The graphic below shows Crom at true mid night as if seen from the Hill of Tara. Crom is by far the biggest of all star constellations but it is also made of dim stars so a dark night without Moon light or clouds is required to see it. Called Hydra else where for us it is the flying Water Dragon. Here you can see its links to Asian Dragons in that it too chases the bright ball or pearl through the night sky. Procyon is the bright star of Canis Minor (little dog) and rises with Crom long before Canis Major (big dog) Sirius or Bran in the Fionn tradition. Crom's lowest star that touches the Earth is its birth organ and Crom blesses the land from Earrach to Fomhar every night at true mid night. If you see Crom during this time - just say "Crom Abú".