In this moonth's newsletter we highlight our full moon celebrations and let you know that there is a partial eclipse taking place on Monday morning. We have also announced a bonus Saturday class on the 30th of March all about meditating, understanding subtle energy and the how wonderful trees are. New Dates for April and May have also been shared. Read the full newsletter here.
One of the core mysteries of Ireland’s Indigenous Celtic Wisdom Tradition is that it has Three Cauldrons within and Three Realms without. The diagram above shows the development from Beginner to Realised to Wisdom Sharer. See that #1 is where we all start and #3 is completed basic training as an Ard Druí and that #5 is applied or advanced sharing of wisdom. #1 is where we find the “seekers”, those who would walk a path to higher self awareness. The #1’s look all around and mostly see mediocrity, dullness and casual acceptance of the master-slave hierarchy. Seekers want to find a way out of such notions and may begin to look for a Path. They often leave Ireland to join in with other indigenous practices in other lands because they cannot see Ireland’s native traditional ways because these were destroyed by an alien church and imperial control system. Or they stay at home and fall prey to the fantasy bandits with their gaudy glamour claiming connection to our indigenous practices. The common basis for the philosophy of the bandits is a debased version of the Hebrew / Jewish tradition of the Cabbala. This they present as the “Old Religion” and it is but not from Ireland! (See Stopping the 'wiccan burning cult' on the homepage at for details). The bandits knowledge system and core philosophy's and lineage belongs to the deserts of the middle east and all their efforts to make it ‘Celtic Irish’ by the addition of shamrocks and retold church stories peppered with a “Cúpla Focal” does not hide this fact. Others incorporate parts of the Hindu tradition and many educated seekers look to be ‘Certified Shamans’ with dressings of shamrocks, leprechauns and so on. Alien practices cannot connect seekers to the Irish indigenous Path. It is unlikely that anyone under the age of 30 years is at stage #5 because they could not have gained access to the higher awareness that comes only with sufficient life experience and personal knowledge from which to share. A 30 year old may have lots of experience in specialist areas but would not have sufficient life experience and personal knowledge to share true wisdom on the higher levels. The basic reason for this is that it is only by combining personal knowledge and personal experience that one creates personal wisdom. Reading, studying or even watching videos can help seekers to avoid common mistakes but such mental activities cannot give either personal knowledge or personal experience that lead to higher wisdom. It can be argued that “reading, studying or even watching videos” can give focused mental skills in confined areas and this has much truth in it but it does not lead to the higher consciousness of the Ard Druí sharing wisdom to seekers.
The 15 images shown in the graphic above are made from static images to convey information about progressive stages of personal development. The reality is more like these cauldrons are spinning fast and in chaotic motion in three dimensions all the time. Only the base or cauldron of warming is sitting upright all the time - this cauldron must be filled with living water and organic fresh food on a daily basis, this cauldron must be stirred by physical movement and must be cleansed by regular constant detox / bowel movement. The cauldron of warming needs to be fed the best ingredients, stirred and cleansed on a continuous basis for an extended period before the middle and upper cauldrons have a chance to ‘do their work’. This is the mystery - “you are what you eat, say and do” - choose wisely and enjoy every step of your Path. All part of the Saturday Class teachings at our Indigenous Wisdom Tradition - see |
January 2025