Your Intention
Like most journeys, some preparation is needed. On the most basic level, you'll need sturdy walking boots, appropriate clothing i.e. layers and a rain coat. Maybe you'd like to bring a walking stick or staff. I have been crafting my own staff in preparation for my pilgrimage to Crom. This has been a focusing tool for me. I have formally introduced my staff to two of three realms and when I take the mountain path to the sky realm I will introduce my staff to the wonders of Sky. The walk will be a powerful experience for you if you prepare and become really clear on your intentions. Perhaps you wish to express gratitude, celebrate your connection to Spirit, declare love.......
Being Present When we arrive at the foot of the mountain, as well as some basic stretches I will guide the group in a series of Light Energy exercises. These are the same set of exercises we do when we prepare for any ceremony. Following this, an opportunity will be created for you to declare your intention (this will be optional, you may declare it in silence or out load) this will help focus your mind for the walk. Some tips will be shared for slowing your thinking brain so that you take in as much as the journey as possible, for instance it will be reccommended that for the first part, we walk in silence and with a respectful distance between each member of the group. We will stop half way up and take part in a mindfullness exercise, ensuring that we are fully focused and awake. |
Celebration We will take our time and enjoy the physical element of the journey, when we reach our destination, we will take some time for a peacful meditiation then stand in circle and celebrate the Summer Solstice with ceremony. When the ceremony is finished there will be time to do a little exploring on the mountain. We will then make the journey home with a renewed sense of connection and purpose. | View of Lough na Corra from Crom |