If anyone reading this disagrees with any of the factual points I make in this paper and can provide evidence to the contrary then I welcome your communication to the following email address [email protected] If I do not receive any such communication by the end of 2021 I will know that the truth stands and that I too stand secure in my truth, honour and respect in that I have protected the integrity of Celtic Druid Temple, its Druí and its members.
Celtic Druid Temple (CDT) is a regulated charity recognised by the Irish state as the Indigenous Religion of Ireland RCN20106003. CDT does not and never could charge for any courses as it is a religious charity and not an educational facility. CDT funds are generated only by membership and by donations – this pays CDT overheads running costs repairs phone tools and fuel for mower, strimmer for 16 acres of woodland upkeep etc. and Public Liability insurance etc. Our CDT accounts are published online every year.
I Con, as Ireland’s Druidschool, charge for the courses I facilitate which includes the Slí an Druí online course, our Celtic Spirituality Weekend etc. with overnight accommodation, top quality food, cotún etc. Running costs include clean bed linen, fuel for Tigín, Temple and Hemp Hall, contribution towards maintenance for our off grid sewerage system and our off grid electricity system, cleaning and so on. I also do lots without charge...
I Con Connor on behalf of CDT was a founding member of the Celtic Druid Alliance (CDA). Joaquim Pinto from a Portuguese druid group and Denis Guillio from a French druid group both approached me and asked me to help set up and be the leader of a new european based international grouping of druids.
I said No, but that I would help set up such a group if we could agree a system to prevent any hierarchy from forming or any individual from controlling or any single expression (religion) from becoming the dominant version - this was all agreed and written down on the CDA website as the Aims, Oath and Role of the Guardians, I have a full copies on file. This was all easily agreed to and I have clear pictures of that agreement that was signed in blue ink by Denis, Joaquim and I as CDA was set up in 2016. It was decided to call this group the Celtic Druid Alliance to show that it is different to the masonic based obod group who present as druids. Denis was the caretaker duty guardian for the first few months until our formal 1st gathering here at the Celtic Druid Temple in Fomhár 2016 when I was appointed as duty guardian with Denis and Joaquim as support guardians until 2019. In 2019 I handed the responsibility of duty guardian over to Joaquim at our 2nd CDA gathering in Portugal when Joaquim appointed Karl and Niamh as his two support guardians. The duty guardian is required to consult with the two support guardians on all matters that affect CDA. Not after the decision is made but before any decision could be made. When this became highly important - Joaquim acted in dishonour.
It was late in the evening of the 14th of November 2021 when Denis Guillo (of http://clairierebellovaque.webnode.fr/) in a private fb msg to me - wrongly accused and judged CDT to be like obod. This is a calculated and grievous insult where Denis seems to think that CDT and I, Con are the same thing and that CDT/I are treacherous to the Celtic Druid Alliance. This happened shortly after I had posted an info graphic about my new Patreon page (shown above) on my personal fb page and the CDT fb page - Denis responded with an ‘angry face emoji’ and I asked him why he did that. Denis responded “Pour la simple raison à mon sens notre Tradition ne peut être galvaudée* tel que le fait l'Obod”. (* treacherous word)
I read this (google translater) to mean “For the simple reason, in my opinion, our Tradition cannot be ‘soiled, sullied, stained or contaminated*’ as Obod does”. It was only later on in the fb ‘msg’ing that Denis said that CDT (meaning I, Con) should not charge money for any of the work I do as a full time Celtic Druid that I began to get clarity of what he was really accusing me/CDT of. This I now believe, was what he had long been saying in the shadows to members of other groups in CDA before he ‘angry faced’ my Patreon post. Next I sent many messages to Denis including - "I suggest that you either present your judgement and condemnation of me to the Duty Guardian of CDA for further action or withdraw and remove your dislike comment on my post about my new Patreon page immediately”. Denis then removed the ‘angry face emoji’ from my personal fb pg, but he did not present his “judgement and condemnation of me to the Duty Guardian of CDA for further action”.
Denis then said “De plus le CDA vous êtes majoritaire donc quel procès sinon le mien, mais cette fraternité pour moi n'existe plus.” I read this (using google translator) to mean “In addition the CDA you are in the majority so what trial if not mine, but this fraternity for me no longer exists.” How could Denis be on trial by CDA if he had already left CDA? In reality - Denis had already put me / CDT on trial and convicted and sentenced me with his shadow subterfuge where I was not allowed any opportunity of defence. This was his power play for sympathy from his initiated followers because if it was true then he should have left CDA by now if he was really that offended. He never brought his concern about my income from teaching into the light because he had agreed that he or anyone else had no right to do so when we set up CDA in 2016, so instead he used subterfuge. Be aware that Denis claims lineage from the fake druid John Toland who was a freemason and that he does the laying on of hands to transmit that lineage to his students which include Joaquim... This lineage transmission was casually suggested to me in 2016 but I politely declined as I stand in my own truth.
