The attached image is taken from “The Flame of Samhain Festival” fb pg and shows the actual size of the ground fire inside the monument on the 31st of October 2018. On halloween 2018 a wiccan witch cult burned a large Celtic Sun Wheel on the ground inside an ancient monument that is under the Guardianship of the Irish State. This deliberate attack on our indigenous spiritual traditions at a temple sacred to the Goddess Tlachtga was a premeditated religious hate crime. The fire damage to the ground inside Teampall Tlachtga was funded with taxpayers money organised by Meath Cllr David Gilroy, Chairman of Boyne Valley Tourism. Over 200 wiccan witches including Healers Spiral graduates, Moon Mná facilitators and Sli an Chroi wearing xmas lights over gaudy costumes actively supported a black magic hate crime ritual led by Gemma McGowan, Karen Ward, Patsy Preston, retired Cllr Deirdre Wadding and John Cantwell. Cllr Gilroy has said that the event - "was never meant to have any spiritual content". The damaging of our ancient temples recalls the desecration by the roman church, the vikings, the normans and by cromwell who all attacked our indigenous temples with fire! The wiccan witch cult must not be allowed to continue with their hate crimes of grant aided vandalism by fire at Ireland’s Sacred Sites. The Celtic Druid Temple strongly condemns this carefully planned act of fire vandalism against our heritage, the attack on our indigenous spiritual traditions and our sacred symbols and is deeply concerned that taxpayers money was so easily used to support this religious hate crime. Questions
a) Does the Taoiseach know how much taxpayers money was given in grant aid to those who fire damaged Tlachtga, a national monument that is under guardianship of the state? Costs must currently include; application for Ministerial Consent, the lease of the land, the application for and implementation of road closures, recording, editing and production of the video, photographic marketing of the event, the safety lighting, the fire tender, ambulance and stewards, presenter fees, make-up, costumes with xmas lights, pageantry, props and lighting, the willow-work, sound engineer and equipment etc., TG4 presentation. Will the Taoiseach show the full financial report from Boyne Valley Tourism for this event to the taxpayer? b) Does he know how much taxpayers money is needed to scientifically investigate the true cost of the damage and the full costs for the restoration and preservation of this important monument that is under guardianship of the state? c) Does he know if Meath Tourism applied for and received Ministerial Consent for the planned fire that would damage the ground inside the ancient monument that is known as Tlachtga, the Hill of Ward in Co Meath on Halloween on the 31st of October 2018? Will Meath Tourism be allowed to use and promote the video of the fire destruction of national monuments? Will Cllr David Gilroy be immediately sacked from serving as Chairperson of Boyne Valley Tourism? d) Will the Taioseach instruct the DPP to investigate, identify and prosecute the perpetrators who deliberately planned to damage by fire the ground inside a National Monument under state care? Will the cost of this investigation and all other associated costs be demanded from convicted perpetrators? e) Will the Taoiseach condemn the hate crime by the Wiccan Witch Cult against our Indigenous Celtic Spiritual Traditions, our sacred symbols and our temples? f) Can the Taoiseach confirm that no more taxpayers money will be used to promote the hate crimes of the Wiccan Witch Cult. /|\ Ard Drui Con Connor Senior Ard Drui, Celtic Druid Temple Duty Guardian, Celtic Druid Alliance Background Notes 1) The Celtic Sun Wheel is an ancient symbol of the Eightfold Sun Year that represents the Eight Sun Festivals of the European Celtic Pagan Tradition. The deliberate burning of our ancient symbols at our sacred sites by a wiccan witch cult is a public hate crime. Although Ireland has no ‘hate crime’ legislation and no ‘blasphemy law’ it does not mean that there are no victims of religious hatred. The Chief Commissioner of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission says Ireland has a responsibility to ensure that hate crime is not tolerated in society. The Chief Commissioner says “Hate Crime has a real-world, oppressive and damaging effect on those who fall victim to it. Hate Crime can cause people to withdraw from society and avoid expressing their identity.” This hate crime vandalism was filmed and shown on TG4 on Sunday 4th November. Video on fb at ‘The Flame of Samhain Festival’. 