for me to leave. Now, I did not leave completely but instead I walked east for about 400 yards with my cameras in one hand and my shoes and shirt in the other. I hit a rim of synergy that I understood to be the edge of the combined energy of the six Ladies and the Monument. I stood just outside and felt that I was on guard. My feeling was to hold another sphere of energy as a time shield for this group on their sacred pilgrimage. I turned my gaze to the centre as they raised their joined arms and they all let out a group shout. Three times they repeated this. Ten minutes later they left. When they were leaving I began to return and I got another ten minutes to be at this place of love without company when couple #4 was seen coming up the track.
An English Couple who said hello and then the slim young Lady quickly climbed through twice fully dressed. She saw the group of thirty on their way up the track and said to me "Are you supposed to do it nine times?" and I replied, "there were some Ladies here earlier who did it naked". She smiled a British smile and joined her partner as the tour group arrived.
The leader held a stainless steel spring with one inch coils which was about two foot long as a version of the forked divining stick and proceeded to show the group the energies of the temple. I smiled with satisfaction as I saw him identify the same invisible energies at the three stones just as I had earlier. I left them and the British Couple as I happily sauntered back to my little car and the rest of my life. Oh, a good day.
I had had three ideas of what to do at these fertility stones, place a hand through the hole to receive a wedding ring, climb through - North / South once (naked / dressed) to get pregnant, and climb through dressed nine times to get pregnant. I had been privileged, "as if by Magic", said the Druid to himself with a deep grin. I gave thanks to St Michael and St Mary as emissaries of the God and Goddess for allowing me casual involvement in such powerful ceremony.
Afterwards I became aware that this was the other side of birth control. On one hand you have the pill, chemical disruption of the fertility cycle compounded by the low fertility of the toxic environment from organo estrogens. This is severe control by the dominator that plays havoc with female internal energetics. On the other hand you have gentle invocation with ritual and ceremony done in harmony and with respect seeking only to influence the energies for life. It is Woman's Right to choose to conceive a baby. This is what Fertility Rights are about - Working in Partnership with the Energies of Life. Those four Ladies expressed their right to choose for life at a very old stone temple that is dedicated to Fertility Rights and they allowed me to watch and support their hopes for conception.
May their wish be granted to each one of them and may your wishes be granted to you.
Sometimes the Goddess brings special things into your life in ways that reaffirm your path as a true and holy way. This happens more and more for me in my life as a teaching Celtic Druid but it happened for me in a very beautiful and special way on my recent May fortnight in Cornwall.
A friend asked me to remove and replace bathrooms and showers etc from his brother’s house in Mousehole, Cornwall in the sunny southwest of England. My friend’s brother intended to sell his house and to move to Co Wicklow and he was going over with a brother in law to do the painting and all my expenses would be paid. I was happy to help, on reasonable wages and would have a couple of days to site see with food and lodgings provided. I should mention that I am a qualified (retired) craftsman plumber, had been reading "The Sun and the Serpent" (a book on the St. Michael leyline), knew of the Lanyon Quoit dolmen and the Merry Maidens stone circle etc, that I am a Diviner with focused interest in the ancient wisdom tradition and born in the village of Somerset near Glastonbury in the County of Somerset. I have been to Glastonbury many times and I have also lectured on Living Water at the Red Spring but this was the first chance ever to visit Cornwall. Two years ago I had gone to Taunton (real cider country) to divine a proposed layout for a new Vita Fons water factory. Each of these visits had brought me closer to the most southerly point of the UK.
I was smiling. I could not say how many days it would take to do the work without seeing the house, so a return ticket for 14 days was obtained. The flight over to Bristol was OK but the airport is high on a hill and often shrouded in fog or covered in clouds. After circling three times we went to Manchester where we also circled as there was an air jam of diverted planes. Having landed and had the usual fun with UK customs with my bag of plumbing hand tools (read as possible house breaking) I got a coach to Bristol. The train from Bristol to Penzance took 5 hours and the entire journey took 14 hours from my bed in my own house to my bed for the next few days in Mousehole. The flight back to Dublin took only 40 minutes!
I was well entertained and fed and watered by my host and hostess and got down to work. Eight days solid finished the plumbing. The two big dogs, the dust and my remaining asthma had mixed and even though we were on the coast with only 400 yards to the sea shore, I could not smell the sea breeze. You know the iodine smell-taste you get - well, I expected to get a similar sensation to Dingle as it juts out into the Gulf Stream but I got no sea smells - even at the sea shore. This was to change over the next few days.
On the eight night of my stay a heated discussion (after beer) facilitated my early departure at two o'clock in the morning. I packed tools and kit and left the house having intention to watch the sunrise on May 2nd over St Michaels Mount in Penzance Bay. A ten-minute walk had me sitting in the Penlee Lifeboat Disaster Memorial Garden, which is on a 60 foot high cliff beside the new Lifeboat Station. I have watched many sunrises in many locations so I had the wit to bring tissue and bottled water and to dress in layers. One tee shirt around the head reduced my body’s heat loss and I sat peacefully looking south and east over a world famous bay.
This was the morning when the Solar God aligned with the energies of the St. Michael and Mary line at 29-degrees North of East. Half a blood red Moon rose hugely in the sky between Helston and Lizard on the other side of the bay and I began to grin as I recalled briefly the heat in the discussions earlier. Then as the Moon rose through the refraction of our atmosphere it evolved from red to orange to yellow and then to white. As an Astrologer versed in star lore I knew the position of the Sun in relation to the shadow on the Moon and was damn sure I had a great seat to watch the May Day Sunrise. A white gold pulsing Solar disc arrived after glowing the sky into purples and reds - the colours no cameras can catch and climbed warming the Earth and all who live with her, me especially.
A powerful experience, but it was only the beginning of this adventure that I am calling the "Fertility Rights". I had a ticket home on the 9th of May, which gave me 6 days walkabout. The next day, I hired a car, a small car to me because it was a Gold Fiat Scicento, whereas at the time I drove a long wheelbase Transit mini-bus. It was perfect, 'Goldie' easy to park, light on unleaded and because I had been reading the OS map for the area and "the Sun and the Serpent", I needed a small car as I was intending to park in non designated places. No Parking and No Turning signs are everywhere.
I got to the Merry Maidens after driving past only once. This is a sweet circle of stones that was decorated with flowers that had now wilted a bit, but beautiful, as each stone still had its own offering in place. I got to see Carn le Boel at the coast where the salt laden wind whipped up giant vortices for the seagulls to spirally surf. This clifftop ceremonial enclosure is where the St Michael and St Mary Earth Energy lines join and disappear into the ground as they ride the Gulf Stream on their annual honeymoon heading towards the Amazon. It is just south of Lands End theme park. Here my sinus cleared as I roared with the wind in release. I got to the Alsia Holy Well and did some clearing of weeds and rubble. This lovely well is the first location recorded by Hamish Miller and Nigel Broadhurst that the St. Mary line visits. I spent half a day here.
The Blind Fiddler standing stone is eleven foot high standing stone on the St Mary line and as big as the two upright standing stone markers for the St Michael line just north and east of the Merry Maidens. These three stones all hold powerful energy. The long wild-hedged path to Boscawen Un stone circle has a well trodden path. The 1929 revival of the Druid Tradition in the UK happened here and having been there as a conscious spirit I can report that the energies are integrated and harmonised peacefully.
I went to the Madron Well twice, because I could. It is signed as a Celtic Church and Holy Well and very popular. Many, many rag offerings for healing were hanging from more than one tree at the wellhead. Some rags were synthetic and they won’t rot properly, so the cure will be delayed or not supported by the simple sympathetic magic. Inside the church is a lozenge water shape with spring water constantly being supplied for baptising. To fill a bottle from the incoming spout I removed my shoe and sock and placed my right foot into the water onto the round rock that seemed to have been nicely placed.
Just up and right beside the road is the huge Lanyon Quoit dolmen. In the middle of nowhere, it is also very popular as it is one-minute walk into a field. My mission was the Men an Tol site, less than one mile away, but the weather turned. My rainy day standby plan was to go to the Eden Project at St Austell. This is site of the world’s largest greenhouses, which are geodesic conservatories, providing the conditions of Humid Tropics and Warn Temperate regions in dual biomes. This is big, a recycled quarry that is being called the 8th wonder of the world by its own promotional literature. It is 'far out', really huge and even the traffic on a midweek rainy day in May suffered a one and a half hour jam. It was like a zoo for Plants to my mind and I would speak of it as 'incredible but sterile' but even so - I got to see the allys/plants that are called Ahyawaska and Datura. Very busy and designed as wheelchair accessible this is a really impressive set up. But, it is a zoo. (small case z intended)
I got to the Men an Tol site with high, small puffy white clouds and a rich blue dome in partnership with a brilliant Sun and took my shoes and socks off. What a site. From here looking NE you see the same mine head building with its smoke stack as you see from the Lanyon Quoit dolmen when looking NW. Looking south you can see most of Cornwall and even the sea. The site centres on the holed stone and its two pillars. What we have is a pair of upright pillar stones about ten feet apart and an upright donut stone in the middle. The hole is curved inward to the south and it is big enough for most people to climb through. I had asked at other sites to be involved with others in some Ceremony even though I am happy on my own and can and do give thanks and acknowledgement at all ceremonial locations, I had expressed a wish to the Goddess to be with others in Ceremony. Boy, was I surprised at what happened at this place of power!
