Hi Con and Niamh!
I read your article. I was not unhappy or sad. On the contrary, I feel that one path has ended and another must begin.
Every being has a fire, a glow within. And that fire, that glow tends to group with other fires, other similar glows, at least until one of them fades or ceases to identify with. Your alliance had a purpose. And that purpose no longer makes sense. Fires must move apart, otherwise one of them will end up extinguishing the other. And I'm glad it's you who's leaving.
You have no idea how honoured I feel to have met you both. Your fire, your passion for what it means to be and live the Celtic culture. The contagious energy and strength that emanates from you and Niamh is something I will never forget. It is etched into my being.
If I thank the alliance for anything it is this, to have had the opportunity for you to have crossed my path. It was very important to me.
With the other members of the alliance... it was different... they are more human and more susceptible to human traits. I don't know if I make myself clear.
I know what it is to be in the shoes of a druid. I have lived and been one. In troubled times. I know the importance of leading people, of guiding beings who are sometimes too human. I remember having to struggle with living in times of change and having to adapt and help others adapt.
Your effort, that of Niamh, Karl, John and so many others around you, is admirable and beautiful to see. The lack of consideration from others shows not only the success of your struggle to walk a difficult path in these times so contrary to what is known to be right at heart, as well as the lack of identification from others.
I implore you, let nothing and no one extinguish your fire, your passion and your brilliance. Even being far away, I still feel it and need to know that it shines and will continue to shine from year to year. Everything that threatens your Being and Living does not need to be around you. And no one can tell you what you can or should do. It is your path, no one else's.
Thank you for being there.
(Name is being kept Private)
Hi, Con. This fragmentation, however, is sad and weird, for i paid for courses back in 2011/2012, for the, at the time Druidic Council (Conselho Druídico). Also true is that i paid for my two first courses with Joaquim, and the third i said i had no means of paying, but he said that i could attend without fee
[I sent - great - thanks. No judgement from me. Just telling the truth of those who falsely accused and convicted and sentenced me with out right to reply.]
You're always welcome, Con.
(Name is being kept Private)
Thanks Con & Niamh for this information I did not have. And very sorry our first exchanges are in these conditions. I will here express only my personal point of view and feelings (and in any case the one of my grove in southwestern of France, and even less the one of the ****** groves organisation). I fully understand the idea of "no money" in druidism because of many drifts we've seen before and also because knowledge should ideally be free. But I must admit that personnally I often wonder if this rule if not too much manichean : what about people working full-time in the tradition ? what about people whose job is being a therapist (or any job in which our spirituality also express itself, ie artist, therapist and so on...) ? Sincerely I don't have the answer yet... except I feel the rule may be too much manichean. Take care of you.
[I sent - Hi (Name is being kept Private), thank you for sharing your thoughts. The idea of no money for druid teachings has its roots in the time when communities provided all the needs of their druids. In ancient Ireland the Celtic clans simply built homes for newlyweds... the unpaid druid would advise on safe locations for these new homes avoiding the fairy / dragon path etc. That society did not even have money! Grá Con]
Not especially in ancient Ireland but also in chamanism and other traditions including also education of children, healings, and other functions. But I feel the modern "no money" rule is more due to people working full-time in non-druidic jobs and non-therapists jobs (exaggerating a lot I would say : "druids 4 or 8 times a year") who can easily decide a "non money" rule.
(Name is being kept Private)
Thats quite a sad development. I was looking forward to come back to Ireland this summer. I never heard Denis talk about all that before though.
(Name is being kept Private)
If you yourself place no value on the knowledge you have gained over the years and show to others seeking that knowledge that you do not value it, then don't be surprised if they also place no value on that knowledge imparted to them.
By the way wife here says it's a simple exchange of energies. Exchanging payment for knowledge is also an exchange of energies.
(Name is being kept Private)
very pertinent
(Name is being kept Private)
I want to share a message of support for you and Con. Yesterday, I saw a post on Facebook about the recent situation that happened with CDA. So, I felt it was a good time to open up about something that happened on my journey and explain how it relates...
