Our moonthly newsletter is ready for you, inside you'll find an invitation to join us for our upcoming Full Moon ceremonies and a free Brigid's cross making social afternoon as well as info about Druidschool's spring class timetable. Read the full article here.
The natural energy field around a tree is very close to the natural energy field a healthy human.
Calculations made for Imbolg at Temple Crom, 53.73801 - 8.57184. The ‘Event’ is at 17:19 - Sun: Alt-2* Azi 242*, Dark Moon: Alt -3* Azi 237* with the star Fomalhaut briefly appearing just above the horizon at Alt +1* Azi 244*. Horizon Stars - Fomalhaut (reddish in color but categorized as a white star): Arabic means ‘Mouth of the Southern Fish’, Iota Capricorni: Sumerian means ‘Goat Fish’, Albali: Arabic means ‘the Swallower’, Denebokab: Arabic means ‘the Eagle’s Tail’. The conjunction of the Sun with the Dark Moon below the Horizon while Fomalhaut is just above gives us the timing for Imbolg. Imbolg means ‘in the belly’ and is the start of the Celtic Spring at the end of the day and the start of the night. Imbolg is a moveable ‘feast’ that can align with ‘St Brigid’s Day’ but it can vary up to two weeks either side of February 1st. Imbolg means ‘in the belly’. In Ireland this calculation gives us the true date to honour our connection with the sacred Cow. In rebuilding of our starlore for these modern times we see ‘Bó chluasach dearg’ (red eared mother cow) with her head down cleaning her calf as the starlore symbol. White cows with red ears were sacred animals in Celtic Ireland. As a child Brigid was said to have been sustained by the milk of a white cow with red ears and this sacred cow also gave milk to all the poor she encountered on her travels. The deity is ‘Brigid’ daughter of Dagda, patroness of Druids from the living Imbolg tradition today all over Ireland. Brigid's Cross Making Workshop Saturday 1st Feburary 2025 2pm -4pm Temple Crom ![]() This is a free workshop where you will learn how to make a Brigid’s cross. If you already know how to make one then you are very welcome to come along and share in the company of the craft workshop and maybe use the time to make some Brigid’s crosses as gifts for friends and family. The workshop will take place indoors on the 1st of Febuary at 2pm here at the Temple just outside of Castlerea, Co. Roscommon. Book your place via email
The Full Moon on December 15th will feature a rare event—a "major lunar standstill." This occurs once every 18.6 years, with the Moon rising and setting at its extreme northerly points on the horizon. It's a fascinating phenomenon, with the Moon reaching a height on the eastern horizon higher than the Sun ever can.
There are also three meteor showers to look out for! The Geminid Meteor Shower is linked to Finnbenach, the Connacht Bull, whose battle with the Ulster Bull is said to have sparked these celestial events. The Ursids Meteor Shower, connected to the northern Dragon Draco, shines around the Winter Solstice, with sparks coming from its belly. Finally, the Sigma Hydrids Meteor Shower, peaking on December 13–14, is named after the constellation Hydra (Crom). On the 22nd of December the true midnight Geimhreadh event occurs at 00:23, looking due south. This marks the heart of winter, the longest night and shortest day, after which the days begin to lengthen. Prominent stars like Orion (Dagda in Irish mythology) dominate the sky, with Betelgeuse (the giant's shoulder) and Saiph (the sword of the giant) forming a near-perfect vertical line. The Shoe-Buckle Cluster (M35), visible to the naked eye, is seen as a portal. Dagda, the Irish "good god" and chief of the Tuatha Dé Danann, is linked to the great hunter Orion, symbolizing the wild boars represented by Gemini and Taurus in the Milky Way. While we’re not hosting a public Winter Solstice event this year, this celestial alignment of stars offers a powerful moment to reflect on the cycle of the seasons and our connection to the cosmos. Want to learn more about these celestial events and be part of the magic? Read the full newsletter for all the details here The 2nd secret to the mystery of Brú na Bóinne / Newgrange is that there was quartz found in the roofbox over the Dolmen doorway capstone. MJ and Claire O’Kelly discovered this quartz during excavations of Dagda’s Temple. The media accused him of invention! Professor Michael J. O'Kelly with his wife Claire excavated and restored the megalithic passage tomb at Newgrange from 1962 to 1975. MJ O’Kelly was the highest qualified archaeologist in Ireland at the time of excavation of Dagda’s Temple. The excavation of the temple was done from funding by Aer Lingus (Ireland’s commercial aviation) and Bord Fáilte (Ireland’s tourism bord). The quartz stone is now lost... but we must be grateful that MJ and others recorded it by photographing it in place. He said that there was space for two such stones and that he only found one but that there were scratches that indicate that there was a second block of quartz. Note this - not as a wall but as as means of modifying the sunbeam. So, we know that Dagda’s Temple was designed so that the Sun on the morning of the shortest day would rise and shine through the roofbox into the chamber 66 foot away. It did this through the two quartz blocks. This would modify the energy of the sunbeam. Think of the energy from the ‘Sun as dc’ or direct current and think ‘quartz making it into ac’ or alternating current and you can realise that this means switching of the current from direct to alternating current. Or you could make it even more simple by thinking of the battery (dc) in an ordinary wrist watch and the tick/tock (ac) it makes = direct into alternation through quartz... Dagda did this solar engineering in ancient times at the Temple that he built. These days there is an iron bar instead of quartz in the roofbox for anti access purposes but Dagda’s Temple was designed to work with a modified sunbeam.