A German couple sat with their backs to the south standing stone reading a book when I walked up. I walked about ten steps to the north of the north stone and just sat down. Then couple #1 pack and leave. I walk around and touch and tune in with each of the stones whilst barefoot feeling the grounds vibrations through my feet and with a gentle wind blowing my long hair I raised my face up to the Sum and grinned feeling strong connection to Source. From this perspective I felt and then saw couple #2 on their way up the nearby track. I knew I had about three minutes before they would arrive and decided to use the time divining the energies with my pendulum. I recalled that the pendulum had confused UK customs with its bullet shape. I gave them some space and they left after five minutes. This time I climbed through the hole. I am glad I do yoga and I used all my muscles as I made my way through the 20 inch diameter hole.
Then after fifteen minutes I saw that there was another couple on their way. After creating space for the couple #3 to take their photos, they had visited and left within five minutes. When I returned I took many pictures from different angles in a kind of a hurry as I knew things were changing. I got about twenty minutes on my own at the temple dedicated to the fertility of union. I reclined on a spongy short grass mossy bank about ten steps form the middle, barefoot and bare-chested being caressed by the moist energies of the Mother and Daughter while Father Sun warmed my skin that was being tickled by the gentle Son of the Mother, the Wind. Minutes felt like hours, I even developed concern about sunburn.
I sat up to see six women had arrived to within ten steps of the temple centre as I had and I took notice of the elderly Lady Leader. Easily seventy she moved with gentle grace and held her group closely at the edge of the inner ring of power that she and I had recognised. When they settled I reclined again. After three minutes I felt a shift and sat up to see the group of six women joining hands around the holed donut stone. Then I realised that one of the Ladies was wearing only a towel and a tee shirt, this was moments before she removed the towel, then the tee shirt. She climbed gracefully while naked through the holed granite stone with help from her friends. She had gone North to South as the countersunk shape of the hole showed and then she stood and turned around with her palms joined and looked North quietly giving thanks. After a few moments she casually dressed and joined the circle again.
A second tall blonde German Lady undressed and also gracefully went through the Fertility Right with support from her friends. I am sitting quietly ten steps north of this incredibly beautiful ceremony when a third Lady climbed through the stone hole, this time fully dressed but with help from her friends. She, like the previous two Ladies turned north with palms joined in front of her heart and quietly gave thanks.
I realised that I was privileged by this group expressing their highest needs in such a powerful way in my presence but I also knew that it was time for me to leave. Now, I did not leave completely but instead I walked east for about 400 yards with my cameras in one hand and my shoes and shirt in the other. I hit a rim of synergy that I understood to be the edge of the combined energy of the six Ladies and the Monument. I stood just outside and felt that I was on guard. My feeling was to hold another sphere of energy as a time shield for this group on their sacred pilgrimage. I turned my gaze to the centre as they raised their joined arms and they all let out a group shout. Three times they repeated this. Ten minutes later they left. When they were leaving I began to return and I got another ten minutes to be at this place of love without company when couple #4 was seen coming up the track.
An English Couple who said hello and then the slim young Lady quickly climbed through twice fully dressed. She saw the group of thirty on their way up the track and said to me "Are you supposed to do it nine times?" and I replied, "there were some Ladies here earlier who did it naked". She smiled a British smile and joined her partner as the tour group arrived.
The leader held a stainless steel spring with one inch coils which was about two foot long as a version of the forked divining stick and proceeded to show the group the energies of the temple. I smiled with satisfaction as I saw him identify the same invisible energies at the three stones just as I had earlier. I left them and the British Couple as I happily sauntered back to my little car and the rest of my life. Oh, a good day.
I had had three ideas of what to do at these fertility stones, place a hand through the hole to receive a wedding ring, climb through - North / South once (naked / dressed) to get pregnant, and climb through dressed nine times to get pregnant. I had been privileged, "as if by Magic", said the Druid to himself with a deep grin. I gave thanks to St Michael and St Mary as emissaries of the God and Goddess for allowing me casual involvement in such powerful ceremony.
Afterwards I became aware that this was the other side of birth control. On one hand you have the pill, chemical disruption of the fertility cycle compounded by the low fertility of the toxic environment from organo estrogens. This is severe control by the dominator that plays havoc with female internal energetics. On the other hand you have gentle invocation with ritual and ceremony done in harmony and with respect seeking only to influence the energies for life. It is Woman's Right to choose to conceive a baby. This is what Fertility Rights are about - Working in Partnership with the Energies of Life. Those four Ladies expressed their right to choose for life at a very old stone temple that is dedicated to Fertility Rights and they allowed me to watch and support their hopes for conception.
May their wish be granted to each one of them and may your wishes be granted to you.
12. Hard Core Reality Therapy
The theme here is 'Waking up to the Light' by being made aware of the darkness of lies, disintegration and false histories and by shining Light into Darkness we can connect to Truth.
The Sun rises in the East - No it does not! It stays exactly where it is and this planet Earth turns from west to east to allow the Sun's energy to reach us. It only appears to rise in the east when in fact it stays where it is and Earth turns around to receive its Light.
Jesus Christ is a King and a God - the modern catholick church has made this statement in writing and by the costume that they have placed on images of this special man. Jesus was a prophet, just as Mohammad, both had similar missions to lead the people away from senseless wars and into the Light of community and sharing. Both men have been misrepresented and their primary mission hidden by those who practice a form of religious imperialism. There is no Roman record of Jesus Christ - christos means anointed. Just like St Patrick, Jesus has been remolded for control and commercial reasons by those who seek to control instead of serve the people.
Midnight is 12 am or 23:59 - No its not, ‘mid-night’ is the half way point between Sunset and Sunrise. Best proof is the Summer Solstice Sunset at about 11pm and Sunrise at about 5am = this makes the middle of the night at about 3am....
There is only one God - Not true, there are 6 million+ Gods in India, hundreds of Gods for the Celt and every culture has its own pantheon of Gods. Anyone limiting your freedom to choose an appropriate God does not have your best interests at heart.
Guinness is good for you - Not any more, this famous black stout has become degraded by identifiable bad ingredients. This is the water that it is based on which is heavily fluoridated, the chemically grown crops that it is made from and the backbones of the cows that it is filtered through at the finings stage. It may be that Guinness filters the fluoride out of the water but they are not aware of the need to remove the information or imprinting of that fluoride from the water so the living water thinks it is still fluoridated. Organic crops will not have the same amount or huge range of manmade agricultural fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides and sprouting preventers as the chemically grown crops that Guinness uses today. A veritable cocktail. High-risk material is a term used by Vet's when they speak of the bones of cows over a certain age. One stage of producing the Devils own brew (to quote Ian Paisley) is the filtering through crushed bones. If you have drank the black stuff you will probably recall that your energy levels went down and that you suffered memory loss and loss of clarity. Now you know why.
Cooking your turkey in aluminum tin foil is good for you - No; aluminum is a deadly toxin to humans. Its main benefit is quicker cooking but this is of no use if it is also going to kill us by accumulating toxicity inside our stomachs. A conventional doctor told a 5-year old child who was suffering from severe hearing loss that there would be a 2-year waiting list or £2000 (1993) cost to have an operation while the alternative herbalist used a Vega test to identify the cause. Poached egg in a pitted aluminum pot caused the problem. The pitting meant that the aluminum was leaking into the food. Chinese herbs (£40) resolved the glue ear deafness and the cause, which was the aluminum pot, was then binned. The doctor’s knife was not used this time. When you get enough aluminum in your belly the metal causes ulcers. This is a torn stomach, pills can hide it for a while but only full detox can cure the cause. AVOID TIN FOIL
Aluminum based Orgonite pendants support your Energy Fields - No way, the aluminum shards that have a pretty curl and can be bought cheaply are highly toxic to all who seek to maintain a harmonious Lifeforce. In Nature the Aluminum is bound in a natural orgonite called Bauxite. This is its safe form similar in many ways to Opium and Heroin. With Opium there is Natures balance with the active ingredient and the balancing alkaloids together in harmony. This natural form is suitable for sleep and pain relief without even ingestion. The Heroin is ripped out of this natural blend and refined to be stronger by injection and is much more profitable. Comprehend and copy Nature, because Nature has given us this beautiful planet to live on - avoid body jewelery with aluminum in it.