I asked Joaquim (http://www.atdlusitana.org/ current duty guardian in 2019-2022) to help sort this out. Denis had chosen a tricky confrontational method to bring his issue up only after he had organised his initiated members of CDA to agree in principle with his plan. Joaquim’s fb msg response to me showed that the CDA member’s decision of prejudgement, conviction and sentence of CDT/me was already made when he msg’ed me saying -
“I was receiving the same expressions of displeasure from all the French and Brazilian assemblies, which are considering leaving the CDA if it is not implemented as a principle not to charge for teachings or for courses that lead to a druidic degree.”
“And that they won't participate in the 2022 Gathering if this situation continues.”
“1)- Declare the extinction of the CDA, since almost all the groups will leave, including ATDL that in council also decided to leave (note that during my term as DG I do not participate in the ATDL Council, for reasons of impartiality; 2) - Declare the exclusion of the CDT from membership of the CDA or accept a request for the exclusion of the CDT from membership of the CDA; 3)... (suggestions) END.
This was an all of a sudden surprise to me but on reflection it looks like traditional political manipulation of the gullible as part of a covert set up. Joaquim as duty guardian was obliged to but did not consult with the two CDA support guardians during this judgement/sentencing process. The accusation, judgement and sentence that Denis designed had been made and delivered to CDT/me by Joaquim without any consultation with Karl and Niamh the two current support guardians or with Red John who is a CDA council member. This Denis ‘power-play’ with Joaquim’s ‘initiated obedience’ is like the classic twisted political plot of a cheap tv movie.
I was charging for some of my work as a Celtic Druid long before Denis and Joaquim approached me to set up this group in 2016. From my point of view my adding a Patreon page as an income stream does not require anyone's approval except that of the Patrons who happily support my work on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/celticpathwork
Joaquim as duty guardian only contacted Karl and Niamh (his two support guardians) after the decision of the Denis lineage was made looking for their (Karl and Niamh) input. This is a sham because Joaquim tried this classic pretend trick after the accusation, trial and sentence for CDT/me was already made.
Denis ignored the Aims of Celtic Druid Alliance, Oath for the Guardians and Role of the Guardians of which he was a co-founder and the Aims, Oath and Roles all have his unreserved approval by his signature. If he suddenly had a problem with me then he knew of the agreed methods to air his discontent. Joaquim (current duty guardian) has also ignored the Aims of Celtic Druid Alliance, Oath for the Guardians and Role of the Guardians of which he was a co-founder and his signature is beside mine and Denis’s signatures. Joaquim shows absolute unreserved support for his initiator into the Toland Freemasonic ‘Druid’ lineage. I have a picture of the signatures of Denis and Joaquim where they both agreed to honour the CDA Aims, Oath and Roles that they have now both clearly dishonoured.
Discussions within the senior Druí of CDT say there is no problem for me to receive income from my work as a Celtic Druid. Our CDT council also says that if CDT was not already thrown out of CDA then we should quickly leave and wash and dry all the CDA dirty laundry in public.
On a personal note - maybe Denis should drink less and learn to tame his ego and enjoy the success of others instead of sneaking around in the shadows trying to destroy with insult and slander. Maybe Joaquim should grow a pair and stand with truth and dignity instead of protecting his initiator who is obviously using dark forces on the innocent. Maybe CDA should remove all of the written contribution that I have made by their request from their website and see what is left...
/i\ Con
I asked the senior Druí of the Celtic Druid Temple for their opinion and support for going public with this paper. The following emails show full support for publishing this position paper on recent events in CDA from the senior Druí in the Celtic Druid Temple.
I agree with the attached statement, how Con does his work is no business of any other organization. Con is both living and walking the path, it is not a plaything for him to dress up at the weekend, I am happy for the letter to be sent to the CDA.
/i\ Frank
Hi Con,
I have read the draft and am happy to give my approval to send it to CDA and to publish it as a blog on the CDT website. The actions of the Duty Guardian Joaquim and the retired Guardian Denis show the utmost contempt for the Alliance; it's oaths, it's aims and it's hopes. Joaquim acted as if the alliance was a hierarchy, he had no respect for the role of the support guardians, he was in full knowledge of a developing problem, he received communications from members of the alliance and kept them secret from me and the second support guardian, Karl. Joaquim did not honour the protocol of the role of the Guardian instead he obeyed the will of Denis. I am happy that we are removing ourselves from people who act with such dishonesty and lack of honour.
/i\ Niamh Connor
Hi Con,
I have read the paper and am ok with it. I am quite taken aback by the situation. I had thought Denis and Joaquim had more integrity. Guess I was wrong.
Grá agus Solas
/i\ John
Hello Con,
I've read your text and for me it's okay. Just for your information: you know I thought I could maybe help to solve the problems, but unfortunately I didn't know that Joaquim informed me when everything was over. On a note from me he answered - in portugese. I take this for a personal disdain and absolutely unworthy for a druid that had called me ‘brother’ even two days earlier. No doubt that I'm deeply disappointed about this development. I instantly deleted my fb account, I'll forget these strange guys instantly.
Maybe universe has told us that there's enough to do in our smaller worlds, we won't have enough power to solve the world's problems before things concerning our friends around us here.
Grá agus solas
/i\ Karl