Our courses will guide you to know, enjoy and express your own personal connection to the Sacred Knowledge and Indigenous Spiritual Traditions of a distinctly Irish Celtic Druid Path. In 2017 we offer this one introductory weekend course from the 2nd to the 5th of June inclusive when we will guide you to make your own personal connection to your own Path. Begin your Pathwork with us by becoming a member and receive access to our members only section of this website. You can read feedback from previous student druids by clicking here.
This year we will celebrate Brigid, daughter of Dagda on Saturday 28th of January. We host an open and free ceremony for Imbolg at 1:30pm followed by our traditional Brigid's Cross making afternoon. Special designs such as three legged and spinning weave will be demonstrated and taught by Ard Druí Red John. The ceremony and workshop will be held in the comfort of the Hemp Hall. Places are limited so forward booking is important to secure your place - contact us at [email protected] Some people are unsure about variations on the 4 legged version so we took some pictures in the Armagh Museum and the Ballina Festival to show the wide variations that exist. The crosses above with the blue background are on a display board seen at the Ballina Salmon Festival - they are copies of the Brigid's Crosses on display at the National Museum for Country Living in Co Mayo. The crosses below (cream background) are on show in the Armagh Museum in Co Armagh, Ireland. The white table cloth below shows what we made here at the Celtic Druid Temple last year. Attending our ceremony for Imbolg at 1:30pm followed by our traditional Brigid's Cross making afternoon is open and free of charge - but as places are limited = you must make prior contact at [email protected]
As Celtic Pagans and Druids we seek to understand this world we live in through similar eyes to our Ancestors. We believe that we are spirits incarnated in flesh and that it is wonderful to be alive and connected to our indigenous traditions, culture and heritage. We hold that the world is alive and imbued with spirit and that there is no separation - only the illusion of separation until we gain self awareness and higher consciousness. (1) CELTIC DRUID TEMPLE SUPREME BEING - Nature is the supreme being for all on a Celtic Path. The laws and mysteries of Nature are beyond our control but as we gain in understanding we may comprehend, copy and compliment Nature by aligning our choices with higher understanding / appreciation of the flow of the life force. No man or woman can be above Nature and any who would claim to be above Nature are declaring as ‘supernatural’. Nature encompasses everything from the single rain drop to the raging river to the frozen ice and all the stages between. We humans are part of Nature, just as the birds, the animals and the fish are part of Nature, so too are the trees, shrubs and herbs, flowers and all living and so called inanimate things. (2) CELTIC DRUID TEMPLE EXPRESSION - Living consciously in this physical world requires desire, each new day is a wonderful opportunity to live and love your life. As each of us seeks to be the most complete version of who we are and who we can be, we take inspiration from those who inspire us and we honour and respect this ability in others and in ourselves. Making choices determines our life direction and destination and so we must listen to our hearts always choosing the Light instead of darkness. Life’s challenges call forth our latent abilities facilitating inner and outer growth giving us strength and power thereby making us more like who we truly are. Knowing that intelligence and experience give birth to wisdom causes us to seek those who have gained it so that we may benefit by making informed choices. (3) CELTIC DRUID TEMPLE LOGO - The triple spiral from inside Brú na Boinne (Newgrange) shown the correct way up and the three leaves are the Hazel, the Oak and the Holly aka Coll, Dair agus Tinne = CDT (Celtic Druid Temple). We can see the tri-spiral as an S with a tail which equates to the Realm of Sky above the Realm of Sea below and between them and connecting them is the Realm of Land where we live. The Sun is not a realm but instead see the Sun as the driving force that moves water through the Three Realms and in that water is the Imbass, (aka Primary Lifefore, Chi, Od, Astra Fluid, Orgone, Bions, Re, Luminiferous Ether etc etc) (4) CELTIC DRUID TEMPLE GODS AND GODDESSES - The names and traits of many inspirational men and women from our rich and glorious heritage have survived two types of foreign imperialism. Because they live on in our hearts and minds they still have expression and can at times communicate with those who can hear. The spirits of these great ancestors who expressed higher abilities have survived the millennia despite repeated imposed cultural attacks and constant