Deodorants and antiperspirants are important for heath care - Wrong, these Petrochemical based smell neutralizers cause a much worse problem than they are used to hide. This is in the blocking of our sweat pores with ionic chemicals. If you cannot sweat from under your armpits then you cannot regulate body temperature as efficiently as you were designed to. Your sweat comes from your lymph system, which is the toxin removal opposite of the blood food supply system. Suppressing sweating with chemicals causes problems that may lead to cancer for some users, it is usually the upper part of the breast that is removed; - this is the lymph nodes.
Wican Druids have an ancient Celtic tradition - Stop, this is a very silly notion. Wica comes from England in the middle of the 20th century (Gerald Gardner) and is a variation of an middle eastern system called the Cabbala with ideas from Aleister Crowley, Freemasonry, Egyptian ideologies and Celtic lore added on. This Quabbala, Kabbalah, Caballa is a valid system but it is not Celtic, it is a pre-Jewish magical tradition that uses a ‘Tree of Life’ with 10 spheres and 22 paths. Adding bits of a Celtic Tradition to a non Celtic practice may have been a way of making Wica more accessible to a greater audience but it does not make it Celtic. Avoid people claiming to be Wiccan Druids, Islamic Jews, honest politicians, Catholic Druids.... never mind their notions of ‘dont you oppress me’ when you apply hard core reality therapy to their confused ideologies you can easily see through their emperors suit.
The doctor’s pills will cure all your ills. Wrong thinking - this is a huge mistake because most pills are designed for profitable suppression of symptoms and seldom treat cause. When you think about it treating cause would not have any profit in it if you compare it to treating a recurring symptom. In most cases a pill would not be of any use to treat the ‘cause’ because the synthetic chemistry of pharmaceutical business is designed for profit. Prozac replacing St. John's Wort = Prozac is a fluoride based awareness suppresser. Fluoride is the second most toxic substance next to arsenic. It is cumulative in our bodies. It builds up from our toes. When we get dental fluorosis (white holes and streaks) in our exoskeleton (our teeth) we are full of the poison. Prozac takes three or four days to build sufficient strength to stop us waking up to the truth of the horrors of modern civilisation and the (presumed) hopelessness of our situation as worker robots. Hitler used this mass medication on the ghetto's and concentration camps to great effect through the water supply in much the same way that the Irish Government has done since 1964. Other fluoridated areas include the Basque region of Northern Spain and the Gaza Strip. (Israeli soldiers carry reverse osmosis water filters to remove the poison). St John's Wort is a God given herb and we should grow and use it with thanks and respect. see
Microwave Cookers cook food properly - No No No, these destroyers of food's essential health value get cheaper every year. It is cooking by irradiation and it destroys the flavour and removes the possibility of the enjoyment of the food. One friend has spoken of an awareness (obtained while meditating) of a energy demon on the other side of the food destroyer (microwave) who lives exclusively on the energy value that is removed from the microwaved food. This notion is not all that silly when we recall that there was always a fairy of the hearth, of the kitchen, the milk parlour and so on until recent times. Cooking by electron bombardment is a sure way to shatter the inner geometry's of the enzymes and proteins. Even after removing the food from the death box it continues to cook itself by the speed of activity of the aggressive electrons. DO NOT EAT IT.
Nuclear Power will give electricity to everyone - STOP, rethink, Nuclear power means only bombs for killing. There is very little useable power in the form of electricity produced from nuclear reactors. The British would loose all status as a world power if it was not for their production of raw and refined ingredients for bombs from the nuclear industry. At one time the UK had the world's biggest navy and ruled the world. That power is now replaced by the USA and its huge airborne capacity. So for the UK to be a world power today - it must have nuclear bombs. The early tv lies from the nuclear industry showed a kitchen that self cleaned, cooked without waste and allowed the housewife to wear nice frocks.....The reality is that they have unleashed a Dragon. This is the uranium dragon that is needed to guard and hold the vibration that is so terrible when unleashed on mankind. Protest against all Nuclear plans for expansion.
All night electric blankets are a great energy saver - These convenient modern appliances actually cook us. They work by leaking energy as heat and this type of heat is highly disruptive to our natural subtle energy bodies or Aura. When some one gets sick and becomes bedridden, friends may hope to help with an all night electric blanket but they are in fact actually making it worse. Some of you may be thinking that you could just warm the bed and then turn it off and it will be OK. Wrong thinking. This effectively makes the all night electric blanket into the same as the well-known ordinary electric blanket. Even when your electric blanket is turned off for hours it still disrupts the energies of anyone who lays on it. This is easily understood when you know that even a one hundred watt light bulb can negatively affect our Aura at 100 yards.
Fish farming is the solution to depleted fish stocks - Not true - interbreeding passes defective genes to wild fish, the farms act as hot houses for disease and both pesticides and antibiotics pollute coastal waters. The fish in these farms are fed with trawled fish from countries like Peru. This is simple to see - five kilos of wild fish (as fish meal) is needed to grow one kilo of farmed Atlantic salmon. Peruvian fishermen are deprived of their staple diet and of their livelihood to serve the high tastes of the wealthy. Cod is now an endangered species. Commercial pollution is subsidized and energy dams, traffic aeroplanes and agriculture, all of which pollute, attracts subsidies of $900 billion a year worldwide. In the words of the Earth Council: " the world is spending hundreds of billions of dollars annually to subsidize its own destruction". Fossil fuels were only discovered 250 years ago and this is what started the industrial revolution, causing the release of carbon into our atmosphere. In the future this will be seen as a crime against humankind.
Water, water every where and plenty to drink - think again - One billion people already suffer from a shortage of fresh water. It is estimated that two thirds (66%) of the worlds population will suffer severe water shortages in 25 years. This shortage is entirely man made (read as profitable) - we could choose to give priority to people rather than to industry or industrial agriculture. Peoples use or consumption of freshwater doubles every 20 years - at present 10%, while 65% is used by industrial agriculture and 25% is used by industry. Irrigation is the farming solution to water shortages. In 2,400 bc, irrigated fields in Sumeria produced 2,500 liters of barley per hectare, a respectable yield even by modern standards. By 1,700 bc, the yield fell to 900 liters per hectare. Soon afterwards crop failures began - and that was the end of Sumeria. Most of the great civilisations that depended on irrigation went the same way; salts came to the surface and destroyed their agriculture. Egypt with its annual flooding of the Nile was the exception with its floodwaters rich with silt. This is until 1970, when the Aswan dam was built, which now catches all the silt. The silt cannot renew the land each year and salts build up on the land, the delta fishery is failing and the dam is filling with the main resource - rich silt.
The western lifestyle is the way forward - This is a silly notion. Our resource base is declining at an alarming rate - if everyone adopted the western lifestyle we would need five earths’ to support us. When Gandhi was asked for his views on Western civilisation he replied, "I think it would be a good idea". In the USA, (pioneer of modern industrial agriculture) half of its topsoil has been lost in the last 100 years. The 20% of people living in the rich countries consume 86% of the world’s resources. Comprehend, copy and cooperate with Nature (Vicktor Schauberger) must be seen and practiced for human survival in the short, medium and long term and this means abandoning the so called ‘western lifestyle’ by choice.
The Global Village is creating equality - A complete lie - The income gap between the top and bottom fifth of the worlds people jumped from 30:1 in 1960 to 74:1 in 1997. The 20% of world population in rich countries have 80% of the world's GDP. In 1967 Switzerland was 50 times richer than Mozambique, but in 1997 it was 500 times richer. A major cause of inequality is an economy based on charging interest aka the fractional reserve system. Money flows from the poor who need to borrow from the rich who create spare cash to lend, but they want this cash back with huge interest. One in five children in the UK live below the poverty line.
Better food is costing us less - 75% of food costs in the developed world lie in processing, packaging and distribution. Intensive pesticide use in the US has over the last 50 years doubled the amount of crops lost to pests. In 1996 Britain exported 49 million kg of butter and imported 47 million kg! Cereal produced by industrial agriculture requires 6 or 7 times as much energy input as traditional farming. Daffodils from Cornwall go to Lincoln in refrigerated lorries, are flown to Holland for packaging, then flown back to the north of England, put on another plane, and then flown to New York for sale. Profiteers are destroying the future - reverse this by Permaculture and local trading systems.
Genetic crops will feed the world's poor - never the plan, just the marketing spoof = The yield of GM Soya is 6% less than normal Soya. This is the first GM crop with which rigorous tests have been carried out over a number of years. Herbicide-resistant GM plants can cross-pollinate with wild plants to create "superweeds". Since the forced introduction of GM crops in the US, farmers have been using more pesticides and herbicides, not less. Monsanto's 'New Leaf' potato incorporates pesticides in every cell, and the potato itself has to be registered as a pesticide. Love Nature and respect its ways, work with the natural cycles and there is enough for everyones need - but GM methods are based on greed and depopulation strategies. These days their days are numbered – the people are saying NO to GMO!