(edit - personal details)
Long story short, when I found Celtic Druid Temple and read everything on your web site, I knew CDT was genuinely teaching ancient knowledge and had no secret agenda. I had even found OBOD first and something didn't feel right. You keep confirming the things I was seeing and I'm finally realizing it wasn't crazy. And it makes sense that I'm so careful about my sources now, even though many different paths could be beneficial. The problem today is accessing knowledge without being pushed into fear by those with bad intentions.
On the subject of paying for courses, this is something I very much appreciate being able to do. Reciprocity is important and I don't want the knowledge for free, because I want you to be supported in the work you're doing. Paying for membership and for courses just makes sense - it would be more costly to be shipping gifts around the world. There's less waste this way and allows you to allocate funds in the best way for CDT. I think we have to consider that we need teachers who focus their time on their spiritual work and are financially supported enough to do that. So, I just wanted to say I believe in what you're doing and that my perspective as a student is very different from those who disapproved.
Grá agus solas
(Name is being kept Private)
With love, respect and admiration for you, Ard Druí Con, and the important work you, and the Celtic Druid Temple do. You will always have my unequivocal support
(Name is being kept Private)
I fully support you Con and CDT. Grá agus solas
(Name is being kept Private)
Wow, shocking behaviour. Absolutely agree and support you Con Niamh Connor . Grá agus solas.
(Name is being kept Private)
This is all very sad
(Name is being kept Private)
From me, Con Connor - On a personal note - maybe Denis should drink less and learn to tame his ego and enjoy the success of others instead of sneaking around in the shadows trying to destroy with insult and slander. Maybe Joaquim should grow a pair and stand with truth and dignity instead of protecting his initiator who is obviously using dark forces on the innocent. Maybe CDA should remove all of the written contribution that I have made by their request from their website and see what is left...
/i\ Con
I agree with the attached statement, how Con does his work is no business of any other organization. Con is both living and walking the path, it is not a plaything for him to dress up at the weekend, I am happy for the letter to be sent to the CDA.
/i\ Frank
Hi Con,
I have read the draft and am happy to give my approval to send it to CDA and to publish it as a blog on the CDT website. The actions of the Duty Guardian Joaquim and the retired Guardian Denis show the utmost contempt for the Alliance; it's oaths, it's aims and it's hopes. Joaquim acted as if the alliance was a hierarchy, he had no respect for the role of the support guardians, he was in full knowledge of a developing problem, he received communications from members of the alliance and kept them secret from me and the second support guardian, Karl. Joaquim did not honour the protocol of the role of the Guardian instead he obeyed the will of Denis. I am happy that we are removing ourselves from people who act with such dishonesty and lack of honour.
/i\ Niamh Connor
Hi Con,
I have read the paper and am ok with it. I am quite taken aback by the situation. I had thought Denis and Joaquim had more integrity. Guess I was wrong.
Grá agus Solas
/i\ John
Hello Con,
I've read your text and for me it's okay. Just for your information: you know I thought I could maybe help to solve the problems, but unfortunately I didn't know that Joaquim informed me when everything was over. On a note from me he answered - in portugese. I take this for a personal disdain and absolutely unworthy for a druid that had called me ‘brother’ even two days earlier. No doubt that I'm deeply disappointed about this development. I instantly deleted my fb account, I'll forget these strange guys instantly.
Maybe universe has told us that there's enough to do in our smaller worlds, we won't have enough power to solve the world's problems before things concerning our friends around us here.
Grá agus solas
/i\ Karl
But from https://celticdruidalliance.wixsite.com/celtic-alliance/gatherings on the 29th Nov 2021 - we see a false claim being made -
“Our third Gathering will take place from 11th to 14th August 2022 and will again be based in Ireland. More information will be posted soon on this site and also on the "Friends of Celtic Druid Alliance" page on Facebook.”
My comment -
I have advised them that they have no welcome here and to clean up their mess and to stop making false claims.
I give my love and gratitude for those who have shown support to me by email, message, ‘likes’ and by phone at this difficult time. For those who attacked me I say exactly what “Two Lads Say” in the above graphic. To all who may read this report - always know that your Celtic Path to the Primordial Tradition exists for you regardless of the smog, fog and layers of darkness that others may try to put over it – it is your Celtic Path, believe in it, look for it, find it and walk it.