dis-empowerment propaganda. The seemingly magical abilities of these charismatic ancestors attracts the description of ‘gods and goddesses’ but they were / are not immortal in the physical sense, nor are they above Nature. In our Pathworking we may align with a God and or Goddess as we seek support / inspiration to face our challenges but ultimately we must follow our own Path. (5) CELTIC DRUID TEMPLE REALMS AND CAULDRONS - The three realms are the Sky, the Land and the Sea. The Realms overlap and interact and are not separate and there are special places where we can connect to all three at once; such as at a Holy Well, at the seaside, a waterfall and at ceremony through the symbols of the Realms. The three cauldrons are of Warming (belly), Vocation (chest) and Wisdom (head). The Realms relate to the Cauldrons as - Sky / Wisdom, Land / Vocation and Sea / Warming. Usually, only the Cauldron of Warming is the right way up at birth, otherwise we could not sustain our life. The goal of the Druí Dalta (student druid) is to cleanse their three cauldrons and to sustain all three in an upright position. This then allows the cauldrons to be filled and overflow as each Druí becomes a channel for Imbass. (6) CELTIC DRUID TEMPLE CEREMONIAL GATHERINGS Our open and free gatherings on the Eightfold Sun Year and at each Full Moon honour the cycles of true time as we gather together in circle for ritual and to celebrate and share news etc. These gatherings may be at Temple Crom in Co Roscommon or at any open air sacred site in Ireland such as at Tara where we have held open air Full Moon ceremonies continuously since the Spring Equinox in 2003. Temple Crom is our purpose built wooden roundhouse with an open air conjoined temple at the Celtic Druid Temple’s tree farm in north Co Roscommon, Ireland. We host Sun and Moon and Rites of Passage Ceremonies both indoors or outdoors as the weather allows. We connect to Nature wherever we gather in circle to hold ritual ceremony and when we are standing around a sacred fire we are all equally close to the same Light. (7) CELTIC DRUID TEMPLE RESPECT INSTEAD OF WORSHIP In our ritual practice and observances as a Celtic Pagan Religion with Nature as Supreme Being we see ourselves as part of Nature. We seek to comprehend, copy and compliment Nature because we are part of and involved with Nature and therefore, for us - any being set above Nature can only be seen as supernatural. We do not pray to or ask Nature for favours and we do not worship Nature as it is not a human like entity. We do however honour and respect Nature in ways that some people may consider as worship but for us; we consider the idea of ‘worship of an uncreated divine person as a manifestation of submission and acknowledgement of dependence’ that is central to monotheistic religions, but it is not our tradition as we see the notion of worship as the practice of self imposed dis-empowerment. It may understood that in a profound way we express, honour and show respect to Nature in our daily lives and at all our ritual ceremonies. (8) CELTIC DRUID TEMPLE PANTHEISM / ANIMISM We acknowledge the inherent life-force in all things but we try to avoid the left brain over-compartmentalism of academia that separates things neatly into narrowly defined pigeon holes... The over analyzing of these things takes us away from the primary concerns / realities that we can simply feel and instead intellectualizes them into sterile concepts. Pantheism sees all existence as expressing a single spirit, while Animism sees each spirit as unique - we would suggest that sets up the stage for incessant disagreements, arguing and endless debates that we quickly avoid. Perhaps there is a single great spirit expressing in multiple unique ways in multiple dimensions and in many universes at various speeds with different needs that constantly interact and overlap generating even newer / fresher expressions all the time. We know this as continuous creation and speak of it as the ‘dance of life’ and see it expressed all around us in Nature. (9) CELTIC DRUID TEMPLE REINCARNATION Everything and every person is in a constant cycle of reincarnation, rebirth and renewal. Part of the challenge to believe and accept this is the different speeds at which this transformation occurs for differing forms. But every single atom in your body including the calcium in your bones, the carbon in your genes, the iron in your blood, the gold in your fillings was created in far away stars billions of years ago. The atoms that make up each human being are over 13 billion years old and it is only at the ending of a star that the heat required to make iron is released and that iron is at the center of each blood cell in your body today! In the distant future - you will be part of a star again too. For your body to exist a star had to die - or - when a star transforms; it allows itself new and