Media Notice
Information and images used on Celtic Druid Temple's website can be reproduced by not-for-profit organizations if the basic courtesy of identifying the source is agreed to. Commercial reproduction of any script or images from Celtic Druid Temple's website for profit is not allowed without our written permission.
Media persons / companies who wish to interview / film who we are and what we do should make a formal request to [email protected] To save us all any bother please be aware that "Release Papers" will be signed only after viewing the pre publish completed piece. This is not an attempt to become your 'editors' but instead please see it as our guarantee from you that a fair presentation will be made that we will happily agree to.
Media persons / companies who wish to interview / film who we are and what we do should make a formal request to [email protected] To save us all any bother please be aware that "Release Papers" will be signed only after viewing the pre publish completed piece. This is not an attempt to become your 'editors' but instead please see it as our guarantee from you that a fair presentation will be made that we will happily agree to.