OgamNua Teacher Training Course
Become a champion with this new and exciting course that offers one-to-one training for you to become a qualified OgamNua Teacher. Successful participants of this course will receive a Certificate of Qualification from Ireland’s Druidschool as an official signed and laminated document that proves that you have trained and qualified to teach OgamNua. Then on qualification and if you wish it - your contact details will be entered into our Online Register of approved OgamNua Teachers so students from your area can easily find you and buy the OgamNua book directly from you. Your OgamNua Certificate of Qualification with your listing on our Online Register and your Celtic Druid Temple membership identity card showing you as OgamNua Teacher will set you apart from all the bandits who teach false church Ogham, fake Ogham tree calendars/zodiacs etc.
To prevent your Certificate of Qualification as an OgamNua Teacher from expiring, you will need to renew it every three years. This is easily done by renewing your Celtic Druid Temple membership identity card which will show your contact details with the title of OgamNua Teacher. We will send a renewal notice to you before your Celtic Druid Temple membership identity card expiry date that will also preserve your Certificate of Qualification and your listing with our Online Register of approved OgamNua teachers.
This teacher training course is based on my OgamNua book “Your Celtic Path, a seekers guide” with over 300 pages written in OgamNua. Your students will learn to read and write in OgamNua and to transliterate from OgamNua to English (today’s common language) and from English into OgamNua with your guidance as a certified teacher. To transliterate means changing an OgamNua symbol to an English letter. When you have completed transliterating the full book you will have gained a new skill enabling you to translate many OgamNua words directly into English words. The first part of the book includes historical research exposing the background fabrication of the fake Ogham tree calendars, fake zodiacs and the 13 moon year and it is clearly demonstrated that these delusions are fantasy based on fraud. The cultural misappropriation of Ireland’s unique linear script by the church is exposed and Ogham is returned to the people of the land as OgamNua with you as it’s teacher.
Inside the 300 pages of script written in OgamNua there is guidance, teachings and inspiritation in the form of essays and triads. Some of the triads in the book are old while most of the triads are new and together they combine to share a modern Celtic Worldview. This modern Celtic Worldview includes Nature as Supreme Being, right relationship, love, choices, truth and honour and especially your connection to your higher self. This Celtic Worldview is the hidden gold inside the written words and the ideas and ideals combine to share a common unity perspective that is very different to consumerism and the prevailing capitalism. The image below is an example of a TriadNua written in OgamNua that is transliterated into English by me for you to get the idea.
To prevent your Certificate of Qualification as an OgamNua Teacher from expiring, you will need to renew it every three years. This is easily done by renewing your Celtic Druid Temple membership identity card which will show your contact details with the title of OgamNua Teacher. We will send a renewal notice to you before your Celtic Druid Temple membership identity card expiry date that will also preserve your Certificate of Qualification and your listing with our Online Register of approved OgamNua teachers.
This teacher training course is based on my OgamNua book “Your Celtic Path, a seekers guide” with over 300 pages written in OgamNua. Your students will learn to read and write in OgamNua and to transliterate from OgamNua to English (today’s common language) and from English into OgamNua with your guidance as a certified teacher. To transliterate means changing an OgamNua symbol to an English letter. When you have completed transliterating the full book you will have gained a new skill enabling you to translate many OgamNua words directly into English words. The first part of the book includes historical research exposing the background fabrication of the fake Ogham tree calendars, fake zodiacs and the 13 moon year and it is clearly demonstrated that these delusions are fantasy based on fraud. The cultural misappropriation of Ireland’s unique linear script by the church is exposed and Ogham is returned to the people of the land as OgamNua with you as it’s teacher.
Inside the 300 pages of script written in OgamNua there is guidance, teachings and inspiritation in the form of essays and triads. Some of the triads in the book are old while most of the triads are new and together they combine to share a modern Celtic Worldview. This modern Celtic Worldview includes Nature as Supreme Being, right relationship, love, choices, truth and honour and especially your connection to your higher self. This Celtic Worldview is the hidden gold inside the written words and the ideas and ideals combine to share a common unity perspective that is very different to consumerism and the prevailing capitalism. The image below is an example of a TriadNua written in OgamNua that is transliterated into English by me for you to get the idea.
Course contents
1) The book “Your Celtic Path, a seekers guide” by Ard Druí Con Connor.
2) A 320 page lined writing pad and 4 colour biro.
