To put this fully into perspective it is important for us to know a few things first. This is not a catholic calendar event and it is not an interpolated or mathematically calculated event - this is like what our ancestors saw in the Realm of Sky and used to determine the end and start of their year. Our ancestors saw the start of the day/night cycle as beginning when the Sun would set. Our ancestors also saw the Celtic New Year start when the Sun and the Dark Moon aligned on the day/night that the star Antares (we call Tlachtga) had its heliacal setting. Antares is one of the 4 brightest stars in the belt of the zodiac and these 4 stars form an equal arm cross as part of the eight fold year. All part of the homestudy course details here.
Heliacal setting is an important magical thing that happens at dusk, the special time that is not day and not night, a liminal space where things change in the skies and here on Earth too - the birdsong stops, the temperature drops and we button up our coats... When the Sun has gone over 5* below the horizon and we cannot see it but its beams of light brighten the under cloud space and the royal star Antares (we call Tlachtga) gets to 3* or just above the horizon a special magic happens because the brightness of Tlachtga escapes the glare of the Sun and shines its own light through to us. It is a brief event but it is spectacular! The curvature of the atmosphere (meaning vapour ball) magnifies this and enlarges the star even more so it seems to get bigger as it shines its light to us before it too goes into the underworld. This is a 'unaided eye' visual experience that happens ever year even if cloud cover hides it from us. Recap - the Sun sets with the Dark Moon inside its inner circle and shortly after this the royal star becomes visible and gets bigger before it too goes into the underworld. But this Celtic New Year is even more fantastic than usual because the fast moving planets Mercury and Venus are also between the Sun and Earth as they set with the Dark Moon! That is two planets: Mercury and Venus with the Moon setting inside the Sun's circle and shortly afterwards the royal star Tlachtga gets brighter and bigger shining its own light briefly to us here on the third rock from the Sun before it too goes to the underworld.
Look south west at dusk, choose a high place with little or no light pollution, wrap up with a warm coat, scarf and hat and honour the Celtic New Year just as our ancestors did. Remember, if you are in the right place at the right time looking in the right direction calling on the right energy then maybe, just maybe there is a chance you could be heard.
Happy Celtic New Year to everyone on a Celtic Path.
/i\ Con 17/10/2022.