The 1st whistleblower on the cult was just after the burning of the paraffin soaked 14’ high 8 spoke willow wheel (sacred sun symbol) on the actual ground inside the sacred temple at Tlachtga, just a few miles from Tara on catholick Halloween in 2018. I will refer to all anonymous whistle blowers as ‘he’. He felt it was all wrong and very disrespectful. He sent me a series of messages which allowed me to get an understanding of what was done and who the main performers were. My message to the Keeper of the Hill of Tlachtga got him to quickly visit the monument to take a series of photographs of the fire damage to the sacred site. With this info and pics I became the 2nd whistleblower on the cult when I wrote the ‘stopping the wiccan burning cult’ report. I got a garda investigation going with a pulse number, I got details of the minister’s grant aid to Cllr Gilroy of taxpayers funds, but there was no licence issued for any burning of anything on Tlachtga. Then all government departments ‘clammed up’ and eventually the garda response was 'there is no damage' – blindness to the wrong doings of their masters prevailed.
This was followed by a very stupid written threat (published below) from a solicitor who effectively became the 3rd whistleblower. In his letter he named his clients as – Gemma McGowan, Deirdre Wadding, Patsy Preston, Karen Ward, John Cantwell, Eimer Burke. (Note Eimer Burke is the current head of the english masonic obod group, Deirdre Wadding is the active head of the Fulloship of Isis). Until his letter I had no documented proof of who the perpetrators actually were – this is the 1st count of that solicitor being a whistleblower. Like many solicitor’s letters it was a puffed up snot of threats and demands. His 2nd count as a whistleblower was when he declared – "my clients are of the view that these publications (my report – “stopping the wiccan burning cult”) are designed to initiate hatred and damage to their current and future engagements in the cultural and heritage life." This means ‘money or revenue loss’ was their real concern. I was accused in his letter of defamation – this notion relates to potential loss of money by his clients because I exposed what they (his clients above) did on Tlachtga. The poor fool thought I’d be in fear when I would get his letter, instead I laughed because I could see right through it and how any legal action would involve 3 ministers of state, a corrupt garda report, a county councillor and a gaggle of money and glory seeking performers as well as how the president of Ireland was unwittingly (I hope) tricked into playing a role in a great deception at Uisneach. I could not personally organise all the above into a court case but the arrogant fools in the cult almost
Copies of the ‘stopping the wiccan burning cult’ report were supplied to all county councillors in Meath, to all tourism and heritage businesses and to all national newspapers. Its a very small clique that runs Ireland and they all clammed up. I wrote to Mr Clarke at Uisneach, and to Mr Clarke at Tlachtga informing them of what was happening. No replies were received.
And just after the interpolated cross quarter cosplay vulgar chanting performances at Uisneach 2022 by Deirdre Wadding’s synthetic costumed drum bangers – the 4th whistleblower sends me 3 messages that I’ve added together to be one report with my responses noted.
He says - “Hi apologies for the late message, I've just read your blog on stopping the wiccan burning cult which I was lead to from your post. I was previously involved in some of the ceremonies and I attended uisneach this year. Reading that blog made me sick to my stomach and brought up feelings of pure shame. I didn't fully realise what/who I was involved with and the symbolism behind it all A lot of stuff previously didn't make sense to me....and I say this with shame... especially my own ancestry, heritage and I guess my roots until I read that blog, it's helped put another piece of the puzzle together for me and I thank you for that I offer my sincerest apologies for ever being involved in these ceremonies and now that I understand fully what they are about, I will never attend one again. My eyes have truly been I'm just blown away This message comes with deepest gratitude for the work you both do
(I said - “thank you for sharing, thank you for listening to your heart, thank you for seeing through the gaudy glamour, thank you for your respect for our ancestors.” Grá Con)
He says - And thank you for helping to open my eyes even more to it all. It never felt right but now I understand why I feel truly gutted today that I willingly took part but on the upside it's opened a new door & path of understanding for me, from the bottom of my heart thank you
(I said - “great stuff - thank you for sharing. I quoted you anonymously hoping to encourage others to do so too. Check out” )
He says - I just read that and yes absolutely do what feels right...I was one of those women dressed in white in 2018...omg the shame I was also one of the herbalists "holding space" for the fire in 2019 I knew nothing about men not being allowed to partake, I was asked to be involved and i thought why not I know patsy Preston for over 25 years and i never thought she would be involved in anything that would be harmful to our ancestors, our sacred sites or our heritage, but the cycle of government funding and grants in all areas had me questioning a lot of things. Your blog confirmed so much for me...the level of infiltration runs so deep fucking hell my brain hurts but I'm also grateful
The above attached pic is of Deirdre Wadding – active participant and speaker at the wiccan burning cult of Talchtga 2018, the cult leader of the chanting drum bangers at the interpolated cross quarter cosplay event at Uisneach 2022 and so much more...
The pic below is of the letter from a solicitor confirming the exact names of the leaders of the 'wiccan burning cult' and that their main concern is income loss at being exposed. I reckon he charged them at least €50 each and was chancing his arm at getting me to pay him