The theme here is 'Waking up to the Light' by being made aware of the darkness of lies, disintegration and false histories and by shining Light into Darkness we can connect to Truth.
The Sun rises in the East - No it does not! It stays exactly where it is and this planet Earth turns from west to east to allow the Sun's energy to reach us. It only appears to rise in the east when in fact it stays where it is and Earth turns around to receive its Light.
Jesus Christ is a King and a God - the modern catholick church has made this statement in writing and by the costume that they have placed on images of this special man. Jesus was a prophet, just as Mohammad, both had similar missions to lead the people away from senseless wars and into the Light of community and sharing. Both men have been misrepresented and their primary mission hidden by those who practice a form of religious imperialism. There is no Roman record of Jesus Christ - christos means anointed. Just like St Patrick, Jesus has been remolded for control and commercial reasons by those who seek to control instead of serve the people.
Midnight is 12 am or 23:59 - No its not, ‘mid-night’ is the half way point between Sunset and Sunrise. Best proof is the Summer Solstice Sunset at about 11pm and Sunrise at about 5am = this makes the middle of the night at about 3am....
There is only one God - Not true, there are 6 million+ Gods in India, hundreds of Gods for the Celt and every culture has its own pantheon of Gods. Anyone limiting your freedom to choose an appropriate God does not have your best interests at heart.
Guinness is good for you - Not any more, this famous black stout has become degraded by identifiable bad ingredients. This is the water that it is based on which is heavily fluoridated, the chemically grown crops that it is made from and the backbones of the cows that it is filtered through at the finings stage. It may be that Guinness filters the fluoride out of the water but they are not aware of the need to remove the information or imprinting of that fluoride from the water so the living water thinks it is still fluoridated. Organic crops will not have the same amount or huge range of manmade agricultural fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides and sprouting preventers as the chemically grown crops that Guinness uses today. A veritable cocktail. High-risk material is a term used by Vet's when they speak of the bones of cows over a certain age. One stage of producing the Devils own brew (to quote Ian Paisley) is the filtering through crushed bones. If you have drank the black stuff you will probably recall that your energy levels went down and that you suffered memory loss and loss of clarity. Now you know why.
Cooking your turkey in aluminum tin foil is good for you - No; aluminum is a deadly toxin to humans. Its main benefit is quicker cooking but this is of no use if it is also going to kill us by accumulating toxicity inside our stomachs. A conventional doctor told a 5-year old child who was suffering from severe hearing loss that there would be a 2-year waiting list or £2000 (1993) cost to have an operation while the alternative herbalist used a Vega test to identify the cause. Poached egg in a pitted aluminum pot caused the problem. The pitting meant that the aluminum was leaking into the food. Chinese herbs (£40) resolved the glue ear deafness and the cause, which was the aluminum pot, was then binned. The doctor’s knife was not used this time. When you get enough aluminum in your belly the metal causes ulcers. This is a torn stomach, pills can hide it for a while but only full detox can cure the cause. AVOID TIN FOIL
Aluminum based Orgonite pendants support your Energy Fields - No way, the aluminum shards that have a pretty curl and can be bought cheaply are highly toxic to all who seek to maintain a harmonious Lifeforce. In Nature the Aluminum is bound in a natural orgonite called Bauxite. This is its safe form similar in many ways to Opium and Heroin. With Opium there is Natures balance with the active ingredient and the balancing alkaloids together in harmony. This natural form is suitable for sleep and pain relief without even ingestion. The Heroin is ripped out of this natural blend and refined to be stronger by injection and is much more profitable. Comprehend and copy Nature, because Nature has given us this beautiful planet to live on - avoid body jewelery with aluminum in it.
Deodorants and antiperspirants are important for heath care - Wrong, these Petrochemical based smell neutralizers cause a much worse problem than they are used to hide. This is in the blocking of our sweat pores with ionic chemicals. If you cannot sweat from under your armpits then you cannot regulate body temperature as efficiently as you were designed to. Your sweat comes from your lymph system, which is the toxin removal opposite of the blood food supply system. Suppressing sweating with chemicals causes problems that may lead to cancer for some users, it is usually the upper part of the breast that is removed; - this is the lymph nodes.
Wican Druids have an ancient Celtic tradition - Stop, this is a very silly notion. Wica comes from England in the middle of the 20th century (Gerald Gardner) and is a variation of an middle eastern system called the Cabbala with ideas from Aleister Crowley, Freemasonry, Egyptian ideologies and Celtic lore added on. This Quabbala, Kabbalah, Caballa is a valid system but it is not Celtic, it is a pre-Jewish magical tradition that uses a ‘Tree of Life’ with 10 spheres and 22 paths. Adding bits of a Celtic Tradition to a non Celtic practice may have been a way of making Wica more accessible to a greater audience but it does not make it Celtic. Avoid people claiming to be Wiccan Druids, Islamic Jews, honest politicians, Catholic Druids.... never mind their notions of ‘dont you oppress me’ when you apply hard core reality therapy to their confused ideologies you can easily see through their emperors suit.
The doctor’s pills will cure all your ills. Wrong thinking - this is a huge mistake because most pills are designed for profitable suppression of symptoms and seldom treat cause. When you think about it treating cause would not have any profit in it if you compare it to treating a recurring symptom. In most cases a pill would not be of any use to treat the ‘cause’ because the synthetic chemistry of pharmaceutical business is designed for profit. Prozac replacing St. John's Wort = Prozac is a fluoride based awareness suppresser. Fluoride is the second most toxic substance next to arsenic. It is cumulative in our bodies. It builds up from our toes. When we get dental fluorosis (white holes and streaks) in our exoskeleton (our teeth) we are full of the poison. Prozac takes three or four days to build sufficient strength to stop us waking up to the truth of the horrors of modern civilisation and the (presumed) hopelessness of our situation as worker robots. Hitler used this mass medication on the ghetto's and concentration camps to great effect through the water supply in much the same way that the Irish Government has done since 1964. Other fluoridated areas include the Basque region of Northern Spain and the Gaza Strip. (Israeli soldiers carry reverse osmosis water filters to remove the poison). St John's Wort is a God given herb and we should grow and use it with thanks and respect. see
Microwave Cookers cook food properly - No No No, these destroyers of food's essential health value get cheaper every year. It is cooking by irradiation and it destroys the flavour and removes the possibility of the enjoyment of the food. One friend has spoken of an awareness (obtained while meditating) of a energy demon on the other side of the food destroyer (microwave) who lives exclusively on the energy value that is removed from the microwaved food. This notion is not all that silly when we recall that there was always a fairy of the hearth, of the kitchen, the milk parlour and so on until recent times. Cooking by electron bombardment is a sure way to shatter the inner geometry's of the enzymes and proteins. Even after removing the food from the death box it continues to cook itself by the speed of activity of the aggressive electrons. DO NOT EAT IT.
Nuclear Power will give electricity to everyone - STOP, rethink, Nuclear power means only bombs for killing. There is very little useable power in the form of electricity produced from nuclear reactors. The British would loose all status as a world power if it was not for their production of raw and refined ingredients for bombs from the nuclear industry. At one time the UK had the world's biggest navy and ruled the world. That power is now replaced by the USA and its huge airborne capacity. So for the UK to be a world power today - it must have nuclear bombs. The early tv lies from the nuclear industry showed a kitchen that self cleaned, cooked without waste and allowed the housewife to wear nice frocks.....The reality is that they have unleashed a Dragon. This is the uranium dragon that is needed to guard and hold the vibration that is so terrible when unleashed on mankind. Protest against all Nuclear plans for expansion.
All night electric blankets are a great energy saver - These convenient modern appliances actually cook us. They work by leaking energy as heat and this type of heat is highly disruptive to our natural subtle energy bodies or Aura. When some one gets sick and becomes bedridden, friends may hope to help with an all night electric blanket but they are in fact actually making it worse. Some of you may be thinking that you could just warm the bed and then turn it off and it will be OK. Wrong thinking. This effectively makes the all night electric blanket into the same as the well-known ordinary electric blanket. Even when your electric blanket is turned off for hours it still disrupts the energies of anyone who lays on it. This is easily understood when you know that even a one hundred watt light bulb can negatively affect our Aura at 100 yards.
Fish farming is the solution to depleted fish stocks - Not true - interbreeding passes defective genes to wild fish, the farms act as hot houses for disease and both pesticides and antibiotics pollute coastal waters. The fish in these farms are fed with trawled fish from countries like Peru. This is simple to see - five kilos of wild fish (as fish meal) is needed to grow one kilo of farmed Atlantic salmon. Peruvian fishermen are deprived of their staple diet and of their livelihood to serve the high tastes of the wealthy. Cod is now an endangered species. Commercial pollution is subsidized and energy dams, traffic aeroplanes and agriculture, all of which pollute, attracts subsidies of $900 billion a year worldwide. In the words of the Earth Council: " the world is spending hundreds of billions of dollars annually to subsidize its own destruction". Fossil fuels were only discovered 250 years ago and this is what started the industrial revolution, causing the release of carbon into our atmosphere. In the future this will be seen as a crime against humankind.
