your mind, body and spirit
that they try to enslave to their needs???
1) catholick church claim
Unam Sanctam - This is the papal bull (public decree, letters patent, or charter issued by a pope aka church law) that was issued by Pope Boniface VIII on 18 Nov 1302CE. In this ‘bull’ the dogmatic propositions on the unity of the Catholic Church are declared, all people must belong or be owned / controlled by the church to gain eternal salvation, it declares the pope as the supreme head of the Church and that all people must submit to the pope, that all people must belong to the Church to attain salvation. The ‘Unam Sanctum’ declares the temporal as well as spiritual supremacy of the pope. This in effect is a church law that gives total power to their pope over all physical and all spiritual aspects of human life i.e. the pope owns your soul...
The original ‘Unam sanctam’ document is lost, but a version of the text can be found in the registers of Boniface VIII in the Vatican Archives. Because the original ‘Unam sanctam’ document cannot be produced it is void (not valid or legally binding) and their claim could not be defended in any court of law!
Paraphrased, the terms of the Bull Laudabiliter are that: The Pope grants the King of England the right to "enter and take possession of" Ireland for God's honour and the welfare of Ireland. The Irish people are to accept the King of England with all honour and obey him dutifully as their liege lord, with the exception that the rights of the churches of Ireland are to be "inviolably preserved".The Papacy and Church of Rome are to receive one penny a year from each house in Ireland.The King of England is charged to improve the habits of the people of Ireland, particularly their lives, manners and conversation. The King of England is charged to ensure that the Christian Church is adopted by the people of Ireland, and the Christian faith "planted and increased".
There is no original Laudibiliter in the vatican archives. There is only the copy in the ‘poetical fiction’ book by Giraldus. Giraldus’s book is full of lies, distorted tales and wild fantasys all designed to empower Henry II to conquer Ireland in which the church is given a great deal... one penny / year / house for doing nothing.
Because the original ‘Laudibiliter’ document cannot be produced it is void (not valid or legally binding) and the claim of every english monarch to rule over Ireland with the popes approval could not be defended in any court of law!
This happened before ‘Unum sanctum’. But until the ‘Unam sanctam’ and the ‘Laudabiliter’ are successfully challenged in a court of law they have legal standing and thereby imperialism displaces indigenous practices.
Con Connor, senior Ard Druí /i\ with the Celtic Druid Temple challenged their odious imperial law system on the Hill of Tara at High Noon 23rd of April 2016 - see the video - and read the essays at
To formally leave the church and destroy their claims over you please see -
2) big pharma seeks total ownership
The weaponised flu that is currently being used used to terrorise the people of the world has multiple agendas. One of these is the claim of many ‘axeene’s’ to cure it but it is repeatedly demonstrated that being ‘axed’ does not stop you getting the engineered long term health problem... But - included in their ‘axeene’ is rDNA. rDNA is Recombinant DNA, this is a technology that uses enzymes to cut and paste together DNA sequences of interest to big pharma. By interest you may understand that ownership and control and profit to big pharma are meant. Effectively they make up new DNA to replace the natural immune human system. This means that it is no longer ‘your DNA’ but instead big pharma can claim ownership...
All mRNA vaccines are types of vaccines that use copies of molecules called messenger RNA (mRNA) to produce a synthetic (unnatural) immune response. The vaccine delivers molecules of commercially produced mRNA into human immune cells and thereby changes ownership right from you to big pharma. This designed mRNA becomes a blueprint to build foreign (unnatural) protein that they claim would normally be produced by a virus. These unnatural protein molecules are claimed to stimulate an adaptive immune response that teaches the body to identify and destroy the corresponding virus.
The first human clinical trial using ex vivo dendritic cells transfected with mRNA encoding tumor antigens (therapeutic cancer mRNA vaccine) was started in 2001. Four years later, the successful use of modified nucleosides as a method to transport mRNA inside cells without setting off the body's defence system was reported. Clinical trial results of an mRNA vaccine directly injected into the body against cancer cells were reported in 2008. This is all about unnatural experimental mutation of the natural DNA in people and it is becoming very obvious that it is not a cure for anything as many of the vaccinated are catching the disease anyway and many are dying from it.
