We hope you enjoy the read,
Con agus Niamh
In this moonths newsletter we invite you to join us for our Full Moon celebrations and we explain how we time our ceremony for our Celtic New Year, Samhain. You can read the articel and subscribe to receive them directly into your inbox at the following link: We hope you enjoy the read, Grá Con agus Niamh
If you were to walk a path beside a stream that leads to a river that feeds a great ocean - then let that Path be Gaelic, let the stream be Celtic and let the river be Galactic and let the ocean be the Cosmic Tradition and may you enjoy every step of the dance of life.
As you follow your chosen path keep your senses open to the other paths around you and where these other paths complement and enrich your own path use them too, but always maintaining clear sight of the path you have chosen. This world has become very small; we must preserve and protect our unique Gaelic Culture and Celtic Heritage as our rich inheritance. We must love life, honour the gods, do no evil, practice bravery, seek wisdom and as we walk our path we must always have tolerance for others. You must always remain vigilant, be prepared to face your demons and discover your own truth. When you do this: you uphold Truth in a world of dishonesty and trickery. There is a lot more to the Gaelic Path such as our language, music, song and dance, traditional story telling and crafts etc but the greatest beauty of it all is the individual essence that you can bring into flower as you openly express your freedom to be happy as a Gaelic Pagan. A definition for a Gaelic Druid. Gaelic Druidism is the oldest spiritual tradition of Pagan Celtic Ireland. It roots lie in the oldest temples in this island where Druids still honour the Sun and Moon cycles. Many temples predate the Gaels where they honoured the Old Gods. The Gaelic Druid tradition works with the Three Realms of Sky, Sea and Land - with Fire Ceremonies and Sweat Houses for transformation. Principles such as Truth, Integrity and Respect, are central to Druidism. Our Groves are when a gathering of like-minded people meet together in Circle to share and celebrate and heal. Our Pagan Festivals are the Eightfolds of the Sun Year and the Full and Dark Moons. Our temples are all the sacred sites, holy wells and ceremonial enclosures on this Island. Everything, every place and everyone is sacred because all is filled with the spirit of creation. Gaelic Druids seek to awaken our Celtic Spirit and preserve and protect our unique Gaelic Culture and Celtic Heritage - our native language, music, song and dance, traditional story telling, crafts and skills, and to nurture interest in and respect for trees and animals in the natural world. We must love life, honour the gods, do no evil, practice bravery, seek wisdom and as a Gaelic Druid walking our path we must always have tolerance for others. Gaelic Druidism is Pagan Earth Based Spirituality and not a religion or church in that the is no worship or hierarchy or book of dogma. The ancient spiritual tradition of the Pagan Gaelic Celtic Druid is where Men and Women practice equally and many teach and offer healing and guidance. Some Gaelic Druids hold ceremony to honour the 'rights of passage' with a simple blessing and an attendant air of dignity. Some are Solitaries. Celtic Druidism shows you how to make your own connection to the eternally creative consciousness of the God and Goddess. A Gaelic Druid walks beside a Celtic stream that joins the Galactic river that flows into the Great Ocean of the Cosmic Tradition. This path is the spiritual alchemy of self-transformation. Pagan Oath We honour the idea of Gods and Goddesses as the Source of all Creation. We celebrate the Gaelic Pagan Festivals on the cycles of the Sun and Moon. We acknowledge the inherent lifeforce in all things. Love, light and laughter. Con 10feb07 |
January 2025