Please see the excellent report and multiple images of the quartz block in the roofbox at https://boynevalleytombs.wordpress.com/ See also http://irisharchaeology.ie/2012/12/images-of-newgrange-through-the-ages/ The many secrets in the mystery of Dagda’s Temple are currently being written into an upcoming book on Ireland’s ancient Calendar, Starlore and Mythology, for updates on its availability please join our moonthly free newsletter. The Druí of Celtic Druid Temple will celebrate the Full Moon this Friday the 15th of November at 8pm. This will be the first Full Moon of the Celtic New Year and your welcome to join us for ceremony at any of our three locations! We've lots of pics from our woodland in this moonth's newsletter and much more to read at this link.
An excerpt from the book "Your Celtic Path - a seekers guide" Another source of inspiration for Graves came from Edward Williams (1747- 1826) aka Iolo Morganwg. In 1792, Iolo Morganwg, (stonemason, freemason and fake Druid), claimed direct unbroken lineage to knowledge of the rites and customs of the ancient Druids. Iolo by the way, was also an opium addict and a forger and the full nature and extent of his invention and deceit is simply incredible. He declared that his Glamorganshire Bards had an unbroken line of Bardic-Druidic tradition going back to the Ancient Druids. His local Masonic Lodge accepted without challenge all of Iolo's claims, but these days they 'neither confirm nor deny' online if Iolo was initiated or ever held membership. Iolo's fraudulent works excited and inspired Robert Graves. Iolo is still presented as being a ‘Druid’ despite the fact that the scholar G. J. Williams has systematically demonstrated the extent of Iolo’s forgeries and fabrications in the 1950's. In Nora Chadwick's book THE DRUIDS published by the University of Wales Press in 1966, the scholar tells us on pg 3: “there is no good historical evidence for the survival of the druids into the historical period in Wales.” By inference she is referencing Iolo's 'bad works of forgery'. Iolo Morganwg, opium addict and manuscript forger Graves also relied on Edward Davies (1756-1831) poet, dramatist and collector of manuscripts. He was an inventor of the 'Druidic Revival' along with Iolo Morganwg. Davies work has not been taken seriously by Welsh or Celtic scholars since the 1850’s. Davies suggested that there might be an 'Ogham Tree Calendar'. Graves then devised his calendar based on Davies suggestion by choosing just 13 Ogham consonants out of 15 as proposed by Ó Flaitheartaigh to represent his own creation of a system of 13 moons, constellations and trees. This was where Graves completely lost the ‘run of himself’ with fantasy. Graves saw 13 months in a calendar year, totally ignoring the fact that most years have only 12 full moon cycles and a 13 full moon year (between successive December solstices) happens only every two and a half years. He also counted 13 star constellations as the belt of the Zodiac. This probably included the 12 well known zodiac constellations plus Ophiuchus, the lost sign of “serpent-bearer” that sits above (and was once connected to) Scorpio. Robert von Ranke Graves (1895-1985) Graves simply added his 13 full moon year to his 13 constellations of the Zodiac to the 13 consonants of his favourite version of Ogham - and merged them all together in his mind as proofs for his theories. He decided that the 13 moon cycles aligned with the 13 star constellations that were all connected to his selected 13 consonants to create his preferred version of Ogham! From this, he presented his own ‘ancient Ogham Tree Calendar’ and ‘ancient Ogham Tree Zodiac’. Graves believed that his fantasy was a great discovery and he wrote to the then greatest living authority on Ogham, Professor Robert Macalister of Dublin (1870-1950). Macalister himself had claimed that the Ogham script was created in Cisalpine Gaul (northern Italy) around 600 BCE. He says that Gaulish Druids used Ogham as a secret system of hand signals. He also said that Ogham was inspired by a ‘Northern Italy’ version of Greek alphabet. However, Macalister’s Ogham source theory is rejected by today’s Ogham scholars because there is no actual evidence for Macalister’s theory that Ogham's language and its system originated in Gaul as is his claim that Ogham emerged from a Greek alphabet. The White Goddess: A Historical Grammar of Poetic Myth On p.117 of ‘The White Goddess’ Graves says; “When recently I wrote on this subject to Dr Macalister, as the best living authority on Oghams, he replied that I must not take O'Flaherty's alphabets seriously: ‘they all seem to me to be late artificialities, or rather pedantries of little more importance than the affectations of Sir Pierce Shafton and his kind.’ I pass on this caution in all fairness, for my argument depends on O'Flaherty's alphabet... I feel justified in supposing that O'Flaherty was recording a genuine tradition at least as old as the thirteenth century AD.” (note AD means Anno Domini, it is Medieval Latin and means "in the year of the Lord", modern terminology uses CE meaning Common Era). Graves reckoned that the Ogham tree alphabet tradition began in the thirteenth century AD, during the era of the Norman invasion of Ireland. Even though Macalister warned Graves about this serious error - Graves nevertheless persisted with his notion that the Ogham tree alphabet was also in use as an Ogham tree calendar in ancient times. Robert Graves' grandfather Charles Graves (1812-1899) had been President of the Royal Irish Academy and was himself a leading authority on Ogham. The Royal Irish Academy (RIA) was founded in 1785 with a Royal Charter granted in 1786 by King George III who ruled over the British Kingdom, which at that time included Ireland. The RIA today politely facilitates the imperial literary tradition while presenting itself as Ireland’s premier learned body. It still exists as a library, museum, and research facility and it claims to champion Irish academic research, which of course means ‘research in the imperial literary tradition’ to the exclusion of all else. Charles Graves had already dismissed the 'tree alphabet' of his grandson Robert Graves as entirely spurious. And Macalister cites Charles Graves’s work on Ogham in his own study. It becomes obvious that Robert Graves had a desire for glory that denied reality and that his hunger for glory allowed acceptable forgeries and wrong thinking while at the same time he dismissed all input from his contemporary Ogham ‘scholars’. Robert Graves’s ‘Ogham Tree Calendar’ and ‘Ogham Tree Zodiac’ are fake and not historical in any way except as evidence of a forger continuing the forger’s tradition. Robert Graves inspired Gerald Gardner, the founder of Wicca who in turn inspired Ross Nichols the founder of Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (OBOD). The historical sources relied upon by Robert Graves and his subsequent writings on Ogham have been thoroughly exposed as fake. But many seekers are still being fooled today into following Graves’s writings in the misguided belief that just like Iolo’s opium inspired forgeries, that such fraudulent scams can guide them to 'awareness'.
You can buy the book "Your Celtic Path - a seekers guide" here. Note - postage savings in the US and Canada see link above to choose to buy from Barnes and Noble The Druí of Celtic Druid Temple will celebrate the Full Moon this Thursday the 17th of October at 8pm. These ceremonies are free and open to all, you just need to email the facilitator before hand. We’ll be celebrating Celtic New Year aka Samhain on the 1st of November this year, full info and lots more in this month's newsletter here.
There are Four Royal Stars that set the timing for Imbolg, Beltine, Lughnasa agus Samhain. This is not interpolation, it is not 4 commercial bank holy days, not aligned with an alien church calendar either - these four sacred festivals align with a Star+Sun+Moon setting. For Samhain the Royal Star is commonly known as Antares in Scorpio - we do not have Scorpions in Ireland - the shape of the constellation looks very like a Salmon... The Four Royal Stars are shown in RED. We do not have existing old Irish names available to us but we know where the four stars are and what they symbolize and Con has identified the characteristics with which these four stars can be seen as sacred animals in the Realm of Sky. It becomes easier to understand when you see the comparative size chart below - Antares (flick of the tail) is a HUGE star. When the Sun and Dark Moon are aligned at 3-7* below the western horizon and the star Antares is 1-3* above the same horizon Antares becomes visible in the twilight for a short period, then it disappears under the horizon. It is how our Ancestors determined Samhain.
January 2025