Recombinant DNA or rDNA is a technology that uses enzymes to cut and paste together DNA sequences and Messenger RNA or mRNA vaccines force cells to make a protein that will trigger an immune response. For any vaccine to be successful, certain quantities of mRNA must be taken. But this is not easy - the mRNA molecules are too large to get through the cell membrane and because they carry a negative charge just like the cell membrane does they simply reject each other in the same way that two magnets repulse each other. mRNA is easily degraded by skin and blood... The double defence system of our healthy immune system against such industrial medications should have informed all scientists that their technology is against the natural world order, they obviously ignored this and chose money instead. No ethics or morals, no love and no respect for natural health - these scientists should all be named and brought to justice in the courts of human opinion and then stripped of all assets they accumulated by deliberately doing wrong.
From the tech speak above you can see why they need to keep on ‘jabbing’ as it is now referred to. They know where their synthetic medication policy is going and they know that it is wrong too. In the long term with enough of their forced medicine in a human body they can lay claim to ownership of your unique but now modified ‘blueprint’ because they have got enough of their muck inserted in you.
This violates your rights in so many ways, it interferes with your life span and reproduction potential - it breaks our inalienable fundamental rights as guaranteed in Bunreacht na hÉireann and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1948. It contravenes the Principles of International Law Recognized in the Charter of the Nüremberg Tribunal and in the Judgment of the Tribunal, 1950.
But you have rights if stand up and exercise those rights. Bigpharma and the governments of the world all seek to reduce / remove your rights through fear, coercion and bullying tactics. If you want more info on our Celtic Druid Temple, Indigenous Religion of Éire Policy Statement and to know how to politely decline all or any unnatural medications please see -
Join us in the Celtic Druid Temple, the Indigenous Religion of Éire and get an ID card. Members that choose to carry and use this card will have the ability to refer to a complete description / information page on our website of their rights as members of an indigenous religious group. This includes the “right to choose traditional medicines and natural holistic health practices” and can be used to politely and respectfully decline any vaccination or drug containing human foetal tissue, mercury or any other known or unidentified toxin/s. Members have the right to ask for a full list of ingredients in any medications / vaccinations. Because we hold Nature as Supreme Being we reject all unnatural or abnormal medications and we choose a healthy lifestyle with fresh air, living water and organic food as the means to creating and supporting a healthy immune system in tune with the natural order. The Celtic Druid Temple reaffirms is position that Nature is the Supreme Being and our members may decline all or any unnatural medications on religious grounds.
Membership of Celtic Druid Temple is free, people can turn up for free at any of our full moon ceremonies, people can participate in gatherings and heritage craft days, nature walks, tours, meditations all for free. If people would like to support the work the Temple does they may choose membership options where they can support our work with monthly donations. All the information about the ID card and how to use it to prove your chosen indigenous religion and claim religious exemption is also freely available - people may simply use that info if they wish...
3) deep state opinions as the only truth
The main stream media is rigged to support the plans of those who wish to rule over the people instead of serving the best interests of the people. The tv, radio and newspapers provide state approved opinions for their viewers, listeners and readers. Most people are habitual in that they will usually get the same media i.e. the same paper every day or every week and so on. RTE is a state controlled but funded by the people media visual and audio programming system. RTE is the Irish version of George Orwell’s ‘Big Brother’.
It has multiple distractions from what is really going on in Ireland and across the world with soap operas, football and disaster stories of pop stars etc. It is part of the deep state resource and does not serve the people any more. Maybe it did once, a long time ago but it no longer helps us.
It is easy to fix this one: do not pay the tv licence fee, get rid of your tv or tv’s, turn off the fascist radio jocks who insult people who hold their own opinions, only get free newspapers for lining the pigeon shed, lighting turf and wood fires in your homes etc etc.
But you can chose another path...