Water, water every where and plenty to drink - think again - One billion people already suffer from a shortage of fresh water. It is estimated that two thirds (66%) of the worlds population will suffer severe water shortages in 25 years. This shortage is entirely man made (read as profitable) - we could choose to give priority to people rather than to industry or industrial agriculture. Peoples use or consumption of freshwater doubles every 20 years - at present 10%, while 65% is used by industrial agriculture and 25% is used by industry. Irrigation is the farming solution to water shortages. In 2,400 bc, irrigated fields in Sumeria produced 2,500 liters of barley per hectare, a respectable yield even by modern standards. By 1,700 bc, the yield fell to 900 liters per hectare. Soon afterwards crop failures began - and that was the end of Sumeria. Most of the great civilisations that depended on irrigation went the same way; salts came to the surface and destroyed their agriculture. Egypt with its annual flooding of the Nile was the exception with its floodwaters rich with silt. This is until 1970, when the Aswan dam was built, which now catches all the silt. The silt cannot renew the land each year and salts build up on the land, the delta fishery is failing and the dam is filling with the main resource - rich silt.
The western lifestyle is the way forward - This is a silly notion. Our resource base is declining at an alarming rate - if everyone adopted the western lifestyle we would need five earths’ to support us. When Gandhi was asked for his views on Western civilisation he replied, "I think it would be a good idea". In the USA, (pioneer of modern industrial agriculture) half of its topsoil has been lost in the last 100 years. The 20% of people living in the rich countries consume 86% of the world’s resources. Comprehend, copy and cooperate with Nature (Vicktor Schauberger) must be seen and practiced for human survival in the short, medium and long term and this means abandoning the so called ‘western lifestyle’ by choice.
The Global Village is creating equality - A complete lie - The income gap between the top and bottom fifth of the worlds people jumped from 30:1 in 1960 to 74:1 in 1997. The 20% of world population in rich countries have 80% of the world's GDP. In 1967 Switzerland was 50 times richer than Mozambique, but in 1997 it was 500 times richer. A major cause of inequality is an economy based on charging interest aka the fractional reserve system. Money flows from the poor who need to borrow from the rich who create spare cash to lend, but they want this cash back with huge interest. One in five children in the UK live below the poverty line.
Better food is costing us less - 75% of food costs in the developed world lie in processing, packaging and distribution. Intensive pesticide use in the US has over the last 50 years doubled the amount of crops lost to pests. In 1996 Britain exported 49 million kg of butter and imported 47 million kg! Cereal produced by industrial agriculture requires 6 or 7 times as much energy input as traditional farming. Daffodils from Cornwall go to Lincoln in refrigerated lorries, are flown to Holland for packaging, then flown back to the north of England, put on another plane, and then flown to New York for sale. Profiteers are destroying the future - reverse this by Permaculture and local trading systems.
Genetic crops will feed the world's poor - never the plan, just the marketing spoof = The yield of GM Soya is 6% less than normal Soya. This is the first GM crop with which rigorous tests have been carried out over a number of years. Herbicide-resistant GM plants can cross-pollinate with wild plants to create "superweeds". Since the forced introduction of GM crops in the US, farmers have been using more pesticides and herbicides, not less. Monsanto's 'New Leaf' potato incorporates pesticides in every cell, and the potato itself has to be registered as a pesticide. Love Nature and respect its ways, work with the natural cycles and there is enough for everyones need - but GM methods are based on greed and depopulation strategies. These days their days are numbered – the people are saying NO to GMO!
13. Quartz Age
Technology and Machinery of the Irish Quartz Age
Earth Energy exists everywhere on this planet. We know many old names for this subtle energy. The challenge has always been to maintain a balance between the positive and negative aspects of this energy. This happens naturally on many levels, but to ensure human survival it was and is necessary to work with nature to enhance a long-term balance that is not much affected by out side events. These events include comets, meteorites, earthquakes, volcanoes, storms and all of the associated after effects of the above. But the most serious event was and is the strength of the Solar Wind.
Our earliest ancestors were very much aware of this challenge. Our mythology calls them the Tuatha De Dannan, of the people of the Goddess Danu. They are said to have landed by metal ship in the north west of Ireland. They brought with them four magical power objects. These may be seen as an understanding of fire, air, water and earth, the four elements. When the four elements are combined properly, a fifth element is created; this is the energy of spirit. Various type of machinery was constructed to work with maintaining the balance. This exists today as the stone built monuments that are refered to by archaeologists as passages Cairns etc. This must be seen today by all researchers as similar to the remains of a highly advanced survival machine. What is being researched by todays archaeologists is like the wreckage of a plane crash.
The Earth's energy (many names) fluctuates, is pulsing in nature, very subtle, is concentrated in water and can be used to charge certain items. Solar energy is direct and when available is continuous, but in varying strengths. Solar energy also contains dangerous wavelengths which cause sunburn through to birth deformities. The most important feature of the lost knowledge that is represented here is the ability of Qquartz to change solar energy into earth energy and thereby hold the balance in a designated zone. The Earth's core is epsilion in nature and this in effect means that our planet has a Quartz heart. The Solar ray is absorbed into the earth at the north and south poles. This creates a planet that can support life. Under certain circumstances there is a deficit of this life energy and it was here that the knowledge being described was applied to maintain the balance. Negative or positive is not good or bad, that is only the perspective of our modern ways. The need is for negative and positive, day and night, man and woman, as these are the opposites that create a third experience/level.
Right brain or left brain cannot be better than each other but when used in balance a third level of brain evolves. This has both the power of the left scientist brain and the right artist brain and the interaction creates space for spirit or super consciousness. This is where our true heritage is, heaven on earth and so on.
Prana, Od, Odic force, Chi, Lumineferous Ether, Asral Fluid, Bions, Grace, Orgone, Earth Energy, Ré. Earth Energy exists everywhere on this planet. It also exists throughout the Universe. It is the basic unit of the possibility of life. Each of the names for this energy as given above demonstrates global awareness of this phenomenon. We know many of the old names for this subtle energy. The problem or challenge today is that we have forgotten this knowledge and the proper ways to use it. It is hoped that this sharing will help to reconnect many people with awareness of the earth’s energy and that by doing so provide an information base for the reintegration of this forgotten knowledge back into human consciousness.
Loss of this Knowledge
This ancient knowledge was never really lost to mankind. It was and is always there for us to use if we know how. It is as if we got lost from awareness or put another way we just took it for granted. It is like the oxygen that we breathe, we just don’t think about it, but if the ratio of oxygen in our atmosphere changed up or down we would drown. We do not do very much to care for our oxygen; in fact we are destroying the oxygen producing rainforests at an alarming rate, for private profit. There was a time when all religions were concerned with the Earth's energy and those things that could influence it. This is the early fertility religion, where the primary concern was maintaining a harmonic balance while producing a surplus of food for winter. With the development of agricultural techniques, this surplus facilitated specialisation in religion, war, construction, art, etc.
Religions had (have) a hierarchy with a few special managers on the top and lesser managers who in turn are over the lowest grade of manager. These low level managers were over the public, who by this definition are even lower than the lowest manager in terms of their connection to God. This is described in management terms as a pyramid control structure. It has many faults, the main one being that there is disconnection of those at the top with the basic reality of daily life for the multitude. The top people did not work, as we know it, they just ponder and pronounce as if they are the only ones who can connect with Spirit. Personal agendas must intervene and prevent those at the top from being honest and then corruption enters. The tales of the early Popes are full of intrigue and separateness from their flocks as if they (the Popes) were actually Gods.
The Mayan and Egyptian civilisations are good examples of failed civilisations whose top-level managers lost the connection to the basic realities of the multitude. With this specialisation, we have experts who guard their knowledge against those who would try to replace them. When the system begins to fail, those in power quickly make good their escape and abandon the multitude. This has happened many times and is happening now all over the world. This is how the knowledge was separated and then lost. But this knowledge is actually encoded in our genetic memory and continually resurfaces -population estimates for the time that Newgrange was built average at 200,000 people, and that is only two or three tons of rock each. There must have been other methods used other than walking with huge stones on your back for thirty miles, but until the archaeologists find palpable evidence of these methods they refrain from making what to them must seem as unfounded assumptions.
Now, we are not archaeologists, and we are not restrained by the need for palpable proof of possible transportation methods. The boats or barges that were used for the transportation of such a massive amount of stones to the bend in the Boyne may never be found, but to date I have not heard of any search for these boats. The use of the pulley and iron tools and the wheel is also denied to the cairn builders and so is the ability to construct large seaworthy vessels. It was believed by Egyptoligists in the 1860's that they had conclusively explored the pyramid of Cheops, and by pure chance in 1945 the gigantic funerary boats were found.