wonderful expressions such as you - you are made of stardust, currently expressing spiritual life as a human. You’ve done it before, you’re doing it now and guess what - you’ll do it again too! Know this as true and you change - when you change; the world around you changes too. Shine brightly! (10) CELTIC DRUID TEMPLE PROPAGANDA AND MYTHOLOGY Most modern Celts know of the wonder tales, the epic battles and the fantastic magic of the mythological cycles of our Ancestors. Few know that less than 10% of the written works / manuscripts have been translated. Most of these were written by non-Celts as they sought to displace our ancient culture and traditions. In many cases these old documents have been translated by people who were not Celtic in that they followed a foreign religious tradition that still today tries to erase / re-write the memory of our heritage. But inside the dis-information propaganda the core essence of our oldest Culture survives and even the most famous book of them all is adorned with Crom agus Corra, the Dragon and the Crane, our oldest fertility God and Goddess... When the story of your culture is written by people from another culture with an agenda to erase your culture as the oral traditions are replaced by their written words; you would be wise to not base your cultural revolution on their propaganda. Instead, listen to the guardians at the sacred sites, observe the cycles of the Sun and Moon and planets and the seasons of the year and let Nature be your teacher and you’ll gain your own awareness. (PS the book referred to is the ‘Book of Kells’) (11) CELTIC DRUID TEMPLE RITUAL / ROBES Every event can be ritualised but just looking the part is not of any real benefit - being the part is always preferred. As Nature is supreme being only natural clothing materials can be recommended. Natural materials produced without man-made chemicals that are climate neutral, organic and ethically made using sustainable energy and fair trade practices with low water footprint packed in biodegradable packaging are best, while synthetic fabrics from unknown places are possibly the worst option. So as you replace worn out ritual or everyday items choose the best for you and the Earth. Wearing natural material robes / costume for ritual helps focus the mind and body to higher spiritual purposes. Mahatma Gandhi promoted the idea of Khadi, a hand-spun and handwoven cloth that was elevated to an ideology for self-reliance and self government, as such it was not mere a piece of cloth but a way of life, a choice to use natural materials and methods - this choice became part of a revolution. Choose clean organic fabrics as the first option and when possible choose ethically made as a better option as you walk your talk wearing natural robes for ritual. Colours? As many as possible, choose wisely, shine brightly and become a rainbow warrior. (12) CELTIC DRUID TEMPLE OGHAM Ogham is the oldest written language of Ireland. There are about 400 known Ogham inscriptions on stones of primitive Irish and a few examples record fragments of the Pictish language. The Ogham system of writing was created by Oghma, whose lineage is Fomorian but he allies himself with the Tuatha De Danann. We can believe that the Druí used Ogham in written form and also by hand-signing - so they could ‘speak’ to each other silently without the knowledge of the uninitiated. There are many variants of Ogham suggesting that each druid school had its own unique version. Although we are repeatedly told that the Druí did not have ‘books’ - 150 Druid Books were burned and on Tara by ‘St Patrick’ (Bonwick) and he tried to cause a competition with a Druid Book and the Bible to be thrown into a barrel of water... these may have been like a form of ‘codex’ - sticks with carvings tied together. Each symbol had its own meaning and this meaning could be changed by using different wood/s and further changed by being handed over by the left or right hand... The Celtic Druid Temple is crafting its own Ogham script for use by our Druí. (13) CELTIC DRUID TEMPLE BREHON LAW - Brehon Law is the name commonly given to the old Celtic Law system of Ireland but in its day it was never called Brehon Law. It implies that the Breitheamh (anglicized as Brehon, translated as Judge) created and imposed the laws but this is not true. Fenechus meaning "that which relates to the Feine" (the free classes that formed the main body of Irish society) was the name used by the Irish Celts. Cain Laws of universal application were administered only by qualified Breitheamh but Urradhus or local laws were administered by nobles. The Senchas Már is a collection of legal texts recording the catholick version of the oral tradition. These laws formed a civil (ie not criminal) code and are the oldest, most original, and most extensive of medieval European legal systems. They were concerned with compensation for