In 1517ad on October 31 we get ‘Reformation Day’ because Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses to the door of the Catholic church in Wittenberg, Germany. This started the Protestant Reformation. Bear in mind that calendar they all used was chaotic and was only secured as the current (fake time) version long after all the dating events given above. Pope Gregory XIII introduced the prevailing current commercial calendar in October 1582. This is the ‘calendar’ that has one extra day every four years... Gregory XIII’s biggest mistake was that he did not start his calendar with year zero as that concept did not exist - he started it at year 1 so every one using the current commercial calendar (fake time) is off by one year... plus one day every four years... plus no one can prove exactly when Jesus was born... lol.
On catholick helloween in American every year people spend billions of dollars on costumes, decorations, sweets, and other items. For example - in 2017, Halloween spending reached $9.1 billion compared to the $8.4 billion spent in 2016. This makes it second when compared to xmas revenue... It emerged as a tradition in America following mass emigration of Irish people in response to An Gorta Mor (the great hunger) of the 1850’s in Ireland but it has these days lost all connection to the pope’s efforts to displace Samhain as the current celebrations are ‘trick or treat’ witches, pumpkins and skeletons...
Chaos is celebrated at helloween in Ireland these days because tyres are burned, fireworks are used as attack weapons and in many places in the cities it is unsafe to wander... The ‘wiccan burning cult’ attacked and displaced the 17 year tradition of a native pilgrimage on helloween in 2018, most of the wiccans wore masks - “fools dressed as she-devils and he-devils” to quote one observer – see pic below.
So we know what the fires of helloween were and are about, we know too that they were always celebrated by the catholick church and we know what the exact timing for their ceremonial fires are. We also know that the ability of the church to regulate their event has long gone into chaos. We know that the ‘wiccan burning cult’ seeks to stand in where the priests of the church used to be i.e. between you and the Source.
A choice - The Celtic New Year is honoured at dusk on the Dark Moon of Samhain - 15 Nov 2020 while Helloween is a profitable event on the commercial calendar 31st October 2020 shrouded in fear and celebrated by the “wiccan burning cult” disconnected from the ways of our ancestors. Which do you honour?