Many theories exist about boats being used to move the stones at Stonehenge to their present position, but no boats or barges have been found. This does not mean that they did not exist; it only means that they have not been found yet. That the cairn builders used boats to move such a huge amount of stones is the only conclusion open to us. This would mean that the three big mounds at the bend in the Boyne could be completed within the lifetime of the people who built it. These were not Stone Age savages; these were highly advanced and prosperous people who had an urgent mission.
Quartz is the hardest rock in Ireland.
To put a shape onto a rough quartz boulder, you must use quartz or something harder. The two quartz blocks from the lintel or roof box at Newgrange were obviously carefully shaped so as to fit neatly into the opening. Remember the scratches showing the tight fit. But this is not the only example of modifications to the hardest rock in the country. There are literally hundreds of quartz pendulums in our museums that have holes neatly drilled in to them so that they may be suspended and used for divining. Drilling small pieces of Quartz is not easy; do not try it with and electrical drill. The areas in front of the great cairn at Knowth are paved with quartz, presumably to gather the rising and setting sunbeam on the equinox, and to then send this modified beam into the long passages.
At Loughcrew, thirty miles west of Newgrange, we even have a quartz standing stone inside a beautiful passage cairn. The list is endless, but acknowledgement of the power of this magical rock is almost always ignored. This is silly, almost as silly as the academics that never saw the shaft of light enter the chamber at Newgrange but denied it was possible. It is as if a 20th century flat earth society exists and it includes archaeologists.
Tuatha De Dannan
The earliest ancestors of the Irish race were very "turned on". Our mythology calls them the Tuatha De Dannan, or the people of the Goddess Danu. They are said to have landed by metal ship in the north west of Ireland. They brought with them four magical power objects. These may be seen as an understanding of fire, air, water and earth, the four elements. When the four elements are combined properly, a fifth element is created; this is the energy of spirit. The Tuatha De Dannan came to Ireland with knowledge of how to maintain and influence the balance of earth energy. The stone built monuments that are found all around Ireland are the remains of the machinery that was used to enhance and support life. The various pieces of machinery that was constructed were built to maintain the balance of life force. This exists today as the stone built monuments that are refered to by archaeologists as passages Cairns etc. About five and a half thousand years ago the people who had built this huge landscape machine abandoned their home and emigrated. Long after they were abandoned they were revisited by the descendents of those who had built them.
What today’s archaeologists are researching is like the wreckage of a plane crash. They miss the magic awareness and dismiss the sacred geometries as “art”. The Quartz Age has now returned and we are again developing a technology lifestyle that is dependant on the magic properties of Quartz. We have continued the use of Quartz and Druí Fasach learn its secrets and how to compliment Nature.
Technology and Machinery of the Irish Quartz Age
Earth Energy exists everywhere on this planet. We know many old names for this subtle energy. The challenge has always been to maintain a balance between the positive and negative aspects of this energy. This happens naturally on many levels, but to ensure human survival it was and is necessary to work with nature to enhance a long-term balance that is not much affected by out side events. These events include comets, meteorites, earthquakes, volcanoes, storms and all of the associated after effects of the above. But the most serious event was and is the strength of the Solar Wind.
Our earliest ancestors were very much aware of this challenge. Our mythology calls them the Tuatha De Dannan, of the people of the Goddess Danu. They are said to have landed by metal ship in the north west of Ireland. They brought with them four magical power objects. These may be seen as an understanding of fire, air, water and earth, the four elements. When the four elements are combined properly, a fifth element is created; this is the energy of spirit. Various type of machinery was constructed to work with maintaining the balance. This exists today as the stone built monuments that are refered to by archaeologists as passages Cairns etc. This must be seen today by all researchers as similar to the remains of a highly advanced survival machine. What is being researched by todays archaeologists is like the wreckage of a plane crash.
The Earth's energy (many names) fluctuates, is pulsing in nature, very subtle, is concentrated in water and can be used to charge certain items. Solar energy is direct and when available is continuous, but in varying strengths. Solar energy also contains dangerous wavelengths which cause sunburn through to birth deformities. The most important feature of the lost knowledge that is represented here is the ability of Qquartz to change solar energy into earth energy and thereby hold the balance in a designated zone. The Earth's core is epsilion in nature and this in effect means that our planet has a Quartz heart. The Solar ray is absorbed into the earth at the north and south poles. This creates a planet that can support life. Under certain circumstances there is a deficit of this life energy and it was here that the knowledge being described was applied to maintain the balance. Negative or positive is not good or bad, that is only the perspective of our modern ways. The need is for negative and positive, day and night, man and woman, as these are the opposites that create a third experience/level.
Right brain or left brain cannot be better than each other but when used in balance a third level of brain evolves. This has both the power of the left scientist brain and the right artist brain and the interaction creates space for spirit or super consciousness. This is where our true heritage is, heaven on earth and so on.
Prana, Od, Odic force, Chi, Lumineferous Ether, Asral Fluid, Bions, Grace, Orgone, Earth Energy, Ré. Earth Energy exists everywhere on this planet. It also exists throughout the Universe. It is the basic unit of the possibility of life. Each of the names for this energy as given above demonstrates global awareness of this phenomenon. We know many of the old names for this subtle energy. The problem or challenge today is that we have forgotten this knowledge and the proper ways to use it. It is hoped that this sharing will help to reconnect many people with awareness of the earth’s energy and that by doing so provide an information base for the reintegration of this forgotten knowledge back into human consciousness.
Loss of this Knowledge
This ancient knowledge was never really lost to mankind. It was and is always there for us to use if we know how. It is as if we got lost from awareness or put another way we just took it for granted. It is like the oxygen that we breathe, we just don’t think about it, but if the ratio of oxygen in our atmosphere changed up or down we would drown. We do not do very much to care for our oxygen; in fact we are destroying the oxygen producing rainforests at an alarming rate, for private profit. There was a time when all religions were concerned with the Earth's energy and those things that could influence it. This is the early fertility religion, where the primary concern was maintaining a harmonic balance while producing a surplus of food for winter. With the development of agricultural techniques, this surplus facilitated specialisation in religion, war, construction, art, etc.
Religions had (have) a hierarchy with a few special managers on the top and lesser managers who in turn are over the lowest grade of manager. These low level managers were over the public, who by this definition are even lower than the lowest manager in terms of their connection to God. This is described in management terms as a pyramid control structure. It has many faults, the main one being that there is disconnection of those at the top with the basic reality of daily life for the multitude. The top people did not work, as we know it, they just ponder and pronounce as if they are the only ones who can connect with Spirit. Personal agendas must intervene and prevent those at the top from being honest and then corruption enters. The tales of the early Popes are full of intrigue and separateness from their flocks as if they (the Popes) were actually Gods.
The Mayan and Egyptian civilisations are good examples of failed civilisations whose top-level managers lost the connection to the basic realities of the multitude. With this specialisation, we have experts who guard their knowledge against those who would try to replace them. When the system begins to fail, those in power quickly make good their escape and abandon the multitude. This has happened many times and is happening now all over the world. This is how the knowledge was separated and then lost. But this knowledge is actually encoded in our genetic memory and continually resurfaces -population estimates for the time that Newgrange was built average at 200,000 people, and that is only two or three tons of rock each. There must have been other methods used other than walking with huge stones on your back for thirty miles, but until the archaeologists find palpable evidence of these methods they refrain from making what to them must seem as unfounded assumptions.
Now, we are not archaeologists, and we are not restrained by the need for palpable proof of possible transportation methods. The boats or barges that were used for the transportation of such a massive amount of stones to the bend in the Boyne may never be found, but to date I have not heard of any search for these boats. The use of the pulley and iron tools and the wheel is also denied to the cairn builders and so is the ability to construct large seaworthy vessels. It was believed by Egyptoligists in the 1860's that they had conclusively explored the pyramid of Cheops, and by pure chance in 1945 the gigantic funerary boats were found.
Many theories exist about boats being used to move the stones at Stonehenge to their present position, but no boats or barges have been found. This does not mean that they did not exist; it only means that they have not been found yet. That the cairn builders used boats to move such a huge amount of stones is the only conclusion open to us. This would mean that the three big mounds at the bend in the Boyne could be completed within the lifetime of the people who built it. These were not Stone Age savages; these were highly advanced and prosperous people who had an urgent mission.
Quartz is the hardest rock in Ireland.
To put a shape onto a rough quartz boulder, you must use quartz or something harder. The two quartz blocks from the lintel or roof box at Newgrange were obviously carefully shaped so as to fit neatly into the opening. Remember the scratches showing the tight fit. But this is not the only example of modifications to the hardest rock in the country. There are literally hundreds of quartz pendulums in our museums that have holes neatly drilled in to them so that they may be suspended and used for divining. Drilling small pieces of Quartz is not easy; do not try it with and electrical drill. The areas in front of the great cairn at Knowth are paved with quartz, presumably to gather the rising and setting sunbeam on the equinox, and to then send this modified beam into the long passages.