harm done, property, inheritance and contracts. There was no notion of state-administered punishment for a crime. These ‘Celtic Laws’ show us a hierarchical society that defines social status, between lords, clients and serfs. Responsibilities could not be dodged by legal arguments focused on a point of law while disregarding obvious truths. In Ireland today - Direct Democracy is the representation system that is closest to our indigenous Celtic Laws as it empowers the people to easily make decisions that affect their lives. (14) CELTIC DRUID TEMPLE COMMONALITIES - Members of the Celtic Druid Temple share the same basic understanding of our unique heritage and culture. This is based on individual appreciation and personalized connection to the Three Realms of Sea, Land and Sky and to the Three Cauldrons of Warming, Vocation and Wisdom while also integrating the Three Times of Past, Present and Future. Women and Men can be Druí today as they were in the past. The office of Druí implies a balanced consciousness that uses both intellect and intuition respecting Nature while serving the greater good. All Druí share a basic common foundation and framework for their individual Paths of self transformation that we refer to as spiritual alchemy. Druí may specialise in any field of endeavor while sharing a common basic understanding with all other Druí. Many old names for offices that a Druí can hold have come down to us but these should not be seen as a limit or a constraint for while we can see the past, we must live in the present with an eye to the future. As such; we have a responsibility to adapt the ways of the ancestors to the needs of today, respecting Nature while serving the greater good. After all, this is what happened in the past and this approach is what make ours a living Celtic tradition (15) the above essay is a work in progress and while it will not become a book it will grow... 30/6/2016 Ard Drui Con celticdruidtemple.com At 8pm on May 21st we'll be celebrating the full moon both here in Temple Crom and on Tara. We celebrate every moonth, so if you can't make this one, maybe we'll see you at another. Also if you live too far away we always have a healing circle where we send some energy out, so just email me your name and we'll send some light your way during the ceremony.
Niamh celticdruidtemple.com ps. if your considering becoming a member check out our membership options here Throughout the year we hold three weekend workshops and three 4 day workshops. These are open to members only. The focus of the weekend course is to introduce you to the three realms and the four day course is an extension of each realm where we take you deeper into the experience. The three Realms are outside of us; the realm of sky above us, the realm of sea below us and the realm of land all around us. We interact with these realms on a daily basis, each realm interacts with the other but has it's own unique qualities and wisdom available to us when we consciously connect. These realms are mirrored inside of us too. In the April weekend workshop we focus on the realm of Sky, all that is above us. We take a good look at the skies during this weekend, lots of cloud watching and star gazing. We take a look at our own sky realm, inside of us- our own wisdom and how we interact with the rest of the world. During each weekend workshop we present an understanding on the principals of True Time, this is the cycle of the sun, the moon, the stars and the planets we look at the 8 solar ceremonies and how they connect with solar and stellar events. We also explore Celtic mythology and how the stories are mirrored in the sky above us. On the Saturday evening we guide you in a deep dreaming, this is a visualization that takes place in our lovely warm Hemp Hall with underfloor heating. This visualization will bring you to meet the ancestors and you will bring back a personal message to guide you on your path. We will demonstrate and teach a series of simple energy exercises, gentle movements coordinated with the breath and some simple Irish words. These exercises help us to focus on our connections with the natural world around us.
Visit our Druidschool site to book your place
Click here to read more testimonials Become a Member here and gain access to our Members only website Questions in the comment box are always welcomed and answered. Grá Niamh Weekend Courses: Becoming a Celtic Druid
This three weekend introductory course guides you to create the foundations and build the framework for living your life as a Druí. You'll hold the Sacred Knowledge and Indigenous Spiritual Traditions of a distinctly Celtic Path. Week Long Courses: Wandmaker, Templebuilder, and Toolmaker Awaken your Celtic Spirit as you immerse yourself and experience the Path, take part in ceremony and in classes on Wandmaker, Templebuilder and Toolmaker week long courses |
February 2025