The Druí of Celtic Druid Temple will celebrate the Full Moon this Thursday the 17th of October at 8pm. These ceremonies are free and open to all, you just need to email the facilitator before hand. We’ll be celebrating Celtic New Year aka Samhain on the 1st of November this year, full info and lots more in this month's newsletter here.
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There are Four Royal Stars that set the timing for Imbolg, Beltine, Lughnasa agus Samhain. This is not interpolation, it is not 4 commercial bank holy days, not aligned with an alien church calendar either - these four sacred festivals align with a Star+Sun+Moon setting. For Samhain the Royal Star is commonly known as Antares in Scorpio - we do not have Scorpions in Ireland - the shape of the constellation looks very like a Salmon... The Four Royal Stars are shown in RED. We do not have existing old Irish names available to us but we know where the four stars are and what they symbolize and Con has identified the characteristics with which these four stars can be seen as sacred animals in the Realm of Sky. It becomes easier to understand when you see the comparative size chart below - Antares (flick of the tail) is a HUGE star. When the Sun and Dark Moon are aligned at 3-7* below the western horizon and the star Antares is 1-3* above the same horizon Antares becomes visible in the twilight for a short period, then it disappears under the horizon. It is how our Ancestors determined Samhain.
Our Newsletter is live and already sent directly to the inbox of subscribed members and friends. In it we invite you to join us for our Full moon ceremony on the 18th of this moonth and to watch an Autumn Equinox Sunset with us on the 25th. Read the full newsletter with more pics here.
The two new ponds are filling and overflowing nicely, the drains all have swales (snake like curves) and the levels are just spot on. We paid for the drainage pipes (new bridges) in cash and we paid the installer in cash too! He was paid his full fee in 50 euro notes in a soft leather envelope type wallet - he was extra happy to get the leather wallet! We extend our thanks to our membership for their subscriptions and to our friends and fellow Druí for their generous donations. Our 16 acres with 16,000 broadleaf trees in the middle of a zone of Shitka Spruce is like a luxury retreat camp for wildlife and now with the addition of two ponds it will become an oasis too! The already diverse biodiversity will now increase hugely. Ours is not a Nature Reserve, Ours is a Nature Preserve. The ponds are full, the sun is shining and everything is about to evolve! We're going to let the land, ponds and animals settle after all the excitement. We've got plans to make regarding what we'll plant in some of the new clearings, we're currently planning a wild flower corridor with banks of wild strawberries and groups of fruit bushes...come visit us soon....we're open for tours until the end of October...bring your wellies :) Book your tour here.
Wedding or Handfasting? One of the essays shared in our newsletter discusses handfastings and their origins in history. We'll be celebrating the Full Moon this Monday at 8pm and you are very welcome to join us. We also have a few spaces left in our Mystery School starting August 31st. Read about these classes and more in our newsletter here.
Con was on the radio again, sharing truths in his warm and charming way.....he spoke about a Celtic Druid's perspective on nature and farming for abundance. He also gave a detailed explanation about an upcoming class in this Autumn's Mystery School.....Spell Breaking, Ghost Busting and Cot Deaths.
Our July Newsletter is now live, we invite you to join us for our Full Moon ceremony on the 21st of July and for our Lughnasa ceremony on the 5th of August. We also highlight our new membership ID cards and our upcoming Mystery School Autumn Saturday Classes. Read the full newsletter here or join our email list to have it delivered straight to your inbox.
This Full Moon is on the 21st of July rising at 22.45 as seen if standing at Brú na Boinne. This rising point on the horizon is where the Winter Solstice Sun rises to send its sunbeam into the Temple to activate the energy grid. With the Full Moon rising at the same horizon location it will reflect Sun light up the passage way and into the central chamber of the great Temple at the bend of the Boyne. This is a Full Moon alignment activation - a rare event! Details in the two graphics on this blog post are your map to being connected to these events. The solar activation is done at Sunrise and the Lunar activation is done at Full Moon rise from the exact same location on the horizon. ![]() The Solar activation at Mid-Winter lasts for 17 minutes and the Full Moon activation for the 21/07/24 lasts for up to 14 minutes. My guess is that this activation alignment was well known to our ancestors and that the Moon light may hit the centre of the main chamber for up to five minutes. Will it be a white light, a reflection of light from the Sun as it dips below the western horizon? What a fantastic event! There are other activation alignments of this great Temple and more information is shared in our mystery school in the upcoming Autumn Saturday Classes.
Lughnasa means "the games of Lugh" (pronounced as Lou) and refers to the assembly for games at the time of the first of three harvests. The month of August is called Lughnasadh as Gaeilge and it marks the first harvest of Summer. This was a specifically Irish holiday and many of the other Celtic cultures also celebrate an August festival known by a range of names. As Beltine marks the start of summer - Lughnasa marks the end of summer. History associates Lughnasa with the Lugh, a leading Celtic deity and hero. As it is the end of summer and the time of the first main harvest - everyone reckoned it to be a great time to assemble for the games with a major feast, and for some it was the start of a trial marriage.
We time Lughansa by the setting of the star called Regulus in Leo which is seen by us as the setting of the star Shallinis in the sign of Lugh. Four years ago - Con renamed the star group Leo after Lugh and the bright star Regulus. He renamed Regulus as Shalinnis (aka Fáil Inis), hound of Lugh. Shalinnis is invincible in battle, vomited quantities of gold and silver as needed and mead or wine came out of streams he washed in - a hound worthy of the great war hero we know as Lugh. The big thing about Lughnasa this year is its double occultation. In the graphic you can see Venus and the Dark Moon with Shallinis in the far distance behind them. When the Sun has set 3 or 4 degrees below the horizon the planet Venus will suddenly brighten as it reflects Sunlight and because Shallinis is behind it, any light from Shallinis will be hidden by the brightness of Venus. The Dark Moon is not reflecting any sunlight but it contributes to the occultation of Shallinis. So if you are standing in the right place at the right time looking in the right direction and waiting to see the bright star Regulus/Shallinis and the Sun has just set below the horizon its the planet Venus that you can see. It may look like the bright star of Lughnasa has got really really big but the light from the star will be hidden inside the light from Venus. We wonder if this is part of the legend that said the bright star Lugh was a second Sun...this is the correct timing for Lughnasa with the Sun set and the bright star Shallinis/Regulus briefly makes an appearance before it too sets below the horizon and its happening on the 5th of August at 21:33 Irish time. Our newsletter has just been sent by email to our members and friends. In this moonth's newsletter we highlight that the Summer Solstice and the Full Moon are happening on the same day this year! And that our plans for our Full Moon ceremonies on Tara and Vienna have changed this moonth. You can read the full newsletter at this link.
February 2025