At Loughcrew, thirty miles west of Newgrange, we even have a quartz standing stone inside a beautiful passage cairn. The list is endless, but acknowledgement of the power of this magical rock is almost always ignored. This is silly, almost as silly as the academics that never saw the shaft of light enter the chamber at Newgrange but denied it was possible. It is as if a 20th century flat earth society exists and it includes archaeologists.
Tuatha De Dannan
The earliest ancestors of the Irish race were very "turned on". Our mythology calls them the Tuatha De Dannan, or the people of the Goddess Danu. They are said to have landed by metal ship in the north west of Ireland. They brought with them four magical power objects. These may be seen as an understanding of fire, air, water and earth, the four elements. When the four elements are combined properly, a fifth element is created; this is the energy of spirit. The Tuatha De Dannan came to Ireland with knowledge of how to maintain and influence the balance of earth energy. The stone built monuments that are found all around Ireland are the remains of the machinery that was used to enhance and support life. The various pieces of machinery that was constructed were built to maintain the balance of life force. This exists today as the stone built monuments that are refered to by archaeologists as passages Cairns etc. About five and a half thousand years ago the people who had built this huge landscape machine abandoned their home and emigrated. Long after they were abandoned they were revisited by the descendents of those who had built them.
What today’s archaeologists are researching is like the wreckage of a plane crash. They miss the magic awareness and dismiss the sacred geometries as “art”. The Quartz Age has now returned and we are again developing a technology lifestyle that is dependant on the magic properties of Quartz. We have continued the use of Quartz and Druí Fasach learn its secrets and how to compliment Nature.
14. The Alchemy of Menstruation - a modern male perspective
Men were not allowed awareness of the high magic that occurs during the release stage of the menstrual cycle for good reasons. I would suggest that this was primarily because we could never actually experience the transformation except as voyeurs, which would mean that we could only take and not give to the ritual.
Men had their own rituals. But they did not have the strength of connection to the source that women had / have, which is intensified at the time of bleeding. However, some men broke the rules and changed our ancient ways. The next bit is taken from "The Holy Wells of Ireland", pg 50. In the Tripartite Life of St. Patrick there is a story of the saint's visit to Cruachan, where the kings of Connacht lived. The saint with his companions came to the well called Clebach, which was set at the east of Cruachan and there at sunrise they met the daughters of the High King, who came to the well to wash 'after the Custom of Women.' The saint spoke to them and told them about his mission and baptised them, with water from a well. During a recent (1975) visit to Tulsk in Co. Roscommon I learned of a local belief that Tobar Oguila near Tulsk is the well called Clebach, and people used visit it on St. Patrick's Day. It is now visited on a Sunday in June, and Mass is said at the well. by Patrick Logan
'after the Custom of Women' is capitalised as in the book and says to me the this was their time of bleeding. They lived in a time when the energies of the Mother Earth were in balance and as the daughters of the king they would also have enjoyed the luxury (right / rite) of the Moon Rituals and thereby all bled at the same time. Auld Paddy was a cute hoor and to play at that level probably an eyeball diviner / voyeur or today a perverted dirty old man spying on young ladies washing their neither regions for a day or two before introducing himself. The dates given are spurious in that 17 March or a Sunday in June do not connect with the fullness of the Lunar Goddess, which as we know draws tides and blood flow to her. To fix the date denies the connection to the Moon and was designer dis-empowerment by men on women.
Today, to say that a Matriarchy existed is to be fooled by the Patriarchy into supporting the system that keeps women down and as such is a form of control by language. I prefer to use the terms used by Diane Reisler in her recent book "The Chalice and the Blade" - Dominator and Partnership. The Dominator is the Patriarchy and Partnership is the previous way of men and women living together with the planet. By this I hope the reader can see that there never was a Matriarchy, it was a notion invented by men only to hold women down. Why did this have to happen? Was it just a part of the dark ages of Galactic Night? Now that we (i.e. our solar system) are entering the Photon Belt and Orion is reaching his peak (20-12-2002) we are coming back into the Light of Galactic Day and we will be able to see clearly again. For 11,000 years we humans have been in survival mode, but the time has now come for us to enter fully into the Age of Aquarius and Leo. This Age is the time of telepathy and open truth. To be able to wake up from the Great Sleep of Galactic Night we need to break the disinformation myths of the Dominator. It is my hope that this article can contribute to the deconstruction of lies so that the Light can shine again from the inside. It is also an attempt by a man to redress the balance by offering deep truth in Love.
Our Ancestors from the Partnership Times held the idea that everything needed to make a baby was contained in the menstrual blood. This idea was supported by the visible growth of a baby and the suspension of bleeding for the gestation. The idea here was that the baby was eating or being made from or by the blood that would normally be lost moonthly. But the important concept was that it was the God that would impregnate the woman and that a human man would maybe only add a flavour (sperm). This idea was held to be true because every man / woman coupling did not produce a baby and babies do not always look like their dads and sometimes only girl children are born to a woman despite the desires of men for boy children. This "blood becomes baby" notion placed women closer to God / Goddess and as A.D. said on page 14 of the Imbolc issue of Immrama 02 - Women were perceived as being in possession of a powerful and (at times) dangerous force around which many taboos were established. I would suggest that these taboos came with the appearance of the Dominator way.
The "blood becomes baby" notion was easy to believe, but it was also easy to twist it to fit the Dominator concept. Dominator Man decided that sperm was everything - the baby blueprint. The idea here was that the sperm eats the blood and becomes a child. Powerful men needed many sons to hold their power by the sword. Henry the Eight is the best example of a failed male desire to produce male heirs and how the failure was blamed on women who were then made to suffer. The "sperm becomes baby" concept gave men the belief that they were Gods and thereby men felt that they had gained possession of a powerful and (at times) dangerous force that had previously belonged only to women. To be a king you needed sons and swords and male infertility was seen as a non-runner for kingship.
The "blood becomes baby" concept of the Partnership way and the "sperm becomes baby" concept of the Dominator way are both wrong. But they were wrong in different ways. Today, our modern science (with all its failings) informs us "sperm and egg make baby". When we go into this a bit deeper we find that many sperm are needed to create a specific surface tension on the egg to allow one sperm to penetrate the egg for fertilisation. In the egg it is decided whether the resultant child will be male or female. Go in one stage deeper. The powerhouse of the human cell is the mitochondria, this strange sounding thing converts food into energy and is inherited only from the mother. Our ability to turn food into energy / matter is inherited from the Mother.
While the "blood becomes baby" concept of the Partnership way and the "sperm becomes baby" concept of the Dominator way are both wrong, there was supreme advantage in the Partnership way. This was respect for the high office of Mother and an acknowledgement of the awesome power of womanhood. In an attempt to help to rebuild this respect I hope to shatter another myth of the Dominator.
Sexual intercourse by a man and a menstruating woman that includes penetration of the vagina is taboo. It should not be so because during menstruation there is more internal tension / pressure from the concentrated energies and build up of blood and this enhances the pleasure of both parties. It is also a time when a woman can feel more intensely and enjoy full penetrative sex without fear of conception. The “mood swings” that can accompany these periods are often feared by both women and males because of the system programming. The well known PMT can be eased or dissolved when a woman is properly hydrated. This can only be understood when you realise that almost all the people in Ireland are suffering from chronic long-term dehydration and that proper water intake is crucial to health and longevity. A 12 stone six-foot human needs six pints of water every day to maintain proper water balance. This does not include tea, coffee, beer, and fizzy drinks etc., which are all diuretics. For each pint of beer add an extra pint of water. I would recommend (never mind the IMB) drinking a pint of water if there is a build up of menstrual cramps or headaches because this treats cause and not symptom.
Bram Stoker, Yeats, Steiner, Russell and Crowley were all members of the Golden Dawn, a magical society that has achieved much fame. Mr Stoker is becoming famous again as they build a museum to his Vampire books in Kerry. When you analyse this mans writings you see blood as sustaining the life force of the Vampire. The books and movie always show the incisor teeth as extended and sometimes with holes in them. The Vampire punctures / penetrates the large veins in the neck with these extended incisor teeth and sucks blood to stay alive. Female virgins are best. Now I wonder if you are guessing what I am going to suggest next. The Golden Dawn was strong on ritual and many of its members practiced sexual magic as a way to gain power. Crowley was known to practice bestiality and sodomy with male and female partners. Blood and sperm and shit and piss and tears mixed with controlled breathing and a wide variety of drugs will certainly shift your awareness and this is what they did. Now there is no written record of Mr Stoker’s personal magical habits but I would reckon that it was menstrual and not neck blood that he was after. If you were a dark side magician you would have to go for the best blood and guess where you can get it. Transgressing taboo enhances this.