2) The Celtic Druid Temple has honoured Samhain at Tlachtga since 2003 leaving ‘no trace’. 3) Teampall Tlachtga is officially known as Hill of Ward Earthworks Wardstown Meath National Monument Number 150 RMP NUMBER ME030-00. Formal guardianship by the state. 4) The Celtic Druid Temple is the state recognised Indigenous Spiritual Tradition of Ireland. RCN 20106003 CHY 20684 5) Deliberate destruction of or damage to ancient monuments is prohibited by Section 14 of the National Monuments Act 1930 (as amended). Damage by fire inside national monuments destroys artifacts and archaeological dating techniques like Carbon 14(C) assays, Thermoluminescence because of refiring, Archeomagnetism confusing electron orientation and the Dendrochronology data reservoir by destroying ancient wood remains. Other damage is from multiple spikes for lighting and multiple poles for banners that were thrust into the ground inside the temple. 6) Dr Stephen Davis is the senior archaeologist for the recent excavations at the Tlachtga, Hill of Ward Project that is supported by the Heritage Council, Office of Public Works (OPW), Royal Irish Academy (RIA) and Meath County Council. 01 716 8534. [email protected] This is on Wednesday 7th of November in 2018 because of the alignment of a star through the setting sun, through the dark moon and on to planet earth at Tlachtga in Co Meath. Our Celtic New Year on the Dark Moon of Samhain is the end of Summer and the start of Winter and Celtic Druí and Pagans honour Tlachtga, our Earth energy Goddess at her home Temple with multiple sacred ceremonies on this night. The star we also call Tlachtga is better known as Antares. She is 550 light years away from earth in the Sign of Scorpius. It is one of the 4 brightest stars in the Zodiac and is 60,000 times more luminous than Gráinne (our Sun) because of its gigantic size! It is a reddish star that can be seen by the naked eye and it has an invisible partner star. These teachings are part of the Indigenous Wisdom Traditions of a distinctly Irish Celtic Druid Path as given at
Gráinne, our Sun is a Goddess of life giving energy. We must give thanks for her gifts and nurture planet earth complimenting Nature. Celtic Druí and Pagans honour Gráinne as she moves through the sky with our Eightfold Sun ceremonies and every day at high noon when our shadows point North. When you work loving Nature you honour Gráinne. An Gealach (the shining one) on the night of the Celtic New Year obscures the Light from the star and sun as he presents a dark face to earth. It is the night when we cannot see any Moon. It is the nights without any reflected sun light from the Moon to earth that we recognise as the Dark Moon nights. The Dark Moon is really there, it is not 'No Moon' and it is not the 'last' or the 'new' Moon either. Celtic Druí and Pagans also honour every Full Moon with ritual ceremony that is open and free to all seekers. Tlachtga, our Samhain Goddess has her main Temple in Co Meath, 7 miles west of Tara. Tlachtga's name can be understood as 'earth energy spear'. Every new year at Samhain since 2003, the Ard Druí of the Celtic Druid Temple in ritual ceremony create a new sacred fire spirit at Tlachtga. As a small dedicated group, we leave no trace and being mindful of safety, parking difficulties and in support of local group decisions we ask that people meet us only at Tara and not Tlachtga. On Wednesday 7th of November a sacred flame is brought from Tlachtga to Tara to share with the Celtic men, women and children of Ireland. As it was the tradition of our Ancestors: so it is now with the free people of Ireland's Celtic Nation today. Our 2nd ceremony is held on Tara at 8pm ish and we welcome all seekers to join our sacred fire circle on Tara as is our tradition since Samhain, 2003. Bring a candle in a lantern and you can bring a sacred flame home, this is the tradition of our Ancestors – happy Celtic New Year to all. Grá Con graphic and script by /|\ Con |
January 2025