3) A leather brief case with OgamNua and your name engraved on it in OgamNua
4) Celtic Druid Temple 3 year ID card showing you as Druí Dalta which after exams success will be updated to show you as OgamNua Teacher (no extra fee)
5) An OgamNua teachers leather belt with OgamNua and English and your first name engraved, if so wished - see pic below.
Note: 1) to 5) are posted to you after payment of course fee.
1) The book “Your Celtic Path, a seekers guide” by Ard Druí Con Connor.
2) A 320 page lined writing pad and 4 colour biro.
3) A leather brief case with OgamNua and your name engraved on it in OgamNua
4) Celtic Druid Temple 3 year ID card showing you as Druí Dalta which after exams success will be updated to show you as OgamNua Teacher (no extra fee)
5) An OgamNua teachers leather belt with OgamNua and English and your first name engraved, if so wished - see pic below.
Note: 1) to 5) are posted to you after payment of course fee.
6) Mentoring support as you transliterate, ask questions or seek clarification
7) Four lessons after book transliteration, your written and posted replies are the Four Stage Exam to gain qualifications / listing.
8) Teaching Certificate written in OgamNua, stamped, signed and laminated.
9) Your name as OgamNua Teacher entered into a public listing on our website
10) A link up for students seeking an OgamNua Teacher in your greater area.
11) €15 discount per book posted to you for your students, note RRP €60
Note: 8) to 11) apply only after the Four Stage Exam 100% success
Important Course Notes
a) The book “Your Celtic Path, a seekers guide” translates only to English, not to Irish or American, so please be aware of this and let us avoid any confusion.
b) This OgamNua Teacher Training Course can only be taken by applicants who are over 25 years of age and applicants can be based anywhere in the world.
c) Each of the 4 lessons are each followed by an exam and this requires you to post your handwritten reply letter to me via traditional mail with the answers written in OgamNua. Postage of your exam letters is at your cost.
d) Postage costs for the item I) to 5) above to you will vary depending on your location and are combined with course fee - see cost options for your location below.
e) Reduced Fee - €60 off if you already have the “Your Celtic Path, a seekers guide” book, €50 off if you already hold a CDT 3 year ID card or a CDT lifetime ID card.
f) This OgamNua Teacher Training Course can be completed in less than one year but that is not a requirement - we are flexible on this, simply contact us if needed.
g) Payment in full in advance please, there is no staged payment option and no discounts except c) above and there is no refund possible.
This OgamNua course is facilitated by Ard Druí Con Connor of Ireland’s Druidschool in association with the Celtic Druid Temple.
OgamNua Teacher Training Course Investment €465
Contact me at [email protected] for any questions.
7) Four lessons after book transliteration, your written and posted replies are the Four Stage Exam to gain qualifications / listing.
8) Teaching Certificate written in OgamNua, stamped, signed and laminated.
9) Your name as OgamNua Teacher entered into a public listing on our website
10) A link up for students seeking an OgamNua Teacher in your greater area.
11) €15 discount per book posted to you for your students, note RRP €60
Note: 8) to 11) apply only after the Four Stage Exam 100% success
Important Course Notes
a) The book “Your Celtic Path, a seekers guide” translates only to English, not to Irish or American, so please be aware of this and let us avoid any confusion.
b) This OgamNua Teacher Training Course can only be taken by applicants who are over 25 years of age and applicants can be based anywhere in the world.
c) Each of the 4 lessons are each followed by an exam and this requires you to post your handwritten reply letter to me via traditional mail with the answers written in OgamNua. Postage of your exam letters is at your cost.
d) Postage costs for the item I) to 5) above to you will vary depending on your location and are combined with course fee - see cost options for your location below.
e) Reduced Fee - €60 off if you already have the “Your Celtic Path, a seekers guide” book, €50 off if you already hold a CDT 3 year ID card or a CDT lifetime ID card.
f) This OgamNua Teacher Training Course can be completed in less than one year but that is not a requirement - we are flexible on this, simply contact us if needed.
g) Payment in full in advance please, there is no staged payment option and no discounts except c) above and there is no refund possible.
This OgamNua course is facilitated by Ard Druí Con Connor of Ireland’s Druidschool in association with the Celtic Druid Temple.
OgamNua Teacher Training Course Investment €465
Contact me at [email protected] for any questions.
Purchase the Course Here
It is great to get feedback images from owners of this book - "Your Celtic Path, a seekers guide" check out these lovely gold translations below
This is the most recent images of the teachers bag - all handmade in real leather - OgamNua Belt, Bag, Book, Lined Pad and 4 colour biro.