These ceremonies are suitable for all couples including LGBTQ couples and couples of different birth religions.
Ard Druí Niamh Connor, Ard Druí John McCormack and Ard Druí Con Connor of the Celtic Druid Temple are now on the Register of Solemnisers and can facilitate at your legally binding marriage. This was formally announced by the Office of the Registrar General of the Dept of Social Protection with effect from 03/02/16. We have been facilitating at handfastings all over Ireland since 2005 and we are delighted to announce that we can now also provide a legally recognized wedding ceremony in addition to our handfasting services. The Celtic Druid Temple is recognised by the Revenue Commissioners as Ireland’s indigenous religious tradition with Nature as the Supreme Being. This is formal recognition in Ireland as a Religious Charity with a CHY number 20684 issued by the Dept of Finance on 20 June 2015. Many couples are choosing to celebrate their partnership this way as it allows them the choice and freedom to be part of designing their own ceremony, to make it meaningful and unique to themselves while also connecting to our Ancestors and to Nature. These ceremonies are suitable for all couples including LGBTQ couples and couples of different birth religions. A Celtic Pagan wedding is performed "according to the Rites of Passage of the Indigenous Wisdom Tradition of Celtic Druid Temple", in fact that's what will be on your marriage certificate. It is based on the principal of partnership instead of the outdated notion of ownership - your ceremony celebrates the union between you as a couple. The Pagan Ceremony outline we offer for handfastings and weddings does not change, the legal aspect is simple and straightforward. Contact us at [email protected] for more info.
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February 2025