So I am suggesting that the real Vampires are the magicians who consume menstrual blood for the life force it was understood to contain. Before reacting / denying this possibility I ask you to reflect on the "sperm eats the blood and becomes a child" concept of the Dominator model and to remember that the boys of the Golden dawn were heavily involved in control magic (Dominator) for their own personal glory and power. The commercial companies that sell chlorine bleached tampons are today's dark side magicians, their products can contribute to cervical and vaginal illness and thereby support the wrong thinking that menstruation is bad / evil.
Menstrual blood is Holy and not dirty, it is only when humans can hold this awareness firmly as a truth that we will again properly respect women and the Earth. The blood of the earth is the underground streams and the Holy Wells. When these wells boil up they can be seen as the ‘once a year’ menstruation of the Great Mother. We should rejoice at the release of menstrual blood and water, we should respect the cycles of Nature and we should once again pay homage to the mysteries of womanhood. The Alchemy of Menstruation is transformational healing and is truly glorious; it shows us the Mother as fertile, abundant and self-renewing.
Men were not allowed awareness of the high magic that occurs during the release stage of the menstrual cycle for good reasons. I would suggest that this was primarily because we could never actually experience the transformation except as voyeurs, which would mean that we could only take and not give to the ritual.
Men had their own rituals. But they did not have the strength of connection to the source that women had / have, which is intensified at the time of bleeding. However, some men broke the rules and changed our ancient ways. The next bit is taken from "The Holy Wells of Ireland", pg 50. In the Tripartite Life of St. Patrick there is a story of the saint's visit to Cruachan, where the kings of Connacht lived. The saint with his companions came to the well called Clebach, which was set at the east of Cruachan and there at sunrise they met the daughters of the High King, who came to the well to wash 'after the Custom of Women.' The saint spoke to them and told them about his mission and baptised them, with water from a well. During a recent (1975) visit to Tulsk in Co. Roscommon I learned of a local belief that Tobar Oguila near Tulsk is the well called Clebach, and people used visit it on St. Patrick's Day. It is now visited on a Sunday in June, and Mass is said at the well. by Patrick Logan
'after the Custom of Women' is capitalised as in the book and says to me the this was their time of bleeding. They lived in a time when the energies of the Mother Earth were in balance and as the daughters of the king they would also have enjoyed the luxury (right / rite) of the Moon Rituals and thereby all bled at the same time. Auld Paddy was a cute hoor and to play at that level probably an eyeball diviner / voyeur or today a perverted dirty old man spying on young ladies washing their neither regions for a day or two before introducing himself. The dates given are spurious in that 17 March or a Sunday in June do not connect with the fullness of the Lunar Goddess, which as we know draws tides and blood flow to her. To fix the date denies the connection to the Moon and was designer dis-empowerment by men on women.
Today, to say that a Matriarchy existed is to be fooled by the Patriarchy into supporting the system that keeps women down and as such is a form of control by language. I prefer to use the terms used by Diane Reisler in her recent book "The Chalice and the Blade" - Dominator and Partnership. The Dominator is the Patriarchy and Partnership is the previous way of men and women living together with the planet. By this I hope the reader can see that there never was a Matriarchy, it was a notion invented by men only to hold women down. Why did this have to happen? Was it just a part of the dark ages of Galactic Night? Now that we (i.e. our solar system) are entering the Photon Belt and Orion is reaching his peak (20-12-2002) we are coming back into the Light of Galactic Day and we will be able to see clearly again. For 11,000 years we humans have been in survival mode, but the time has now come for us to enter fully into the Age of Aquarius and Leo. This Age is the time of telepathy and open truth. To be able to wake up from the Great Sleep of Galactic Night we need to break the disinformation myths of the Dominator. It is my hope that this article can contribute to the deconstruction of lies so that the Light can shine again from the inside. It is also an attempt by a man to redress the balance by offering deep truth in Love.
Our Ancestors from the Partnership Times held the idea that everything needed to make a baby was contained in the menstrual blood. This idea was supported by the visible growth of a baby and the suspension of bleeding for the gestation. The idea here was that the baby was eating or being made from or by the blood that would normally be lost moonthly. But the important concept was that it was the God that would impregnate the woman and that a human man would maybe only add a flavour (sperm). This idea was held to be true because every man / woman coupling did not produce a baby and babies do not always look like their dads and sometimes only girl children are born to a woman despite the desires of men for boy children. This "blood becomes baby" notion placed women closer to God / Goddess and as A.D. said on page 14 of the Imbolc issue of Immrama 02 - Women were perceived as being in possession of a powerful and (at times) dangerous force around which many taboos were established. I would suggest that these taboos came with the appearance of the Dominator way.
The "blood becomes baby" notion was easy to believe, but it was also easy to twist it to fit the Dominator concept. Dominator Man decided that sperm was everything - the baby blueprint. The idea here was that the sperm eats the blood and becomes a child. Powerful men needed many sons to hold their power by the sword. Henry the Eight is the best example of a failed male desire to produce male heirs and how the failure was blamed on women who were then made to suffer. The "sperm becomes baby" concept gave men the belief that they were Gods and thereby men felt that they had gained possession of a powerful and (at times) dangerous force that had previously belonged only to women. To be a king you needed sons and swords and male infertility was seen as a non-runner for kingship.
The "blood becomes baby" concept of the Partnership way and the "sperm becomes baby" concept of the Dominator way are both wrong. But they were wrong in different ways. Today, our modern science (with all its failings) informs us "sperm and egg make baby". When we go into this a bit deeper we find that many sperm are needed to create a specific surface tension on the egg to allow one sperm to penetrate the egg for fertilisation. In the egg it is decided whether the resultant child will be male or female. Go in one stage deeper. The powerhouse of the human cell is the mitochondria, this strange sounding thing converts food into energy and is inherited only from the mother. Our ability to turn food into energy / matter is inherited from the Mother.
While the "blood becomes baby" concept of the Partnership way and the "sperm becomes baby" concept of the Dominator way are both wrong, there was supreme advantage in the Partnership way. This was respect for the high office of Mother and an acknowledgement of the awesome power of womanhood. In an attempt to help to rebuild this respect I hope to shatter another myth of the Dominator.
Sexual intercourse by a man and a menstruating woman that includes penetration of the vagina is taboo. It should not be so because during menstruation there is more internal tension / pressure from the concentrated energies and build up of blood and this enhances the pleasure of both parties. It is also a time when a woman can feel more intensely and enjoy full penetrative sex without fear of conception. The “mood swings” that can accompany these periods are often feared by both women and males because of the system programming. The well known PMT can be eased or dissolved when a woman is properly hydrated. This can only be understood when you realise that almost all the people in Ireland are suffering from chronic long-term dehydration and that proper water intake is crucial to health and longevity. A 12 stone six-foot human needs six pints of water every day to maintain proper water balance. This does not include tea, coffee, beer, and fizzy drinks etc., which are all diuretics. For each pint of beer add an extra pint of water. I would recommend (never mind the IMB) drinking a pint of water if there is a build up of menstrual cramps or headaches because this treats cause and not symptom.
Bram Stoker, Yeats, Steiner, Russell and Crowley were all members of the Golden Dawn, a magical society that has achieved much fame. Mr Stoker is becoming famous again as they build a museum to his Vampire books in Kerry. When you analyse this mans writings you see blood as sustaining the life force of the Vampire. The books and movie always show the incisor teeth as extended and sometimes with holes in them. The Vampire punctures / penetrates the large veins in the neck with these extended incisor teeth and sucks blood to stay alive. Female virgins are best. Now I wonder if you are guessing what I am going to suggest next. The Golden Dawn was strong on ritual and many of its members practiced sexual magic as a way to gain power. Crowley was known to practice bestiality and sodomy with male and female partners. Blood and sperm and shit and piss and tears mixed with controlled breathing and a wide variety of drugs will certainly shift your awareness and this is what they did. Now there is no written record of Mr Stoker’s personal magical habits but I would reckon that it was menstrual and not neck blood that he was after. If you were a dark side magician you would have to go for the best blood and guess where you can get it. Transgressing taboo enhances this.
So I am suggesting that the real Vampires are the magicians who consume menstrual blood for the life force it was understood to contain. Before reacting / denying this possibility I ask you to reflect on the "sperm eats the blood and becomes a child" concept of the Dominator model and to remember that the boys of the Golden dawn were heavily involved in control magic (Dominator) for their own personal glory and power. The commercial companies that sell chlorine bleached tampons are today's dark side magicians, their products can contribute to cervical and vaginal illness and thereby support the wrong thinking that menstruation is bad / evil.
Menstrual blood is Holy and not dirty, it is only when humans can hold this awareness firmly as a truth that we will again properly respect women and the Earth. The blood of the earth is the underground streams and the Holy Wells. When these wells boil up they can be seen as the ‘once a year’ menstruation of the Great Mother. We should rejoice at the release of menstrual blood and water, we should respect the cycles of Nature and we should once again pay homage to the mysteries of womanhood. The Alchemy of Menstruation is transformational healing and is truly glorious; it shows us the Mother as fertile, abundant and self-renewing.