I asked - Please explain how "the actual astronomical event falls on the 5th of May" is calculated, astronomically speaking?
The reply was -
As I am sure you well know... Nowadays, Cross Quarter events/moments are interpolated as the split or bisector in degrees along the ecliptic between Solstices and Equinoxes which this year happens at 12:25 on May 5th. As for how the ancients calculated it ? Given the Irish weather, I'd say Good Vibes & Intuition. . . "astronomically speaking" of course
My reply was -
I only wanted to know how you can declare that "the actual astronomical event falls on the 5th of May". Astronomy is the measurement of the stars – a very definite mathematical discipline that until a few hundred years ago was part of Astrology which is the knowledge of the stars. You do not tell me how the stars or even which star/s were measured to set the date of 5th of May but you claim that there is an “actual astronomical event” to set the date of 5th of May. Your response includes your unsubstantiated claim that “As I am sure you well know…” - but I do not know how anyone can measure any star on the apparent path of the Sun among the constellations to set the date of the 5th of May as Bealtine. This is why I asked my question.
You do not explain how it happens at 12:25 either. Instead you interpolate which means “the insertion of something of a different nature into something else” as the basis for your “nowadays” calculations. This open declaration by you shows that you do not know “how the ancients calculated it (ie the true date for Bealtine)” because you state - “I'd say Good Vibes & Intuition” . . . "astronomically speaking" of course” thereby openly insulting the methodology of our wise ones and their advanced techniques because “Good Vibes & Intuition” are not, never were and can never be the basis for any calculations of the stars.
Your claim that your modern interpolation of mathematical calculations are superior to the wise ones knowledge of the stars to connect with the Eightfold Year of the Sun unless substantiated is beyond arrogance. Our ancestors were celebrating something way beyond your intellectual abstraction of interpolated mid points.
I attach a pic of the day sky with Sun glare removed as if you were looking at the sky from Tara at 12:25 on the 5th of May 2022. I do not see any “astronomical event” to determine the timing for Bealtine, even at 15* Taurus. Can you advise?
Another person replies to my question -
“it's 15° Taurus, like Samhain is 15° Scorpio”.
My reply -
What is at 15* Taurus that creates an astronomical event? Have a look at the attached graphic and help me to identify which star is being used in relation to how to determine Bealtine, please. Do you know that in Astronomy (the measurement of the stars) that Scorpio really only occupies 6* of the Zodiac? This is different to Astrology (the knowledge of the stars) where is it allowed to occupy 30* by incorporating all of the lost 13th sign…
My comment
The First Nations people of ‘America’ use the term “plastic shaman” to describe people who express / misrepresent their old indigenous culture with a syncretic approach, ignoring the given wisdom of tradition keepers and even claiming to know better that the actual people on the true indigenous Path. We might speak of ‘cherry picking’ or ‘cultural appropriation’ or even ‘complete misrepresentation’ for entertainment / commercial purposes / narcissistic glory by groups such as the 'wiccan burning cult' - https://www.celticdruidtemple.com/members-library1.html
In Turtle Island (America) the indigenous people have set up a list of ‘plastic shamans’ that is quite extensive and focused on exposing the fraud of those who steal the knowledge of the Path. Wiccanising our living heritage may be the greatest spiritual wrong being done in Ireland at this time. The Masonic Obods taking bits and pieces of our Irish indigenous practice adding it to their ineffective Kabbala practice really shows their emptiness. My own work regularly gets plagiarized and re-posted by people I do not know on the internet without acknowledgment – my work is often claimed as the work of another… I was even asked once by a plagiariser to prove that the article in question was actually mine!
What can be done? I do not want to hear that any publicity is good publicity or that plagiarism is a compliment or that I’m reaching a greater audience and so on… because the plagiarizer takes the teachings I give and uses them out of context to gain adherents to the plagiariser. What I mean by “What can be done” is how do true seekers get some protection from the thieves of truth by those who actually walk an Irish Celtic Path?
Suggestions welcome
/i\ Con
Beltine 2022