I’ve looked for my whole life to find an uncontaminated connection to the indigenous ways of this island and have realised that it is only in the Realm of Sky that we still have the chance of finding such a pure connection. All their smoke and mirrors and misdirections cannot change what is alive and shining bright - we just have to look at the stars without the dark limited perceptions of those who would deny our connection to source. I have posted many images of the stars, sunsets, eclipses etc over the last few months because I have focused my research into the Relam of Sky and there is so much truth to be seen there. I reckon I have found the ancestral method for the true dating of Samhain, Imbolg, Beltine agus Lughnasa that our ancestors used. It is a scientific (i.e. repeatable) formula that uses the Sun, Moon and Stars at Sunset to plot the correct timing. What gets me about this is that I knew this ‘answer’ over 20 years ago but did not apply it!
I have made a formula for use in calculation of the dates and I have found that the Hindu tradition uses the same / similar techniques. Their Diwali is our Samhain and the same dating techniques are used to determine the correct date/s for celebration. So this year I have created a Moon Year Calendar and Sun year Calendar using these methods. This will be online at https://www.celticdruidtemple.com/ soon. I will include this understanding in my next (currently being written) book entitled “Sacred Starlore of the Tuatha De Danannan”. I will also teach a Saturday class here that includes this topic during February and March - more info later. Pre-register at [email protected] subject ‘Wisdom in the Hemp Hall’.
A blanket of heavy energy has been lifted off allowing all seekers to make their own connection and support those who wish to walk their own Path to the ways of the ancestors. The portals are through our sacred starlore but before you seek access let go of the all things that do not serve your spiritual alchemy to your highest expression. Be sure to bring your smile expressing your inner peace.