- Temple Builder
Gain the secrets of harmonising Earth Energies as a basis for activated temple building. Experience 4 weekend courses in one year where you will gain an understanding of the theory and practice of Earth Acupuncture, working to harmonise the subtle energy fields of Mother Earth so we can build new sacred spaces filled with Light. Topics covered over these 4 weekends include: Divining with ‘L’ Rods and Pendulums, making your own Pendulum, finding / measuring / harmonising subtle energetic fields, integrating astrology / astronomy, folklore and history of the functions and ancestral uses of temples, map and location surveying and temple sighting, working with existing sacred sites and comprehending the ways of the ancestors and their use of sacred geometry.
On this specalised course we empower participants to be able to use the methods of the ancestors to harmonise the energy fields at nodal points and to then fit standing stones etc to enhance the life force creating a powerful and new sacred site. At Druidschool on the final weekend of the xxxxx we will fit a large standing stone somewhere on our 16 acre (6hc) farm. Participants will decide where we do this using the skills gained on this course.
Level 1, Introduction: Subtle Energy at the Temples.
Level 2, Advanced: Pendulum use with Subtle Energy
Level 3, Harmoniser: Balancing Subtle Energy in the Home.
Level 4, Practitioner: Design and Build a new Sacred Temple.
Course Fee (note - this 4 weekend course is only available to Druí Fasach)
This four weekend workshop costs €740, payable as €500 booking deposit and €240 before attending Level 3. This fee includes all materials and instruction, vegetarian food and bed in dormitory for Friday and Saturday for all 4 workshops. There are only 4 places for each weekend on this Temple Builder course so early booking is advised.
Course Dates for 2014 soon
Book or enquire by emailing us here.
On this specalised course we empower participants to be able to use the methods of the ancestors to harmonise the energy fields at nodal points and to then fit standing stones etc to enhance the life force creating a powerful and new sacred site. At Druidschool on the final weekend of the xxxxx we will fit a large standing stone somewhere on our 16 acre (6hc) farm. Participants will decide where we do this using the skills gained on this course.
Level 1, Introduction: Subtle Energy at the Temples.
- Friday 7pm - Introductory talk / slide show on Subtle Energy, how Nature makes it, how we measure it, what disrupts and what harmonises it. Quartz Magic - the Light within.
- Saturday 10am - Divining Subtle Energy with brass ‘L’ shaped rods, practice. Saturday 2pm - Visit to ancient temple / abandoned church to practice divining skills. “Dance the Vortex” - imploding lifeforce into your energy field. Saturday 7pm - Solar activation of the ancient temples talk and slide show.
- Sunday 10am - Practice divining Subtle Energy with brass ‘L’ shaped rods. Measuring - direction, depth, strength and balance of Subtle Energy from the underground streams. Aura measuring (sites and people) with ‘L’ shaped brass rods. Holding your Light. End 1pm.
Level 2, Advanced: Pendulum use with Subtle Energy
- Friday 7pm Introductory to the correct use of a Pendulum. Pendulums from Irish sacred sites. Making your own Quartz Pendulum. Why we use Quartz Pendulums. How to measure your own polarity / harmonic, what disrupts and what harmonises it.
- Saturday 10am Divining Subtle Energy with your Quartz Pendulum, practice with harmonic and disharmonic charts. Working with tap water and increasing its auric field using various techniques. Saturday 2pm Practice skills from Level 1 on our visit to an ancient temple / abandoned church, then we practice divining skills with our Pendulum. “Dance the Vortex” - imploding lifeforce into your energy field. Saturday 7pm Techniques for activating the ancient temples talk and slide show, how to switch on and increase the magnetic field. Chakra measuring.
- Sunday 10am Practice divining Subtle Energy with your ‘L’ Rods and Quartz Pendulum. Measuring - quality, quantity and balance of Subtle Energy from the underground streams. End 1pm.
Level 3, Harmoniser: Balancing Subtle Energy in the Home.
- Friday 7pm - Introductory talk / slide show on Subtle Energy in the Home, how to recognise harmonic and disharmonic energies that may cause sickness, cot death, miscarriage and nightmares - how to avoid problems. Includes, harmful clothing, mobile phones/tv/pc, bad diet, negative thought imprints and black energy lines.
- Saturday 10am - Divining Practice with ‘L’ rods and pendulums - underground streams, sewerage, electricity and negative imprints. Saturday 2pm - “Dance the Vortex” at a sacred site - boost your energy field. Making and installing Energy Balancers on unbalanced energies and testing/checking the results. Saturday 7pm - How to do repairs to the ambient energies in homes using Living Water, Colloidal Silver and Gold, Space Smudging and the Orgone Puller Technique. Introduction to Map Divining.
- Sunday 10am - Field Practice divining Subtle Energy with your ‘L’ Rods and Quartz Pendulum. Map Divining with Pendulum and then checking actual location with ‘L’ Rods / Pendulum. Skills Test - Making and installing Energy Balancers on unbalanced energies and testing/checking the results. Participants will be tested. End 1pm.
Level 4, Practitioner: Design and Build a new Sacred Temple.
- Friday 7pm - Refresher talk / slide show on ‘sizing’ the Subtle Energy at Sacred Sites, using Divining Rods and Quartz Pendulums, Enhancing the Magnetic Field / Earth Acupuncture, Harmonising Disrupted Energy, Comprehending and Copying Nature.
- Saturday 10am - Divining Practice with ‘L’ rods and Pendulums - measuring / sizing the Light for new Temples, finding the power center, input lines / bouncer stones, working with colours. Saturday 2pm - Find and then “Dance the Vortex” - choose your color at a power spot to boost / harmonise your energy field. Layout / positioning of a new standing stone as a temple to hold, harmonise and boost the energy field - this will be here on our farm. This is preparing to erect a new standing stone to enhance the Subtle Energy in privately owned land. Saturday 7pm - techniques for activitating the ancient temples talk and slide show, how to switch on and increase the magnetic field, Sun rise / set orientation = activation.
- Sunday 10am - Field work, layout and installation of a new standing stone based on the quality, quantity and balance of Subtle Energy from the underground streams,raising the magnetic field, orientation for activation. Blessing Ceremony, activation with Living Water, Quartz Stones and Chanting / Drumming and Dancing, Feast. End 1pm.
Course Fee (note - this 4 weekend course is only available to Druí Fasach)
This four weekend workshop costs €740, payable as €500 booking deposit and €240 before attending Level 3. This fee includes all materials and instruction, vegetarian food and bed in dormitory for Friday and Saturday for all 4 workshops. There are only 4 places for each weekend on this Temple Builder course so early booking is advised.
Course Dates for 2014 soon
- Level 1, Introduction: Subtle Energy at the Temples, Dates; x
- Level 2, Advanced: Pendulum use with Subtle Energy, Dates; x
- Level 3, Harmoniser: Balancing Subtle Energy in the Home, Dates; x
- Level 4, Practitioner: Design and Build a new Sacred Temple, Dates; x
Book or enquire by emailing us here.