Lunar Samhain and Solar Samhain
Lunar Samhain and Solar Samhain align on the 2nd of November in 2005. By this I mean that the Sun and Moon are in a straight line over Lambay Volcano and up the passage at Cairn ‘L’ to activate the quartz standing stone inside the chamber. If you trace a line out to the Belt of the Zodiac you will find it links to 10* of Scorpio. If you took coordinates with a compass you would see that this line is at 117* East of North.
It is my understanding that the Moon in its dark phase acts as a focusing device. We do not see this new / dark moon but that is because the sun is behind it and we cannot see any sunlight bounce off the moon. But the moon is being energised by the electrism (Schauberger) and the energies from the moon to the earth are then magnetic and it is this transformed magnetic energy that becomes ‘flavoured’ by the leaking magnetic field from Lambay Volcano in Dublin Bay before entering the passage and activating the quartz standing stone inside Cairn ‘L’.
Muslin astrology works with the first visible crescent of the moon and this is often shown on their flags. It is as if a switching off and on of the earth’s magnetic field was being triggered by the sun / moon / volcano beam. Muslims go quiet at this time and pay extra attention to their prayers to keep them steady and aligned with their path. I have been inside Cairn ‘L’ and even on a warm dry day you can feel the deep cold damp in the air. The magnetic field inside this temple causes a heavy brass pendulum to spin at terrific speed in a large circle. Meditation and ceremony in the temple are both powerful and very deep. When a hand is placed on the seven-foot tall quartz standing stone inside the cairn it is possible to feel your energy being drained or drawn down into the earth. This becomes obvious within less than a minute and the cold hand is quickly rubbed with the warm hand and thinking beings to question the process.
If you add all this up you get a scenario where we are looking at incredible earth acupuncture. The 10th degree of Scorpio of about 6,000 years ago had a very bright archangel star called Antares. This star is claimed by some researchers to have been the star under which Jesus Christ was born when it was in conjunction with Mars retrograde. This was about 4bc and it is the best timing record we have of those times. Now the 10th degree of Scorpio and the Sun and the Moon and Lambay Volcano line up with the passage of cairn ‘L’ and onto the Quartz Standing Stone to send / activate the temple for the start of the Celtic New Year. The nice thing to know is that this predates ‘Celtic’ by thousands of years it is so old.
I am not a professional astronomer but I have looked in my Ephemeris and I reckon that this date 2nd Nov 2005 is the start of a great cycle of time. The Celtic Druids of the Dark Moon Grove and the Members and Student Druids of Druidschool along with friends will honour this event with multiple ceremonies.
We will start in the car park of the Hill of the Witches at Noon and hold a Solar Samhain Ceremony. Then after lunch in Athboy we will then go to Tlachtga and hold Ceremony at Tobar Tlachtga, the Druids Well. At sunset we will be on top of the Hill of the Bard / Hill of Ward / Athboy Hill / Cnoc Tlachtga, where we will for the third time generate a pure new flame. We will light a sacred fire with this new flame and hold our Lunar Samhain Ceremony for the start of the Celtic New year. We will let this fire go out but we will keep a flame alight in a candle lantern or two which we will then bring to Tara by about eight o’clock. Now we light the second sacred fire of the day and hold a simple Ceremony to Fire. It is at this point that those who have gathered may take a light from this living fire spirit and bring home their own renewing purifying flame, as was the old tradition of this land. We will let this fire go out but just like before we will keep a flame alight in a candle lantern or two which we will then bring to the Hill of the Witches by 12 at night, which will be 12 hours after we started at the same place. Here we warm the hands and sing a few songs and watch the stars and feel the presence of the other world. All are welcome to join us on this free and open day of connecting to the old ways – na séan nósanna.
It is my understanding that the Moon in its dark phase acts as a focusing device. We do not see this new / dark moon but that is because the sun is behind it and we cannot see any sunlight bounce off the moon. But the moon is being energised by the electrism (Schauberger) and the energies from the moon to the earth are then magnetic and it is this transformed magnetic energy that becomes ‘flavoured’ by the leaking magnetic field from Lambay Volcano in Dublin Bay before entering the passage and activating the quartz standing stone inside Cairn ‘L’.
Muslin astrology works with the first visible crescent of the moon and this is often shown on their flags. It is as if a switching off and on of the earth’s magnetic field was being triggered by the sun / moon / volcano beam. Muslims go quiet at this time and pay extra attention to their prayers to keep them steady and aligned with their path. I have been inside Cairn ‘L’ and even on a warm dry day you can feel the deep cold damp in the air. The magnetic field inside this temple causes a heavy brass pendulum to spin at terrific speed in a large circle. Meditation and ceremony in the temple are both powerful and very deep. When a hand is placed on the seven-foot tall quartz standing stone inside the cairn it is possible to feel your energy being drained or drawn down into the earth. This becomes obvious within less than a minute and the cold hand is quickly rubbed with the warm hand and thinking beings to question the process.
If you add all this up you get a scenario where we are looking at incredible earth acupuncture. The 10th degree of Scorpio of about 6,000 years ago had a very bright archangel star called Antares. This star is claimed by some researchers to have been the star under which Jesus Christ was born when it was in conjunction with Mars retrograde. This was about 4bc and it is the best timing record we have of those times. Now the 10th degree of Scorpio and the Sun and the Moon and Lambay Volcano line up with the passage of cairn ‘L’ and onto the Quartz Standing Stone to send / activate the temple for the start of the Celtic New Year. The nice thing to know is that this predates ‘Celtic’ by thousands of years it is so old.
I am not a professional astronomer but I have looked in my Ephemeris and I reckon that this date 2nd Nov 2005 is the start of a great cycle of time. The Celtic Druids of the Dark Moon Grove and the Members and Student Druids of Druidschool along with friends will honour this event with multiple ceremonies.
We will start in the car park of the Hill of the Witches at Noon and hold a Solar Samhain Ceremony. Then after lunch in Athboy we will then go to Tlachtga and hold Ceremony at Tobar Tlachtga, the Druids Well. At sunset we will be on top of the Hill of the Bard / Hill of Ward / Athboy Hill / Cnoc Tlachtga, where we will for the third time generate a pure new flame. We will light a sacred fire with this new flame and hold our Lunar Samhain Ceremony for the start of the Celtic New year. We will let this fire go out but we will keep a flame alight in a candle lantern or two which we will then bring to Tara by about eight o’clock. Now we light the second sacred fire of the day and hold a simple Ceremony to Fire. It is at this point that those who have gathered may take a light from this living fire spirit and bring home their own renewing purifying flame, as was the old tradition of this land. We will let this fire go out but just like before we will keep a flame alight in a candle lantern or two which we will then bring to the Hill of the Witches by 12 at night, which will be 12 hours after we started at the same place. Here we warm the hands and sing a few songs and watch the stars and feel the presence of the other world. All are welcome to join us on this free and open day of connecting to the old ways – na séan nósanna.